




  • Hey wow man ! Where d'you get those boots ?


  • Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz .

    本·坦卡德的爵士乐使众人 叫绝

  • Wow ! You had my name engraved on it .


  • I see them ! Wow ! How do you know they 're wild ?

    我看到了! !你怎么知道它们是野生的呢?

  • Wow beautiful Dalian !


  • Danny : Wow I slept a long time .

    丹尼: ,我睡了好久啊。

  • I say wow that 's my car .

    我说, ,那是我的车。

  • Wow you hit the green blue and purple bottles !


  • Really ? Wow I don 't have to go to school tomorrow .

    真的吗? ,我明天可以不用去学校了。

  • Wow I guess you twoalready met .


  • GIRL : Wow that 's too expensive ! I can 't afford it .

    女孩: ,这太贵了!我负担不起。

  • Wow I can 't believe I 'm in Shanghai !


  • Wow ! Fried fish . That 's my favorite .


  • Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert

    埃尔顿和 埃里克·克拉普顿在温布利举行的一场摇滚音乐会上联袂演出,征服了数千位听众。

  • I thought ' Wow what a good idea ' .

    我想:“ ,多好的主意呀。”

  • Wow ! Your company is really expanding !


  • Monica : Wow ! I 'm-I 'm-I 'm glad you smashed her watch !


  • Wow ! Mum ! I got a football !


  • Kevin : Wow ! Did you get his autograph ?

    凯文: !你得到了他的签名了吗?

  • Wow I didn 't know I was this big !


  • WOW ! That 's way too slow . I could be crushed !

    这种办法太慢了。我可能已经被 了!

  • I was like wow you walked half a block by yourself ?

    我说, ,你自己走了半个街区?

  • Wow ! I have a big family !


  • Wow ! That 's amazing ! Is it very popular ?


  • Wow ! Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke ?


  • Wow how came he turned up today ?


  • Wow this job is really fun .


  • Wow * That 's amazing * You got the job .


  • Wow it 's cool . I can 't wait to enter my name .


  • Wow you also know that !
