thermal shock

[ˈθɚməl ʃɑk][ˈθə:məl ʃɔk]


  • Study on Interface Delamination of QFN under Thermal Shock Loading Based on CZM Method

    基于CZM法QFN器件 冲击载荷下的界面脱层研究

  • Effects of Flake Shape Graphite on Thermal Shock Properties of Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramic Materials

    石墨片层结构对超高温陶瓷材料 抗热 行为的影响

  • Extremely resistance to thermal shock heat resistance low thermal conductivity and low heat storage .

    抗热 耐高温,导热率低和热容低;

  • But the phenomenon is pressurised thermal shock .

    但是现象是高压 冲击

  • The results show that a certain amount of the mixed rare earth oxide content in the batch can increase the cold compression strength and the thermal shock resistance of the bricks .

    试验结果表明,在配料中加入适量混合稀土氧化物对提高耐火制品的常温耐压强度和 稳定性能是有益的。

  • Microstructure and Thermal Shock Resistance Property Research of FeMnCr / ZrO_2 Composite Coating Deposited by High Velocity Arc Spraying

    高速电弧喷涂FeMnCr/ZrO2复合涂层组织和 抗热 性能的研究

  • It has the property of simple and fast construction shock resistance erosion high temperature and thermal shock resistance and good overall performance easy-to-repair and other characteristics .

    它具有施工简便、快捷、抗冲击、耐冲刷、耐高温、 抗热 性及整体性好、易于修补等特点;

  • Research on heavy-duty anticorrosion flake coatings of low pinch rate and thermal shock resistance

    低收缩 耐热 冲击重防腐鳞片涂料的研究

  • Numerical and Experimental Study of Thermal Shock Effect on Germanium Lens Induced by Out-of-band Pulsed-laser

    波段外脉冲激光对锗透镜 冲击效应的数值与实验研究

  • Study of Thermal Shock Behavior and High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Fe-Based Coating Prepared by High Velocity Arc Spraying

    高速电弧喷涂铁基涂层的 和抗高温氧化性能空心微珠为基的铁氧体涂层材料的制备与研究

  • Mechanical Properties and Thermal Shock Resistance of ZrB_2-SiC-AlN Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics

    ZrB2-SiC-AlN超高温陶瓷材料力学性能及 抗热 性能研究

  • Effects of kind and grain size of corundum aggregate on thermal shock resistance of corundum-mullite materials

    刚玉骨料种类与粒度对刚玉-莫来石材料 抗热 性的影响

  • Study on the Molding Process of the Fe-Si Intermetallics Compounds Inner-heating Casing to Improve Thermal Shock Resistance

    提高Fe-Si金属间化合物内加热套管 抗热 性的成型工艺研究

  • The thermal shock resistance test indicates that the surface modification cladding is very stable and shows firm adherence .


  • The optimism design of thickness for this cladding material is helpful to improve the performance of thermal shock resistance .

    对硬质覆层材料的厚度进行优化设计有助于其 抗热 性能的提高。

  • Adhesive strength hardness and the thermal shock resistance of spraying coating were tested .

    测试了喷涂层的结合强度、硬度以及 抗热 性能。

  • The thermal stress fracture resistance factor R is used to characterize the thermal shock resistance of the ceramic material .

    抗热 性能是结构陶瓷材料的重要性能之一。

  • Crazing resistance of glazed ceramic whiteware by a thermal shock method cold crack temperature

    陶瓷砖釉面抗龟裂试验方法: 抗热 性法低温龟裂温度,冷裂温度

  • This paper studied the feasibility of determining and comparing the thermal shock construction damage of refractory by ultrasonic flaw detector .

    探讨了利用超声波探伤仪测定或比较耐火材料 结构损伤的可行性。

  • Very resistant to heat abrasion impact galling oxidation thermal shock and erosion .

    耐热、耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐冲撞、耐刮伤、耐氧化、 耐热 冲击和冲刷。

  • Features : high strength good thermal shock resistance high temperature resistant high anti oxidation low resistivity resistance to corrosion .

    特点:高强度,好 冲击抵抗,高温抗性,高反氧化作用,低抵抗力,对腐蚀的抵抗。

  • This product has good corrosion resistance and thermal shock resistance it is suitable for ceramic industry electricity industry and boiler industry .

    该产品抗腐蚀、 稳定性好,适用于陶瓷行业、电力锅炉行业。

  • The properties of the resistance to thermal shock at the high or low temperature condition were studied .

    分别对高温和低温深冷条件下,两种不同 结构 材料 抗热 损伤性能进行了研究。

  • The Thermal Shock Resistance of ZrO_2 / LaPO_4 Ceramic Composites

    ZrO2/LaPO4复相陶瓷的 抗热 性能研究

  • Some dealers insist emeralds are inherently fragile and can be damaged by thermal shock from steam cleaners and even from the heat of an ultrasonic cleaner .

    一些交易商坚持祖母绿是内在的脆弱,可能会损坏 休克从蒸汽清洁工人,甚至从热一超声波清洗机。

  • Effect of ceo_2 on sintering mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of alumina matrix ceramics

    CeO2对氧化铝基陶瓷的烧结性、力学性能和 抗热 性的影响

  • Analytical Solution of Temperature Field of Solid Rocket Motor Laminated Structure with High-Temperature Thermal Shock

    高温 冲击下固体火箭发动机层合结构温度场解析解

  • Elements can be replaced while the furnace is at operating temperature without danger of thermal shock damage .

    当炉温在温控范围内,并且没有 冲击损害危险时,该产品可以被替换。