wounding with intent

[法] 故意伤害,蓄意伤害

  • Shooting or attempting to shoot or wounding or striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm

    意图造成身体严重伤害而射击企图射击、 伤人或打人

  • He 17 at the time but now 18 was locked up at Norwich Crown Court yesterday after admitting wounding with intent .

    何某当时17岁现年18岁,于昨日 故意 伤害 被关押在诺威治刑事法庭。

  • She has been charged with hijacking and wounding with intent . She will appear in court Saturday .

    她被控犯有劫机罪 故意 伤人罪,并且将于星期六出庭。