thermoelectric cooler

[ˌθɚmoɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈkulɚ][ˌθə:məuiˈlektrik ˈku:lə]


  • The LD module consists of a DC-PBH laser diode a pin photodiode for monitoring the laser power a thermoelectric cooler and a thermis-ter .

    组件包括LD芯片,LD背光监测pin光电二极管, 半导体 制冷器和一个热敏电阻。

  • Temperature control using thermoelectric cooler has incomparable advantages which can ensure high temperature stability .

    采用 制冷器进行 半导体 激光器的温度控制,具有不可比拟的优势,可以保证 半导体 激光器具有很高的温度稳定性。

  • FUZZY-PID control of thermoelectric cooler in infrared axletree detector

    红外轴温探测器 半导体 FUZZY-PID控制

  • This paper first analyzes the key techniques of the semi-conductor technology according to the physical features of the Thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ) and then provides the overall blue-print design of this system .

    本文首先根据 半导体 制冷器(TEC)的物理特性分析了半导体制冷技术的关键,给出了系统的总体设计方案。

  • Make sure the parameter of the hardcore parts choose thermoelectric cooler design the frame of the unit and match the refrigeration system .

    确定 半导体制冷核心部件的参数,如 半导体 制冷 的选择、容器内部结构及系统的匹配。

  • At a given ambient temperature condition the selection of thermoelectric cooler is a key to the effective temperature control .

    在给定环境温度条件下, 热电 制冷器的选型是整个温控系统有效控温的关键。

  • Thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ) is commonly used to cool and maintain laser diode module ( LDM ) junction at predetermined temperature therefore the simulation for performance of TEC is very important for thermal design and optimization of LDM .

    作为半导体激光器组件的重要一部分, 热电 制冷器(TEC)工作特性的模拟对激光器组件的设计与优化有着重要的意义。

  • Performance Simulation of the Tester Regulated by Thermoelectric Cooler / Heater System

    半导体 制冷/制热试验箱性能模拟和调节

  • Dynamic characteristic of thermoelectric cooler surface temperature

    半导体 致冷表面温度的动态特性

  • As a new type device the micro thermoelectric devices have been used as cooler generator and sensor .

    作为新型的 热电器件,微型 热电 器件在发电、 制冷和传感器等领域获得了重要应用。

  • In addition compound cooling system of thermoelectric cooler and heat pipe cooler is discussed qualitatively .

    另外,对 热电-热 复合制冷系统进行了初步的探讨,即对 热电 冰箱热端用带液池的重力热管散热器进行了定性的分析。

  • Temperature is an important factor that affect the accuracy of precision instruments . This system realizes Thermostatic control of the circuit system based on thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ) .

    温度是影响精密仪器精度的重要因素,本文基于 半导体 制冷器对电路系统进行恒温控制。

  • A thermoelectric cooler was used as the main component of temperature controlling in hot embossing device to acquire high precision temperature control .

    采用 热电 作为温度控制的主控元件构建了热压成型系统。

  • Dynamic model and temperature control of thermoelectric cooler under complex environment

    复杂环境下 半导体 的动态模型及温度控制

  • For uncooled focal plane array pixel maintain a steady temperature can improve the precision temperature control system based on ADN8830 single-chip thermoelectric cooler controller is designed .

    本文针对非制冷焦平面阵列像元温度保持恒定可以提高测试精度的问题,提出了基于ADN8830单芯片 热电 制冷器控制器的温控系统设计。

  • In the system a thermoelectric cooler was used to control the temperature of the laser-diode which realized the totally solid cooling system and a digital PWM power amplifier with high-precision was designed based on the characteristics of thermoelectric coolers .

    利用 半导体器作为控温执行器件,构成了全固态 致冷系统,并且针对TEC的驱动特性,设计了一种高精度数字PWM功率驱动器。

  • The method using high-efficient and high-power H bridge driving circuit DRV592 as a driver in thermoelectric cooler to form thermostat cooler system for high-power laser diodes is presented .

    介绍了利用高效、大功率H桥驱动集成块 DRV592作为 热电 的驱动器构成大功率激光二极管恒温致冷系统的方法。

  • In this paper mathematical model of a single-stage thermoelectric cooler is developed according to the mathematical model analytical solutions for Qc and COP are derived in the steady-state conditions .

    本文以一常规单级 半导体 制冷器为研究对象,通过建立数学模型求得其 制冷量,COP在稳态条件下关于各影响参数的解析解。

  • High Precision PWM Power Amplifier Based on Thermoelectric Cooler

    基于 半导体 的高精度PWM功率驱动器

  • Intelligent Testing System for △ T. Q Parameter of thermoelectric cooler

    半导体 器△T·Q参数智能测试系统

  • This paper particularly analyzes the mathematical model of thermoelectric cooler and establishes the corresponding spice model .

    本文详细分析了 热电 制冷器的数学模型,并建立了相应的spice仿真模型。

  • The merits of temperature controlling schematic by single chip microcomputer liner mode monolithic thermoelectric cooler controller and switch mode monolithic thermoelectric cooler controller are discussed .

    并讨论了单片机、线性模式单芯片 热电 制冷器控制器和开关模式单芯片热电制冷器控制器温控方案的优缺点。

  • The Peltier elements ( thermoelectric cooler ) in conjunction with suitable electronic feedback control circuits can maintain the temperature of an object precisely within ± 0.1 ℃ .

    Peltier器件(又 热电 )与合适的反馈控制电路相连可将一物体的温度精密地保持在±0.1℃以内。

  • This paper deals with method of soldering thermoelectric cooler with metal dewar of infrared detector .

    本文论述了四级微型 半导体 与红外探测器金属杜瓦瓶的钎焊方法。

  • A fast thermal tuning method of LD was proposed which we changed the LD temperature fast and continuously by exerting a larger cyclic drive current to the thermoelectric cooler ( TEC ) in LD component .

    提出了快速温度调谐的方法并搭建了实验装置,通过给激光二极管组件中的 热电 制冷器(TEC)施加较大的周期性驱动电流改变激光腔温度实现快速连续调谐。

  • This study has a certain significance on the thermoelectric cooler and module design .

    本文的研究对实际 半导体 制冷 系统 热电模块的设计具有一定的指导意义。

  • Heat Dissipation Analysis of High Power LED Based on Thermoelectric Cooler

    基于 热电 制冷的大功率LED散热性能分析

  • It is composed of temperature sampling circuit and thermoelectric cooler driver .

    该模块由温度采样和 制冷器驱动两部分构成。

  • Thermoelectric cooler has dynamic thermoelectric performance under complex environment an unstable heat exchange condition or a requested fast adjust time condition .

    半导体 在环境温度变化大,热传导不稳定,温度调节时间要求快等恶劣条件下工作时具有复杂的热电特性。