thermal converter

[ˈθɚməl kənˈvɚtɚ][ˈθə:məl kənˈvə:tə]


  • After all these improvement methods to be adopted the limiting value (≈ 2.5 σ) or the AC / DC transfer error caused by thermal converter will be less than 10 ppm in AC power measurement with single time .

    当这些措施都被采用后,在进行单次交流功率测量时,可使由 热电 变换 引起的交、直流转换误差的极限值(≈2.5σ)小于10ppm。

  • Mobile thermal gun plays an important part in converter maintenance .

    自行式 喷补 转炉维护中发挥着重要作用。

  • A New Design of the Coaxial Thermal Converter at Radio Frequencies

    高频同轴 热电 转换器新方案的探讨

  • In order to suppress the heat effect of blue laser using planoconcave cavity when working use Thermal Energy Converter ( TEC ) to control the temperature of gain medium Nd : YAG crystal and SHG ( Second Harmonic Generation ) LBO crystal .

    为了解决平凹腔蓝光固体激光器晶体在工作中因 效应问题产生的影响,针对激光的增益介质Nd:YAG晶体和用以倍频的LBO晶体,采用半导体 制冷器(TEC)准确控制其工作时的温度。

  • The reasonable choice of material proper solution of thermal expansion problem with tube sheet stress analysis and reasonable structure design must be considerable in the design of tube sheet type methanol synthesis converter .

    管壳式甲醇合成 的设计必须重视合理选材,解决好 膨胀问题与管板应力分析,及结构合理设计。

  • To ensure the AC / DC transfer error caused by thermal converter to be less than 20 ppm there are some special and tight needs for thermal converter in AC power measurement with single time .

    为了保证在单次功率测量时由 热电 变换 引起的交、直流转换误差小于20ppm,对热电变换器提出一系列的特殊要求。

  • The Application of the Novel Coaxial Thermal Converter in High Frequency Voltage Measurement

    新型同轴 热电 转换器在高频电压计量中的应用

  • The Theoretical Analysis of Alkali Metal Thermal - to - Electric Converter

    碱金属 热电 转换器(AMTEC)理论分析


    钢包扩容 保温技术的研究长治钢铁厂6吨 转炉扩容挖潜

  • Taking A / Dvantage of thermal resistance through the constant current source putting the temperature into voltage and then by 24-bit high-precision A / D converter a convenient digital signal imported into DSP .

    硬件的实现是利用 热敏电阻通过恒流源激发将温度值转化为电压值,经24位的高精度A/D 转换器,转化为便于处理的数字信号提供给DSP。

  • This paper points out the disadvantages in the motor overload protection with the thermal relay and then introduces a new method for the motor overload protection in which the programmable controller ( PC ) and A / D converter are used .

    指出现有的采用 继电器作电动机过载保护控制方式有缺点,提出了采用可编程序控制器和A/D 转换电路来实现电动机过载保护的新方法。

  • According to substrate conditions of the thermal neutron converter the aluminized polyimide film is selected as this substrate .

    根据 中子 转换体需要的衬底条件,选择了镀铝的聚酰亚胺薄膜作为衬底。

  • Because the dynamics response times of these subsystems are different the thermal management subsystem and the water management subsystem are not considered . We put importance on air supply system and DC / DC converter system .

    由于各子系统动态响应时间不同,本文忽略 管理子系统和水管理子系统,最终基于进气系统和DC/DC 变换 的动态对气管理系统和能源管理系统进行了研究。

  • Large-scale converter equipment and high productivity is the keypoint to improve the thermal efficiency of converter steelmaking .

    转炉的设备大型化和高生产率是提高 转炉炼钢 效率的关键。

  • Based on mass and thermal balances in steelmaking process and the physicochemical of metallurgical reaction the model performed charging calculation of converter process from raw material preparation to steel treatment .

    以转炉冶炼过程的物料平衡、 热量平衡关系以及炼钢反应的理化原理为依据,该模型完成了 转炉 冶炼从备料到钢水处理各阶段的下料计算。

  • Study of Thermal Stability of Ammonia Converter with Two stages Radial Flow and Indirect Heat Exchanger

    两段径向间接换热式氨合成 稳定性研究

  • In the paper the calculation result shows that every one thermal neutron acts on the outside surface of the converter 0.131 4 fusion neutrons with a spectrum ranging from 13.5 to 15.5 MeV are produced inside the converter .

    初步计算表明:1个 中子作用在 6LiD源室外表面将在源室内腔中产生0.1314个快中子;所产生的快中子具有很好的聚变谱特点,能量集中在13.5~15.5MeV之间。

  • Study on power conditioning system for alkali metal thermal to electric converter

    碱金属 热电 转换器功率调节系统研究