The admission shows the depth of worry among the Tories over the state of the economy
这一认可表明了保守党党内对经济状况的 忧虑之深。
I worry about her constantly
我无时无刻不为她 担心。
He 'll never leave you . You need have no worry
他不会离开你的,你不用 担心。
The English worried by the growing power of Prince Henry sent a raiding party to Scotland to kill him
英格兰人对亨利亲王权势日增 感到 不 安,便派突袭队到苏格兰除掉他。
If you 're late your mother will worry for you .
你要是回家晚了,你妈会 牵挂你的。
I don 't think you need to worry in the least .
我看你一点也不用 着急。
Frankly Thomas this question of your loan is beginning to worry me
老实讲,托马斯,你贷款的问题开始让我 担心了。
The cold doesn 't worry me
冷我 不怕。
Don 't worry about me ; I 'm very well .
别 为我 担心,我很好。
' Why didn 't you tell us ? ' — ' I didn 't want to worry you . '
“你为什么不告诉我们?”“我不想让你们 担心。”
The worry is that the use of force could make life impossible for the UN peacekeepers
让 人 担心的是,使用武力可能会使联合国维和人员性命难保。
Today he does not have to worry about making a living .
现在他不用为生活 发愁了。
I 'm still in the early days of my recovery and that worries me
我还处于恢复的早期阶段,这 让我 很 担心。
Does it worry you that the Americans are discussing this ?
美国人在讨论这事,你不 担心吗?
His wife Cheryl said she had no worries about his health .
他的妻子谢里尔说她并不 担心他的健康。
Don 't worry you still have a little time .
别 担心,你还有点儿时间呢。
Don 't worry yourself about me I can take care of myself
你别 担心我,我能照顾好自己。
My main worry was that Madeleine Johnson would still be there
我最 担心的是马德琳·约翰逊仍会在那儿。
His last years were overshadowed by financial worry .
他生命的最后几年穷困潦倒, 十分 惨淡。
You know it does worry me .
你要知道,这实在 让我 担心。
It wouldn 't worry me if he came to my house but I don 't know if I would go out of my way to ask him .
我倒不 介意他来我家,但我不知道自己是否会特意邀请他。
Don 't worry your luggage will come on afterwards by taxi
别 担心,你的行李随后会由出租车送过来。
You don 't have to worry about me . I 'm a good swimmer
你不用 担心我。我水性很好。
They worry that extremists might gain control .
他们 担心极端分子可能会取得控制权。
I work in a school so I don 't have to worry about finding someone to look after my little boy
我在学校工作,所以不用为找人照顾我年幼的儿子而 操心。
' Don 't you worry about any of this ' she said patting me on the knee
“这个你什么都 不用 担心,”她轻拍着我的膝盖说。
I 'll not worry about it . I 'll let nature take its course .
我不再 为 此事 发愁了,顺其自然吧。
You have no cause to worry .
你没有理由 心焦。