thermal stress fatigue

[ˈθɚməl strɛs fəˈtiɡ][ˈθə:məl stres fəˈti:ɡ]


  • Influence factors on daily fatigue thermal stress coefficient were analyzed . Analysis results show that day and night distributions of thermal load and axle mass have the maximal influence on daily fatigue thermal stress coefficient .

    分析了日 疲劳 温度 系数的影响因素,结果表明温度荷载和轴载的昼夜分布对其影响最大。

  • Finally based on the calculation of temperature field the calculation of thermal stress was carried out on cylinder block and cylinder liner . The stress and fatigue was checked . And the deformation of liner was the focus of analysis .

    最后在获得温度场分布的基础上,对机体和缸套进行 计算,考核机体的综合应力分布以及 疲劳强度,并重点分析了缸套变形及影响因素。

  • The major aging problems in a PWR plant and their assessment technologies were summarized as the radiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel materials thermal aging of cast stainless steel stress corrosion cracking of steam generator tubing and metal fatigue in primary circuit of a PWR plant .

    主要的老化机理有反应堆压力容器的辐照脆化、铸造不锈钢的 老化、蒸汽发生器传热管的 腐蚀开裂和金属 疲劳。因而可能是一种潜在的辐射防护剂。

  • The isothemal and thermal stress fields of rough contacts play an important role in the mechanisms of boundary film formation wear and fatigue .

    粗糙金属表面接触表层中的等温应力与 场对金属表面的边界膜成膜,磨损与 疲劳机理都有重要影响。

  • Functionally graded materials have many merits such as reducing thermal stress heat shock resistance heat fatigue resistance corrosion resistance wear resistance and so on .

    而功能梯度材料具有缓和 、耐热冲击、耐热 疲劳、耐腐蚀、耐磨损等优点,所以对于功能梯度 材料 的研究无论在理论上还是实际工程中都具有重要的意义。

  • 3D Thermal Stress and Fatigue Analysis of Drum Wall

    锅炉汽包壁三维 疲劳分析

  • Braking failure of brake disc is mainly caused by thermal fatigue damage . Therefore the research on temperature field and stress field of conveyor brake disc in the braking process is of great significance to brake designing optimizing and thermal fatigue studying .

    盘式制动器制动失效主要是 疲劳损伤引起的,因此对带式输送机制动盘制动过程中温度场、 场分析,对制动器的设计优化、热 疲劳研究具有重要意义。

  • Thermal Stress and Fatigue Life of 200 MW Reheat Steam Turbine Rotor

    国产200兆瓦中间再热机组转子的 疲劳寿命

  • A method for calculating the temperature distribution thermal stress and low-cycle fatigue of drum walls with a two dimensional transient temperature field is presented together with a computer program for calculating the low-cycle fatigue life of boiler drums .

    提出了非稳态二维温度分布下汽包壁 温度 分析及 疲劳寿命计算方法,并编制了相应的计算机程序。

  • The experiment and numerical analysis of biaxial thermal stress fatigue under various stress ratio .

    研究了不同应力比的二线 疲劳试验并进行了数值分析。

  • Temperature fluctuations with large amplitude and high frequency caused by the unstable thermal interface can lead to time-varying wall heat stress and even induce thermal fatigue in the pipe elbow .

    不稳定的 冷热 流体分界面随时间上下波动,引起管内壁温度以较大振幅、高频率波动,使内壁产生随时间变化的热 ,甚致诱发管内壁热 疲劳

  • During thermal shock testing it may act as the source of cracking and moreover if cyclic stress applied the cracks propagate toward the substrate the thermal fatigue properties of coating will be worsened .

    冷热疲劳条件下,缺陷成为裂纹源,在交变 作用 ,裂纹向基体中扩展,降低了涂层的热 疲劳性能。

  • Method Study on Thermal Stress Fatigue Test of Centrifugal Mold Materials for Iron Pipes

    离心铸管金属型材料 抗热 疲劳 性能测试方法的研究

  • Summarization on the thermal stress thermal fatigue and thermal impact of pressure vessels ( to be continude )

    压力容器的 疲劳热冲击综述(待续)

  • Calculation results show : the maximum thermal tensile stress of massive concrete is close to the tensile strength in the cold ecological wave attacking which is likely to result in such ecological concrete stress fatigue .

    计算分析结果表明:大体积生态混凝土层在寒潮来袭时,由于 温度的骤然 变化,层内所产生的最大 接近其抗拉强度,从而很容易造成生态混凝土在此种应力下的 疲劳 破坏

  • Thermal stress analysis and fatigue life prediction for solder joint of SCSP

    叠层芯片封装元件 分析及 焊点 寿命预测

  • In the paper a kind of new calibrated method and formula for structure design and calculation of thermal stress and low cycle fatigue strength of finned tube was proposed .

    文章通过建立鳍片管 温差 计算数学模型,提出一种工业锅炉鳍片管 温差 和低周 疲劳强度校核计算方法和结构尺寸设计公式,此前未见报道。

  • Study on the Thermal Stress Fatigue of Hot-Work Die Steels With Square Specimen

    用方形试样研究热作模具钢的 疲劳

  • Temperature Distribution Thermal stress Analysis and Low-cycle Fatigue in Boiler Drum Walls of Pecking Units

    调峰机组锅炉汽包壁温度场和 分析及低周 疲劳设计

  • This paper discusses the thermal stress change with time study on the relationship between stress and radium . It provides a theoretical reference to study on the decrease the fatigue damage of the reactor under thermal punch .

    本文探讨了 随时间的变化及 应力与半径的关系,从而为研究反应器减小热冲击 损伤提供了理论参考。

  • Biaxial Thermal Stress Fatigue and Crack Morphology

    二维 疲劳及裂纹形态

  • Calculation of Finite Element of Thermal Stress and Analysis of Low-cyclic Fatigue Life for Non-central Hole Rotor of 135 MW Turbine

    135MW汽轮机无中心孔转子 有限元计算及低周 疲劳寿命分析

  • The equivalent fatigue thermal stress coefficient method was deduced from daily meteorological data accumulated of many years which omitted the calculation of monthly and yearly fatigue thermal stress coefficient s and improved the calculation precision of fatigue thermal stress .

    提出利用多年累积的每日气象资料直接推导等效疲劳温度应力系数的方法,该方法不用计算月、年疲劳 温度 系数,其计算结果提高了 疲劳温度应力计算的准确性。

  • Thermal stress analysis and estimated fatigue life of U-type expansion joint

    U型膨胀节 分析及 疲劳寿命估算