working parameter

[ˈwə:kɪŋ pəˈræmɪtɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ pəˈræmitə]


  • Enhancing the steam soak effect of steam drive well group under the condition of insuring the amount of steam drive preferentially adjusting the working parameter of producing wells ;

    优先保证汽驱注汽量的情况下,强化汽驱井组的 吞吐引效;

  • On the basis of deeply learning the working parameter of the hydraulic excavator system and modern sensor technology the designing requirements are ascertained and the overall scheme design of the working condition monitor is provided .

    在深入了解液压挖掘机系统 工作 参数以及现代传感器技术的基础上,确定了设计要求,给出了工况监视仪的总体方案设计。

  • Unit Working Parameter Equations for Water Turbomachinery

    水涡轮机械单位 工作 参数方程

  • Fuzzy Reliability Design for the Working Parameter of Plate Brake

    盘形制动器 工作 参数的模糊可靠性设计

  • The unit working parameter equations and hydraulic efficiency parameter equations for geometrically similar water turbomachinery are derived .

    根据水涡轮机械的工作原理,对几何相似的水涡轮机械,导出了其单位 工作 参数所必须满足的方程.同时导出了水涡轮机械水力效率参数方程。

  • This method has the characteristic of high accuracy wide scope easy operating which could increase the precision of hot working parameter surveying .

    该方法还具有不需进行常规测量所必需的专门的(非常复杂的)流量标定,因而 测量装置 制作容易、测量精度高、范围宽、简单的特点。

  • Simulation of Effect of Hot working Parameter on Metal Microstructure During Warm Deformation

    加工 参数对金属变形组织影响的模拟研究

  • Carry on the analysis of variance to the result the impact on sorting result of the working parameter ( 0 and n ) can be found out ;

    对数据进行极差分析、方差分析,找出 工作 参数(θ和n)对分选结果的影响;

  • Finally according to force and the orbit the impact on sorting result of adjustable working parameter ( mesa inclination θ and rotational speed n of electrical machinery ) of the equipment is explained .

    最后,根据颗粒的受力情况以及运动轨迹,阐述了设备可调 工作 参数(台面倾角θ和电机转速n)对分选结果的影响。

  • Owing to spatial confined the paper enumerates air supply pressure and backpressure which influence the working parameter of the DTH hammer only .

    由于文章篇幅的限制,仅列出了气源压力、背压对空气锤 工作 参数的影响规律。

  • Optimum selection of precision laser drilling with laser beam characteristics as well as optical and working parameter

    激光打孔中激光束性能及光学和 工件 参数的优化选择

  • According to design data and variable parameter calculation puts forward the definite method for the target value of the chiefly working parameter in thermodynamic system and analyzes the energy loss from on this foundation reaching comparatively practicable model of energy loss analysis .

    根据设计数据和变工况计算,提出了热力系统主要 运行 参数目标值的确定方法,并在此基础上进行了耗差分析,得出了较为切实可行的能损分析模型。

  • The designing of the main assemblies of 8t / h new sand preparation system are done and the standard equipments are elected and through calculating the working parameter for the system are determined . 4 .

    进行了8吨/每小时新砂处理系统的主要部件设计和标准设备选型,并进行了相关计算,确定了合理的 工作 参数

  • Working Parameter 's Effect on the Emissions of Small Utility S.I. Engine

    运行 参数对小型通用汽油机排放的影响

  • Working Parameter Optimization of Vibratory Roller

    优化振动压路机 工作 参数

  • Combined the extrudate rheology character the function relationship among the screw extrusion pressure and the screw working parameter and the screw geometry dimension were established .

    确定了物料实现顺利挤出通过挤压机的 机头 嘴部分所需的压力。

  • On the basis of the long-time calculation the DeST software costs in high-rise building energy saving evaluation the hot working parameter of practical exterior-protected construction and heat transfer theory the actual high-rises have been simplified .

    针对DeST软件在高层建筑节能评估工程中计算时间长的缺点,文章结合实际建筑围护结构的 热工 参数,以传热学理论为基础,对实际高层建筑进行了简化。

  • Improvement of working parameter and structure designing for the screw distributor of paver

    摊铺机螺旋分料器 工作 参数及结构设计的改进

  • Based on the analysis of the monitoring the working parameter and intermission cycle of the first and the second run dynamic compaction is defined .

    通过监测结果分析:确定第1、2遍强夯的 施工 参数;第1与第2遍的间歇周期及第2遍两次夯的间歇周期。

  • Approach for Working Parameter Design and Optimal Gas Allocation of A Continuous Gaslift System for Deep Wells

    深井连续气举系统的 参数设计及优化配气方法

  • According to the reliability design theory and Fuzzy mathematics theory put forward a Fuzzy reliability design method of working parameter for plate brake and give some application examples .

    从机械可靠性设计理论及模糊数学理论出发,给出了盘形制动器 工作 参数的模糊可靠性设计方法,并附有应用实例。

  • Torque is a important working parameter in whirling power engine so torque measurement has been a important part of mechanical measurement .

    转矩是旋转动力机械的重要 工作 参数,而转矩测量已成为机械量测量中一个重要组成部分。

  • This paper analyses the working parameter adjustment principles of abroad and at home hydraulic impact machine and shows their defects .

    分析了国内外液压冲击机械 工作 参数调节原理,并指出其主要缺陷。

  • In addition the working procedure parameter 's effect on the metal flowing stress and strain forming quality and forming force is studied the structure of die is optimized and the feasibility of the working procedure is verified .

    研究了各种 工艺 参数对金属流动、应力应变、成形质量和成形力的影响,并以此为根据对工艺 参数进行了优化,验证了数值模拟和实验研究结果的正确性及该工艺过程的可行性。

  • Based on the model simulation is conducted to study the laws of the VRV system by varying its working parameter such as speed of compressor openness of EEV air volume of indoor units and indoor room temperature .

    利用所建立的数学模型,通过仿真的方法,研究VRV系统在调节作用及拢动作用下,系统的各 热力 参数变化规律。本文着重于对系统中电子膨胀阀开度、压缩机转速与吸气压力;

  • Because of the complicated structure and peculiar working environment of boiler it is impossible for man to check its working parameter manually .

    由于锅炉结构复杂,运转环境特殊,不可能人为接近检测各项 运行 参数 指标

  • The debugging software is also designed which uses serial communication to achieve online debugging working parameter setting and monitoring functions .

    论文还设计了调试软件,利用串口通信实现微波检测装置的在线调试、 工作 参数设置和监视等功能。

  • Performance equation of centrifugal pump and relations with factors were developed considering actual working parameter range .

    回归得到了离心泵性能与各试验因素的关系,综合考虑离心泵的 工作实际 参数范围,提出了离心泵改型设计的 最佳工作 性能 参数

  • The Research of the Working Parameter Adjustment Principle and Control Strategy on Hydraulic Impact Machine

    液压冲击机构 工作 参数调节机理与控制策略