thermal medium

[ˈθɚməl ˈmidiəm][ˈθə:məl ˈmi:djəm]


  • Inspection and Test of the Heater with thermal medium U.S.A

    对美国 炉的验收与测试

  • The thermodynamic model was established for analyzing the temperature and the thermal stress in laser medium .

    为模拟激光 介质的温度、 应力的分布和变化,建立了 激光 介质热力学计算模型。

  • The paper analysed the convective heat transfer coefficient of organic heat transfer material heater takeing a usual thermal medium for example .

    以一种常见 导热 为例对有机热载体锅炉的对流受热面传热系数进行计算分析。

  • The status parameter of thermal medium is important parameter in process of production .


  • The use of slab geometric structure in laser can greatly reduce thermal effects of laser medium but further analysis of its impact is necessary for optimizing the efficiency of lasers .

    激光器中激光 介质采用板条状几何结构可以极大地降低它的 效应,但仍然需要进一步分析其影响,进而优化激光器效率。

  • The experiment validation of the dynamic simulation model for 3 dimensions thermal network of medium temperature solar collector system

    温太阳集热器系统热状态特性数值模拟的三维动态 网络实验验证

  • Maximum heat transfer performance of thermal drive can be achieved in high rotating speed and lower heat flux if liquid Na-K was employed as thermal drive medium .

    研究结果表明高转速,低加热量时,采用液态钠钾合金为 驱动 介质可以得到最好的热驱动换热效果;

  • In comparision with traditional thermal and medium decomposition the supercritical fluid technique can realize quick and high efficient decomposition of waste plastics the composition of the product can be controlled by control of conditions of decomposition reaction .

    与传统的 分解方法和 介质分解方法相比,超临界流体可实现塑料废弃物的快速、有效分解,通过分解反应条件的控制可以控制产物组成。

  • In the process of calculation they must look up from charts and tables to confirm the status parameters of thermal medium and its change .

    在计算过程中要频繁地查图、查表来确定 热力参数及其变化量。

  • Utilization of Thermal Energy at Medium and Late Development Stages in Shallow and Thin Heavy Oil Reservoirs

    浅薄稠油 后期开采 热能利用技术研究

  • By the thermal storage medium phase change materials can regulate the temperature of environment .

    相变储能材料利用 材料 的储 介质调节周围环境温度。

  • The system has the advantage of high accuracy very high temperature resolution good dynamic response and immunity to the electro magnetic interference . So it may be used in microwave treatment and thermal monitoring of Medium Voltage Substations .

    该系统具有抗电磁干扰、测温准确、分辨率高、动态响应好等优点,可以应用于生物医疗和变电站等 场所 温度监控。

  • Development and thermal analysis of the medium temperature heat pipe solar receiver

    温太阳能热管接收器的开发与 传热分析

  • After discussing flow behaviors of polymers near the glass transition temperature the mathematical model of heat transmission through thermal medium and the mathematical model of pressure distribution within polymer were studied .

    在分析塑料玻璃化温度附近的流变行为基础上,研究了微通道 热压过程 的材料传热数学模型、应力场分布数学模型。

  • Users can look up the status parameters of thermal medium conveniently and rapidly and can analyze and calculate some typical thermal process .

    使用该系统,用户可以方便、快捷地查询 常用 的状态参数,并对一些典型热工过程进行分析计算。

  • Estimation of Thermal Efficiency of Medium & Minitype Gas - Fired Boiler

    小型燃气锅炉 效率估算

  • The ground source heat pump which uses the ground as its heating and cooling source is a renewable energy technology . It uses the ground as its thermal storage medium which realizes the concept of cross-quarter usage of resources .

    土壤源热泵是一种可再生能源利用的技术,它利用土壤这一庞大的 蓄热 ,可实现资源的跨季度利用。

  • Ln this paper the diffraction rings induced by thermal nonlinearity in medium have been analysed by diffraction theory .

    本文通过衍射理论分析了 介质中由于 致非线性而产生的衍射环。

  • Management and Maintenance of The Marine Thermal Medium Boiler

    船用燃油 载体锅炉的管理与维护

  • Hydrated salt which is easily accessible low cost and high thermal storage density was once considered as the ideal phase change thermal storage medium but this material has two major drawbacks : undercooling and crystallization .

    水合盐因易于获取、成本较低且储热密度大而一度被认为是较理想的相变储 介质,但这种材料有两大缺点:过冷和析晶。

  • The Workmanship of Thermal Spray Coating Medium Temperature Reactive Sintering

    喷涂层的 温反应烧结工艺

  • Homogeneously heating can be obtained by employing the steel tile s as thermal balance medium in horizontal roller track style tempering oven and the steel tile can also act as a protector of heating element .

    采用钢瓦作为水平辊道式钢化炉 平衡 介质,实现了均匀加热,并对加热元件有保护作用。

  • Problem Existing in Thermal Medium Boiler and its Solving Method


  • The high temperature thermal medium oil touchs the air in the traditional expansion system it will be oxidated quickly .

    在传统的开式膨胀系统中,由于高温 油与空气接触容易氧化。

  • In the thermal medium the stimulated thermal gluon emission reduces while absorption increases the parton 's energy . The net contribution result in a reduction of the parton energy loss .

    介质 ,受激的热胶子发射降低部分子的能量,而热吸收增加部分子的能量,其净贡献导致部分子能量损失的减少。

  • When the rotating speed and heat flux both are high the proper thermal drive medium is liquid Li which can result in maximum heat transfer performance .

    在高转速,高加热量时以液态锂为 驱动 介质时,热驱动换热能力最强。

  • C8mimPF6 : An Ideal Thermal Storage Medium

    C8mimPF6&理想的载 介质

  • There-fore the Second Engineering Company of Pipeline Construction Bureau of China National Petroleum Corporation developed a melting bitumen apparatus with hot oil as thermal transfer medium .

    中油气管道局第二工程公司研制出导 热油间接熔化沥青装置。

  • The heating system using thermal oil as medium has found more and more application in offshore engineering development .

    介质油为加热 媒介的供热系统在海上油气田开发工程中正越来越多地得到应用。

  • The selection of thermal storage medium ;

    主要内容包括国内外 蓄热技术的研究现状;蓄热 介质的选择;