


  • The innovations of the research are 2 points thereinafter : firstly make exploitation of dynamic display model based on application model and abundance the display function of ArcGIS ;

    论文的创新 之处:(1)利用应用模型开发动态显示模块,丰富ArcGIS平台中动态显示的功能。

  • When the system works all of the parts of the system are connected and transmit injunction and data by the ways thereinafter .

    系统工作时,系统各部分通过 以下方式连接并且传送指令和数据。

  • Comparing with programming platform abroad in application programming platform exploited in this dissertation has strongpoint thereinafter : ( 1 ) ON the base of existing editor function NC editor holds the check-up ability in word and syntax to macro program for the first time .

    本文开发的宏程序编程平台,与 现有宏程序编程平台相比,有 以下优点:(1)在现有编辑功能的基础上,为编辑器 增加了对宏程序进行词、语法查 的功能。

  • Thereinafter the author expounds on the necessity of attesting appraisal conclusion from two aspects : the attributes of appraisal conclusion and the evidential status of it .

    笔者认为该 并非 ,而是来自于 中国 民事 审判方式改革并逐渐进入刑事 审判领域。其次,笔者从鉴定结论的属性和证据地位两个角度阐述了对其进行科学认证的必要性。

  • Moreover the dissertation obtains some results thereinafter : 1 . The reason that former investment theory did not pay enough attention to industry influence is that the industry influence did not arise adequately .

    同时,本文还得出 以下 主要 见解:1.以往的投资理论对产业因素没有予以足够的关注,是因为当时的经济发展阶段产业影响没有得到足够的显现。

  • Diagnosis value of the deep inserting gastroscope for pathological changes thereinafter papilla duodenum

    深插胃镜诊断十二指肠乳头 以下病变的临床价值

  • In 1980 's the system of anticipatory breach of contract suffered the favor of the International Sales of Goods of the United Nation ( briefly named Convention thereinafter ) by reason of its scientific and satisfying the demand of the fulfillment 's development ;

    20世纪80年代,预期违约制度因其自身的科学合理及顺应实践发展的需要而受到《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》( 以下 简称《公约》)的青睐;

  • The text discuss mainly some questions thereinafter : ( 1 ) Synthetical discuss the actual study about the low temperature hot water radiant system heating and research for using the system now in Chengdu region .

    针对低温热水辐射 采暖系统的现状研究进行综述,并对成都地区应用该系统进行现状调查;

  • This paper has predicted indirectly by means of measuring the equivalent viscosity of resorcin-formaldehyde resin liquor ( thereinafter referred to as RF resin ) .

    通过测量在线取样的间苯二酚-甲醛树脂( 以下简称RF树脂)溶液的当量粘度,来间接判断RF树脂的粘合性能。

  • On March 21 2006 China published the Statute of the Motor Vehicle Compulsory Liability Insurance ( the Statute for short thereinafter ) .

    2006年3月21日,我国正式颁布了《机动车交通事故强制责任保险条例》( 以下 简称《条例》)。

  • All expenses and risks thereinafter shall be borne by your side .

    此后一切所 发生的风险和费用由你方承担。