


  • Thereupon our heroine resumed her walk .


  • And thereupon he sat down across the brandy cask and began to fill a pipe .


  • The President appeared thereupon the people applauded .

    总统一出现,人们 随即 鼓掌。

  • Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window . His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security .

    几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动, 随后他的 邻居们坚决要求加强安全 防范

  • The police discovered a young boy person sobs on the street thereupon the past helped him .

    警察发现小男孩一个人在街上哭泣, 于是过去帮助他。

  • The second kind namely the proletarian-socialist world revolution thereupon began .


  • I flung a few copies of the report in his lap which thereupon fell to the floor .

    我把几份报告扔到他膝上,这些报告 随即落到了地板上。

  • Thereupon the man good at archery asked them to take out their bow and arrow .

    说完 ,会射箭的人还叫他们把弓和箭都拿出来。

  • Thereupon the Chinese people took state power into their own hands and became masters of the country .


  • Thereupon I bowed and left .


  • Thereupon I start to think deeply about when which day I not at time which one way existence can I by ?


  • Thereupon the man said to them : Right . You indeed have superb craftsmanship .


  • He thereupon signed this Will in our presence all of us being present at the same time .


  • People live in hopes ; if the old hope is realized or broken the roaring blaze of new hope will burn thereupon .

    人生活在希望中,旧的希望实现了,或者泯灭了,新的希望的烈焰 随之燃烧起来。

  • Comes back immediately The market has already dispersed Thereupon the shoes have not bought .

    马上回来,集市已经散了, 于是鞋没买成。

  • Thereupon it finds a treetop falling behind .


  • The girl thereupon fell into such deep reflection that conversation languished .

    随即这个少女 便陷入了沉思, 于是谈话冷下去了。

  • Thereupon I hope anyone who 'd like to know me learn me from my blogs and albums .


  • He has taken out one damned story book thereupon on secondary bookrack .


  • Thereupon the jury brought her in guilty .

    因此陪审 断定她有罪。

  • Thereupon the earth is flooded with crazy desire preliminary interest ignorant witchcraft and weird contemporary art .


  • He thereupon privately chide his wife for her forwardness in the matter .


  • Thereupon God created woman of man 's own substance and brought her to the man .

    上帝 从人身上的本质创造了女人,把她带到男人跟前。

  • Thereupon the god of waters registered a complaint with the Jade Emperor .


  • The watch was found in his bag ; thereupon he was accused of stealing

    在他的袋子里发现了表, 因此他被指控偷窃

  • Thereupon my body has lacked the oxygen .


  • Thereupon the entire class applauded ; with that she left the room ; I therewith withdraw my complaints .

    整个班 随即鼓起了掌;她 随即离开了那个房间;我随即收回了我的抱怨。

  • Thereupon he kills the eagle ; and sets Jove 's victim free .


  • Love can only become eternal parallel lines thereupon right away .
