thermal container

[ˈθɚməl kənˈtenɚ][ˈθə:məl kənˈteinə]


  • Research of solar energy thermal container

    太阳能 冷暖 的研制

  • Study on the Thermal Degradation Characteristic of Pulp Mould Fast Food Container

    纸质快 餐具 降解特性

  • Thermal Analysis of Launch Vehicle Third Class Container during Space Sliding Time

    某运载火箭三级 滑行段 分析计算

  • Analysis of temperature field and thermal stress of multilayer flat container for extruding aluminum sheet with flange by FEM

    大型整体壁板用扁挤压 的温度场及 应力分析

  • The article summarizes the technological development of China 's thermal flow process equipment mechanical process equipment heat transfer process equipment mass transfer process equipment chemical process equipment and pressure container and forecasts their development orientation .

    综述了我国 热力流体过程装备、机械过程装备、传热过程装备、传质过程装备、化学过程装备及压力 容器的技术进展,并展望了其发展方向。

  • The developed software is so convenient and low-cost as to provide excellent environment for further study on the thermal performance of refrigerated container .

    所开发的软件使用方便、成本低,为研究冷藏 集装箱 热工性能提供良好的环境。

  • The cascade refrigeration system can be applied to the thermal vacuum test facility of spacecraft subassembly ordinary pressure high and low temperature test container low temperature box for medicine and so on .

    复叠制冷系统可以应用于卫星部组件 真空试验设备、高低温试验 以及医用低温箱等。

  • Adopting design of ventilation and heat conduct to reduce the temperature of the inner shell especially to ameliorate the reasonable distribution of thermal stress in the shell is a very good manner to increase the safe life of the container .

    采用散热通风有效地降低槽壳温度,特别是改善槽壳 温度应力的合理分布,是提高 -力耦合作用下电解 安全寿命的有效途径。

  • A brief introduction of the specification process and structure of 40-foot LNG pot container is followed by a presentation of the thermal leakage of the vacuum multilayer insulation pot container .

    简介了40英尺LNG罐式集装箱的技术参数、流程和结构;对真空多层绝热罐式 集装箱进行了漏 热量计算;

  • To guarantee the refrigerated container run security and keep good performance it is necessary to test its structure parameter and thermal performance . So environment testing is the most important measure methods the purpose is to verify and improve the reliability and adaptability of the refrigeration container .

    要保证冷藏 集装箱的运行安全和性能良好,需要对其结构参数和 热工性能指标进行测试,而环境试验是考核和提高其可靠性及环境适应性的重要手段。

  • Design and Performance Analyses of Thermal Protection Structure of Accident-resistant Packaging Container

    抗事故包装 防护结构的设计及其性能分析

  • To ensure the working reliability of the third class rocket engine during the satellite emission the thermal coupling analysis of pressurization gas propellant and container wall was studied through I-DEAS TMG in this paper .

    为保证某火箭三级发动机二次启动的可靠性,在分析滑行段 环境的基础上,用I-DEASTMG软件对三级贮箱内增压气体、推进剂、 壁进行气液固三相耦合 分析。

  • Thermal Analysis of LNG Container and Experimental Study of Thermal Conductivity in Solid Reinforced Plastic

    液化天然气 储罐 分析及固体复合材料导热系数实验研究

  • The magnitude of the thermal process is also related to the heating and cooling characteristics of the product in the container .

    处理的强度也与 容器内产品的加热、冷却性有关。

  • The challenge associated with establishing the necessary thermal process is maintaining a high-temperature environment around the container for a duration of time needed to meet the minimum process at the slowest heating location in the container .

    与达到要求的 处理条件有关的挑战是维持高温环境达到一定的所需时间,使 容器内传热比最差的点满足最低的加热处理条件。

  • The high temperature solid-liquid phase change thermal energy storage container can combine with alkali metal thermal-electricity direct switch technology and form regenerative alkali metal thermal-electricity direct switch device it can be used in the diving device under water and serves as motive force source on the spacecraft .

    高温固液相变 蓄热 可以与碱金属热电直接转换技术相结合构成蓄热式热电直接转换装置,它可用于水下潜器和航天器上作为动力源使用。

  • The heat radiated by nuclear waste for long term will generate thermal field which causes thermal stress and degrade the property of concrete the primary material of container making for nuclear waste .

    由于核废料长期辐射产生热量,使得 储存 容器的主要材料&混凝土材料性能发生劣化、 容器内部产生 应力及形成温度场。

  • Three dimensional thermal analysis of phase change material container

    相变材料 容器的三维 分析

  • Therefore this work demonstrates the novel approach improving thermal and optical stabilities of a chiral pharmaceutical with LDH as a molecular container .

    论文工作探讨了利用水滑石类无机层状材料提高手性药物 稳定性和 旋光稳定性的新途径。

  • Under the action of thermal state steel slag steel slag and the container 's self weight the slag ladle can produce both thermal stress caused by the temperature and gravity stress caused by the gravity action .

    态钢渣以及钢渣和 罐体自重作用下,渣罐会产生由温度引起的热应力和由重力作用引起的重力应力。

  • The results show that the thermal degradation of pulp mould container is obvious and the parameters evaluating the degradation extent change significantly .

    实验表明:纸质 餐具 降解明显,评价降解程度的各参数都发生了较大的变化。