


  • Javert he turned me out all Because of a pack of rascally women who gossip in the workroom .

    您想想吧,沙威先生,他听了那厂里一些胡说八道的 娼妇的话,把我 了出来。

  • So it makes debugging still abstract . Therefore our workroom have made some research on it and have a elementary realization of Pascal C & Java visualized virtual machine .

    为此,我们 工作室进行了相关研究,已经设计并初步实现了Pascal、C和Java的可视虚拟机。

  • In the course of researching it accesses through sculpture in nature and fetches out the thesis of constructing the space of the sculpture workroom .

    在研究过程中,由雕塑本身入手,引出雕塑 工作室的空间营造这一 论题

  • It was remarked that in the workroom she often turned aside in the midst of the rest to wipe away a tear .

    确实有人看见她在 车间 大家一道时常常转过头去揩眼泪。

  • Realization about the Method of UPS Accumulator Plate-activated in the Cable Television Workroom

    浅谈有线电视 机房UPS蓄电池极板活化方法与实现

  • Assembled electrostatic prevention flooring was used in the flooring scheme of the second project of the large-scale computer workroom of one telecommunications building in Guangzhou .

    广州某电信信息综合大楼大型计算机 二期工程采用了装配式防静电瓷质地板作为地面铺设方案。

  • She is now managing 25 staff with a boutique and workroom in Moscow and a London office for UK clients .

    她如今雇有25名员工,在莫斯科拥有 自己的专卖店与 工作室,并在伦敦 开设为英国客户服务的办公室。

  • Oil refining enterprise is one lf continuous automatic production and its operating personnel work regularly in the workroom keeping watch over the instrument control equipment ?

    目前的炼油工艺都是连续性自动化生产,其操作人员的正常工作主要是在 值班 通过监视仪表来控制装置。

  • It was at the workroom where Zhangshuang shared with her husband in Chengdu that I saw her works at first time .

    第一次见到张霜的作品,是在成都她和丈夫共用的 工作室,因为孕事而未见到她本人。

  • After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried .

    大夫走后,苏去 工作室哭了一场。

  • They got a shit load in the workroom .

    工作室 都是这种东西。

  • The paper introduced the experiences of applying the item of minitype software workroom in teaching of personal software process and also explained the item arrangement and item execution environment of minitype software workroom .

    本文介绍了在个体软件过程教学中使用小型软件 工作室项目的经验。对小型软件工作室的项目安排及项目执行环境也作了说明。

  • Webs introduction : the leoxu workroom is the workroom planning to build the station since October of2003 .

    网站简介:我行我素 工作室从2003年10月开始策划建站。

  • Their workroom had no functioning ventilation system and they wore face masks only occasionally .

    她们的 车间没有正常的排风系统,而且她们只是偶尔佩戴口罩。

  • Services areas : Press Workroom Press Tribune Press Conference Room Mixed Zone Media Lounge .

    服务区包括:记者 工作 看台记者席、新闻发布厅、混合厅、媒体餐馆休息区。

  • Recently the topic about art workroom has already been a hotspot in the research at home and abroad .

    目前,有关课题已经成为国内外研究的热点。 工作室 空间 作为 纽带,对其进行研究的课题 相对 缺乏

  • First welcome everybody to come blackness workroom youth meshwork .

    首先,欢迎大家来访黑色 工作室

  • And because of that they had come to look at your workroom .

    正是由于那个原因,他们来看你的 工作室

  • In fact before the game started the ultimate Left Coast moment occurred in the media workroom .

    事实上,在比赛开始之前,在媒体 工作室发生了 这样

  • The Politics of Space of Dormitory and Workroom & The Lived Experience Research of Woman Migrant Labor in Shanghai

    宿舍与 车间的空间政治&上海外来女工生活体验研究

  • With the developing of art education and quality-oriented education in the China workroom plays more and more important role in the new teaching mode of the art .

    随着艺术教育的 蓬勃发展和素质教育改革的 深入,艺术 工作室在新兴的艺术教学模式中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

  • After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp .

    医生离去之后,苏艾到 工作室 哭了一声,把一张日本纸餐巾擦得一团糟。

  • This article presents the experience of standardized management in preparation workroom of Naning Railroad Hospital .

    本文介绍了南宁铁路医院制剂 在标准化管理方面的经验。

  • Determination of lead in workroom air by hydride generator-AAS

    氢化物&原子吸收法测定 作业 场所空气中的铅

  • The objective of workroom item is to provide students with simulant environment of industrial conditions for practical item development and let students acquire practical experiences of defining and measuring personal software process .


  • The Implementation of Teacher 's Workroom of Preparing Lessons Based on VC + + . NET and ADO Technology

    基于VC++.NET和ADO的教师备课 工作室实现

  • Abstract : A paint vapour treatment by means of blowing and drawing ventilation in an airtight workroom is suggested in the article . Optimal ventilating parameters of push-pull flow dust control in large spaces

    文摘:提出在密闭 喷漆 作业 ,采用吹吸式通风法对 作业 的漆雾进行治理的 方案。吹吸气流控制大空间粉尘最佳通风参数的研究

  • All the parameters of incubator are agreement just the different volume of the workroom about the model .

    培养箱的各项性能参数均一致,型号只是 工作室容积大小的区别。

  • Then the management information system of the logistic enterprise based on the item writer has studied in work was introduced in detail . Choices the core of the first phase of the enterprise logistics management system to study . ( 1 ) WLAN design in storage and workroom .

    然后就作者在工作中具体实施的企业物流管理系统进行了介绍,并选择了该系统第一阶段要实现的目标中的核心的内容进行了研究:(1) 车间与仓库无线局域网的设计。

  • If I can I 'll make a workroom to my bro ' .

    如果我可以,我会给 小龙 置办一个 工作室