worry oneself

[ˈwɚri wʌnˈsɛlf][ˈwʌri wʌnˈself]


  • Don 't worry just know oneself appear pore for nursing methods the skin pores to restore old so delicate .

    不用 担心,只要知道 自己出现毛孔问题的原因,找到适合 自己的毛孔护理方法,肌肤照样能恢复往日细腻哦。

  • My that heart that hang finally was calm down hand in an examination paper I still am calm until handed in an examination paper I starts worry again the oneself test of not good .

    我那一颗悬着的心终于平静了下来,交卷了,我仍然平静着,直到交完卷,我又开始 担心 自己考的不好。