


  • Therefore the Lord 's wrath was on him and on Judah and Jerusalem .

    因他 心里 骄傲,所以 忿怒 临到他和犹大并耶路撒冷。

  • Our sins have encouraged god 's wrath !

    我们的罪孽激起了上帝的 怒火

  • You fear he will bring his wrath down upon us .

    你担心他会把一 愤怒 发泄在我们头上。

  • His wrath was boundless .

    怀着无限 愤怒

  • We understand wrath but not malice .

    我们能理解人的 愤怒,而不能理解恶意的中伤。

  • Lord I look to You that I may be not vessels of wrath like Pharaoh .

    主,我仰望你,叫我不像法老是可 的器皿。

  • Christ expiated the sins and propitiated the divine wrath for all his people .

    基督替祂的子民赎了他们的罪,并且挽回了神的 忿怒

  • And you will feel my wrath !

    让你尝尝我的 愤怒

  • Because of thine indignation and thy wrath : for thou hast lifted me up and cast me down .

    这都因你的恼恨和 忿怒。你把我拾起来,又把我摔下去。

  • O LORD rebuke me not in thy wrath : neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure .

    (大卫的记念诗)耶和华阿,求你不要在 中责备我。不要在烈 中惩罚我。

  • I have set your trap but my wrath prefers direct combat .

    艾德温娜:我设好了你的陷阱,但是我的 怒火需要直接战斗 才能 发泄

  • She falls in love and incurs the wrath of her father .

    她恋爱了,这引起了父亲的 愤怒

  • Avenging Wrath and Blessing of Protection can no longer be dispelled .

    复仇之 和保护祝福不再能被驱散。

  • It is the satisfying the wrath of God by the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross .

    在圣经当中,具体指的就是:因着基督在十字架上的代赎性的牺牲,使得上帝对罪人的 愤怒得着了 平息

  • None shall escape my wrath !

    我的 愤怒 之下无人可逃!

  • Every time I don 't go to church on Sunday I have a guilty feeling that I 'm going to call down the wrath of god .

    每当我星期天没有去做礼拜时,我总有一种将会招致上帝 愤怒的犯罪感。

  • When everybody speaks against a person it will make him tired of life frightened to death w_118 . ; A thousand pointing fingers accuse and a man dies even without a sickness . ; It is dangerous to incur public wrath .

    千夫所指,无病 而死

  • Envy and wrath shorten life .

    嫉妒和 愤怒会缩短生命。

  • The Liberals incurred his wrath for committing suicide .

    自由党人因“自杀”引起了他的 愤怒

  • O Lord rebuke me not in thy indignation nor chastise me in thy wrath .

    上主,求你不要在 震怒中责罚我,不要在气愤中惩戒我。

  • These pains come from the extremely just wrath and vengeance of God against their sins .

    这些痛苦出自极度的 愤怒和神对他们罪的惩罚。

  • Soon the Red devils tasted the bitter wrath of their barbaric brothers .

    很快红色的魔鬼尝了他们的野蛮兄弟的痛苦 愤怒

  • His silence marked his wrath .

    他的沉默表明了他的 愤怒

  • Now India is feeling the wrath of God for all its lawlessness and the abuse of innocent children .

    印度无法无天和滥用无知儿童,现在印度感觉到了神的 愤怒了吧。

  • His sharp cannibal teeth revealed by cold and wrath gleamed through the dark .

    他那锋利的食人肉的牙齿,因为寒冷和 愤怒而显露着,在黑暗中闪闪发光。

  • But when I focused their attention I unleashed a horrible wrath .

    可是当我把他们的注意力集中起来,却释放了一阵可怕的 愤怒

  • He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices .

    他直言批评政府的不公正做法,招致当局 震怒

  • It delivers us from God 's wrath and the bondage of sin .

    它带来了从罪中的释放,从神的 忿怒中被拯救。

  • Then were they smitten with abasement and poverty and met with wrath from God .

    然后,他们重拳自卑和贫困,并会见了来自上帝的 愤怒