wire table

[waɪr ˈtebəl][ˈwaiə ˈteibl]


  • However a main limitation of the wire bonder in high-speed machining tasks is their low level of X-Y table accuracy which is largely due to various errors .

    限制 引线键合机定位在高速加工过程中正常工作的一个主要因素是其定位平台的低精度,而影响其精度的一个重要因素是由于装配过程中所引起的各种几何误差。

  • Simulation Analysis and Experimental Study of Wire Bonder Precision Positioning Table

    合机精密工作 仿真分析与实验研究

  • Two years later through aid to artisans and Artecnica he created Tatu a wire table that breaks down into a bowl a tray and a basket .

    两年后,通过“援助工匠”和artecnica,他创作了一款名为 tatu的网架咖啡 ,这个 桌子可以分解成一个碗、一个盘子和一个篮子。

  • The next hopper and sieves the wire table to have the air cylinder control system to have the safeguard to the mechanical operation security .

    下料斗及 筛网 均配有气缸控制系统对机械操作的安全性更有保障。

  • Cable table that the length of each wire tables process design the need to pass each wire node and add distance between nodes and the results entered into the cable table .

    排线表即产品每根导线的长度统计表,工艺设计时,需要根据每 导线经过的节点和节点之间的距离进行相加,然后将结果输入到排线 中。

  • Now that all the primitives have been added to the canvas you need to implement the wire shown in the table below

    现在已经向画布添加了所有原语,接下来需要实现下 中所示的 连接

  • The wire load model which based on the lookup table can give out the cell delay and wire delay according the fan in fan out and drive length of the logic cells .

    基于查找 线载模型可以计算出逻辑单元的延时,而且可以根据输入斜坡函数和输出电容计算输出斜坡函数。根据负载的大小可以从线载模型的查找 中得到连线延时。

  • Combining with the course control of rope core diameters of steel wire ropes for elevators the FMEA table is established .

    结合电梯用 钢丝绳绳芯直径过程控制,建立电梯 钢丝绳绳 直径潜在失效模式及后果分析

  • To establish math model respectively for winding wire rope and steel wire on spool according to production situa-tion and by analysis of the math model and making use of Excel table to fast get the length of entanglement or other param-eters and load of spool .

    根据生产情况,对工字轮中的钢丝绳和 钢丝分别建立数学模型,通过对数学模型的分析,利用Excel 表格,快速获得卷装物的长度或工字轮的参数和容重。

  • Finally the preload measuring system was constructed by employing an example of a wire race ball bearing with a diameter of 1000 mm used in a certain type of aircraft simulating rotary table .

    以某型号飞行仿真 转台中直径为1000mm的 WRBB为例,组建了预紧测量系统,实验结果与理论结果吻合良好。

  • To have any chance of success the APPP needs a terrorist faction which would advocate cutting the wire in the middle of the table that connects the laptop to the projector .

    要想有一线成功的希望,反PPT党就需要在党内组建一个恐怖主义派别。这些人将鼓吹砍断 桌子中央连接笔记本电脑与投影仪的 连接 线

  • The wire race ball bearing which is researched in this thesis is used in a certain type of aircraft simulating rotary table . It requests higher positioning accuracy lower friction torque and higher supporting stiffness .

    本文研究的某型号飞行器仿真 转台 WRBB要求有高的定位精度、支承刚度和低的摩擦力矩。基于此本文对WRBB轴系的预紧量控制、支承刚度进行了理论与实验研究。

  • Through a numerical method developed in MATLAB ? two mathematical model theoretical curves were obtained by employing an example of a wire race ball bearing used in a certain type of aircraft simulating rotary table .

    以某型号飞行器仿真 转台 WRBB为实例,通过MATLAB?编程求解绘制出两种数学模型的理论曲线。