thermal fluid

[ˈθɚməl ˈfluɪd][ˈθə:məl ˈflu:ɪd]

[机] 传热流体

  • The central mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin is the structural belt quite beneficial to gas accumulation . Under the influence of both deep thermal fluid and shallow gas a varisized white zone can be found in the seismic data at the top of structure .

    莺歌海盆地中央泥底辟构造带是非常有利的含气构造带,由于受深部 流体和浅层气的共同影响,在构造顶部的地震资料存在着不同程度的模糊带。

  • An experimental study on the heat transfer performance of5wt % - 20wt % latent functionally thermal fluid flowing in a flat tube is presented in this work .

    开展了质量浓度5%-20%的潜热型功能 流体在等扁管内的对流换热特性实验研究,研究了相变材料微胶囊浓度,质量流速等对 流体换热性能的影响。

  • Gold deposits were resulted by the uplifting thermal fluid to reform the strata .

    金矿床是上升 流体改造地层岩石的产物。

  • Or use another kind of liquid flow to store hot device absorption when the thermal fluid flow to indoor the use of fan heated air wafted to indoor and to achieve greenhouse effect .

    或利用另一种液体流至储热装置中吸热,当 流体流至室内,在利用风扇吹送被加热空气至室内,而达到暖房效果。

  • The dispersed microcapsules can be used as a latent functional thermal fluid to improve the heat transfer efficiency in the fields of refrigeration and air-condition .

    该相变材料微胶囊的分散液可用作潜热型功能 流体,应用于制冷空调领域,以提高换热效率。

  • The vertical flow of underground thermal fluid resulted from the opening fracture is the important cause of geothermal anomaly .

    开启断裂造成的地下 流体的垂向流动是造成地下热异常的重要原因。

  • The active earthquake intense thermal fluid are accompanied by the Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic metallogenesis .

    地震活动活跃, 热流异常明显,伴随大规模Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag等多金属成矿作用。

  • Remelting magmatism hydrothermal circulation drived by heat from granitic bodies and concentration of water in thermal fluid may be the most important factors to mineralization of gold .

    重熔岩浆作用,热驱动下流体循环和含矿 中水的浓缩(收缩),是胶东金矿得以形成的主要原因。

  • It indicates that the process of ore-bearing thermal fluid is a process that oxidation-reduction potential increasing .

    表明含矿 过程是一个氧化还原电位增高的过程。

  • Based on the analysis and some typical data of petroleum basins in China and world it discusses some important expression forms and major research methods of thermal fluid flow and emphasized its enhancement to organic matter maturation and hydrocarbon generation in this paper .

    在分析、总结国内外一些含油气盆地的典型资料的基础上,论述了 流体活动的若干重要表现形式及主要研究方法,强调了 流体活动对有机质 演化和油气生成的强化作用。

  • Research on Flux Regulation of Thermal Fluid Network

    热工 流体网络流量调节技术研究

  • The numerical results provide the theoretic basis for the application and design of the latent functionally thermal fluid .

    计算结果对该类 流体的设计和应用提供了理论依据。

  • One new engine performance simulation software GT-Power which is a kind of thermal fluid simulation software based on one-dimension CFD calculation with a limited volume method is introduced .

    介绍了一种新的发动机性能仿真软件GT-Power,它是以一维的CFD计算为基础,采用有限容积法对 流体进行模拟计算的软件。

  • The factors affecting the characteristics of the reservoir space mainly include tectonics process active thermal fluid lithologic characters and petrofacies .

    影响储集空间特征的因素主要包括构造作用、 活动、岩性和岩相。

  • The structural conduct and depressure area congregation area for heat energy and thermal fluid was formed in lithosphere in the process of continental plate collision and gradually developed into magmatic breeding belt .

    大陆板块在碰撞时,岩石圈中形成以拆离面为主体的构造通道和减压区,特殊地段形成热能和 流体的聚集区,并逐渐发展成岩浆孕育带。

  • This paper analyzes the convective heat transfer enhancement mechanism of latent functionally thermal fluid based on the analogy between convective heat transfer and heat conduction with thermal sources .

    从对流与导热的相似性出发,揭示了潜热型功能 流体强化换热的物理机制。

  • Isotopic studies from geothermal fields indicate that about 95 % of the thermal fluid from steam wells is meteoric in origin .

    地热田油同位素研究证明:蒸气井 流体的95%左右是大气降水成因的。

  • Introduction of New Material of Thermal Storage and Heat Transfer-Functional Thermal Fluid

    储热及传热新材料&功能 流体简介

  • The ore deposit has been clearly superimposed and transformed by the later volcanic thermal fluid and secondary enrichment .

    矿床受后期火山 ,次生富集叠加改造明显。

  • Latent functionally thermal fluid ( LFTF ) is a kind of new medium with thermal energy storage and heat transfer enhancement .

    潜热型功能 流体是一种集储热与强化传热功能于一体的新型工质。

  • Experimental study on the convection heat transfer of latent functionally thermal fluid in a circular tube

    圆管内潜热型功能 流体对流换 的实验研究

  • Application of Thermal Fluid Field-Percolation Field Simulation to Perforated Completion


  • D finite element model for thermal fluids of perforated completion and open hole completion is developed by using thermal fluid field for simulating percolation field in perforated completion .


  • These changes prove further the existence of the thermal fluid activity in micro-scale .

    这些变化从微观角度进一步证实了 流体活动存在的证据。

  • Therefore the research on fluid inclusions are of significance in identifying thermal fluid activity .

    因此,流体包裹体研究对识别古 热流活动具有重要的指示意义。

  • Thermal fluid activity results in higher abnormality of homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions too .

    流体包裹体的均一温度高异常是由 流体活动所导致的。

  • The main characters of the thermal fluid activity are recognized as follow : many types and stages of veins are widely developed ;

    海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷布达特群 流体活动频繁,主要特征如下:多种类型、多期次脉体的发育;

  • The Thermal Fluid Network Modeling Application to the Ship Steam Power System Simulation

    热工 流体网络建模在船舶蒸汽动力系统仿真中的应用

  • Through studying it is indicated that in sedimentary basin the thermal fluid flowing process belongs to a dynamic balance between accumulation and dispersion under the action of the principal drive mechanism formed by pressure system essentially .

    研究表明,沉积盆地内的 流体活动过程,实质上是一个在压力系统这一主要驱动机制作用下的 流体聚散动平衡过程。

  • Next the changes of oxygen fugacity and sulfur fugacity are as follows : with the lowering of temperature and pressure of thermal fluid the oxygen fugacity and sulfur fugacity are coming down .

    其次,氧逸度和硫逸度的变化,则表现为:随着 流体温度和压力的降低,氧逸度和硫逸度则不断降低。