wire cut

[waɪr kʌt][ˈwaiə kʌt]

[机] 钢丝粒

  • According to the result of experiment two appropriate ways : oscillograph method and galvanometer method were advanced to adjust the converter feed so that the quality of wire cut EDM could be improved .

    通过实验结果观测分析,提出 在线 切割加工中,利用示波器法和电流表法来合理调整变频进给,从而提高加工质量。

  • In this paper a preliminary research on the water-based working fluid applied to wire cut machining was carried out on .

    本文对全水基线 切割工作液进行了初步研究。

  • An approach of adding a axis of rotation to wire cut electric discharge digital control machine tool and how to use this new machine is discussed in this paper .

    介绍了对数控 线 切割机床增加一个回转轴的改造方法,及如何利用新增加的回转轴来进行加工;

  • Metal wire cut electrochemical machining ( MWEM ) technology is a new metal cutting machining method that based on the principles of electrochemical machining .

    金属电化学 线 切割加工技术是利用电化学加工原理进行金属切割的一种新加工工艺。

  • The algorithm has been used in CAD / CAM system of wire cut EDM for automatic selecting of electrical parameters .

    该方法已用于 线 切割CAD/CAM系统,实现了放电参数的自动选择。

  • Main products include cast iron shots . cast steel shots steel wire cut shots and stainless steel shots etc. Design of Blast Cleaning Streamline for Engine Cylinder Lid and Cylinder Body

    主要生产抛喷丸用铸铁丸、碳丸、钢丸、 丸、锈钢弹丸。4JB1发动机缸盖缸体内腔喷丸清理线的设计

  • This paper introduces it ′ s basic features and a application on a 4 axis wire cut machine control .

    本文主要介绍了该数控系统的基本结构和特点,以及用其实现4坐标锥度 线 切割控制系统的实例。

  • How to adjust the converter feed in wire cut EDM

    电火花 线 切割加工中合理调整变频进给

  • With its simple practical character the scheme is well fit for programing of NC wire cut machining .

    由于算法的简单、实用,很适于数控 线 切割加工编程。

  • Reasons for Crack and Deformation of Die During Wire Cut and Methods to Prevent

    模具 线 切割开裂和变形的原因与预防措施

  • And the major products include relevant plastic and metal parts We also do the machining Of wire cut machine and manufacture of precision plastic .

    主要产品为电子类设备相关的塑胶,五金零件以及生产所使用的模具,精密治具等,同时对外承接 慢走 加工,注塑加工。

  • Study on automatic programming system of wire cut EDM for non - circular gears

    非圆齿轮的 线 切割自动编程系统研究

  • Taking the workpiece thickness peak value current pulse width and pulse interval as input data and the processing speed and surface roughness as output data to establish technological models for fast Wire Cut processing respectively with neural network technology and nonlinear regression theory .

    以工件厚度、峰值电流、脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔为输入参数,以加工速度和表面粗糙度为输出参数,分别用神经网络技术与非线性回归理论建立了快走 丝线 切割加工的工艺模型。

  • By combining the technologies of USB with that of Computer Numerical Control ( CNC ) of Wire Cut Electric Discharge Machining ( WEDM ) a system of PC for WEDM based on USB are designed .

    本文将USB总线和 线切割数控结合于一体,提出了基于USB总线的电火花 线 切割控制卡的设计思路。

  • Fabrication of Rotating Electrochemical Disc Process Setup and Its Application in Organic Wastewater Treatment ; Design and Implementation of Metal Wire Cut Electrochemical Machining Device

    电化学转盘处理有机废水装置的研制及其应用金属电化学 线 切割加工装置的设计及其实现

  • Wire cut microcomputer control system

    线 切割微机控制系统

  • When the method of general pulse power of wire cut EDM is used magnetic steel has magnetic property inevitably and it is difficult to evacuate .

    采用一般的脉冲电源对磁钢进行电火花 线 切割加工,不可避免地将引起充磁,造成排屑困难。

  • Application of Wire cut Electrical Discharge Machining in the Inner Conductor Sheet Production

    数控电火花 线 切割在板线内导体加工中的应用

  • Production of the Hot-galvanized Steel Wire Cut to length

    生产热镀锌 钢丝

  • The study of raising race of wire cut EDM of magnetic steel

    提高磁钢电火花 线 切割加工速度的实验研究

  • Analysis and Research for Surface Modification-lay and Micro-crack of Die and Mould on Wire Cut

    模具 线 切割表面变质层及显微裂纹的分析与研究

  • The calculation principle and method of the real machining path for electrode-wire center-line on WEDM NC-programming is introduced . It presents the process points of determined threading wire hole and fined wire cut path .

    介绍了线切割数控编程中电极丝中心线实际走丝轨迹的计算原则和方法,提出穿 孔的确定与 切割路线的优化方面的工艺优点。

  • Wire Cut Electrical Discharge Machining ( WEDM ) is a technology using of electricity and heat to process which has been widely used in moulding industry .

    电火花 线 切割是一种利用电能和热能加工的技术,被广泛应用于模具制造行业中。

  • A neural network model between electrical parameters and machining result in wire cut EDM machining is established and based on which optimizing algorithm of electrical parameters is given .

    建立了 线 切割加工中放电参数与加工效果之间的神经网络模型,给出了放电参数的优化方法。

  • The key benefit being that any wire cut can create a zoned alarm and any wire touched in a breach attempt will give deterrent .

    关键好处是,任何 线 切割可以创建划的报警和违反尝试中提及的任何线会阻。

  • The core technique problems during wire cut electrical discharge machining in the inner conductor sheet were analyzed by this paper .

    分析了板线内导体在利用数控电火花 线 切割加工中所遇到的工艺技术难题。

  • Hot wire cut and you have sections .

    热线 切割和你有节。Easy。容易的。

  • This paper deducted the formula to calculate the coil weight of hot - galvanized steel wire cut to length and analyzed the origins of the error between the calculated parameter and the measured ones .

    推导了热镀锌 钢丝 尺生产中盘重参数的计算公式,并分析了计算盘重值与实际测量值产生误差的原因。

  • Introduced the characteristics of two kinds of wire cut clamps .

    介绍了两种 线 切割夹具的特点。