therapeutic shock

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk ʃɑk][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk ʃɔk]


  • The lymphatic mechanism of therapeutic effect of hypertonic sodium chloride on shock

    高渗盐水抗 休克作用的淋巴机制唑啉头孢菌素钠盐

  • Therapeutic effect of vitamin C on experimental high altitude hemorrhagic shock

    维生素C对实验性高原出血性 休克 治疗作用

  • Conclusion Terlipressin have clinical therapeutic effects for intractable septic shock .

    结论对严重脓 毒血症难治性 休克,特利加压素具有一定的临床应用价值。

  • Therapeutic effect of external counterpulsation on the circulatory disturbance during hemorrhagic shock

    体外反搏对失血性 休克狗循环紊乱的 治疗作用

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of fluid resuscitation on severe sepsis and septic shock .

    目的评价液体复苏手段对严重脓毒症或脓毒性 休克 治疗作用。

  • Therapeutic effect of naloxone hydrochloride on experimental hemorrhagic shock in rabbit

    纳洛酮对清醒家兔失血性 休克 治疗作用

  • Therapeutic research on 32 patients with wounded hemorrhagic shock

    创伤性失血性 休克32例 治疗探讨

  • CONCLUSION MCI-154 has satisfied therapeutic effect on hemorrhagic shock which maybe related to its positive inotropic effect for cardiac function and increasing blood flow volume .

    结论 MCI154有较满意的抗失血性 休克效应,其机理可能与增强休克动物心脏功能和增加主要器官血流量有关。

  • Therapeutic efficacy of tumor derived heat shock protein 70 to tumor-bearing mice

    休克蛋白70对荷瘤鼠的 治疗作用

  • Therapeutic effects of limited fluid resuscitation on hemorrhagic traumatic shock without controlling bleeding

    未控制出血创伤 失血休克的限制 液体复苏效果

  • Conclusion Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment has obvious therapeutic effect on the shock caused by ACST and can debase the fatality rate after operation of grave acute cholangitis patients .

    结论中西医结合治疗胆源性 休克有明显 疗效,能降低重症急性胆管炎患者术后病死率。

  • Studies on expression of neutrophil CD18 、 glucocorticoid receptor and therapeutic effects of naloxone in traumatic shock of rats

    创伤性 休克大鼠中性粒细胞CD18、糖皮质激素受体的变化及纳洛酮 治疗作用的研究

  • Impact of Infundibulopelvic Angle on Therapeutic Effect of Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Lower Pole Calices

    肾下盏肾盂夹角对 冲击波碎石 治疗肾下盏结石效果的影响

  • Conclusion There is significant therapeutic effects in chiropractic and apply drugs in umbilicus for children shock syndrome which better than the Hupo Baolong Capsule .

    结论捏脊敷脐疗法治疗小儿 惊吓症, 疗效显著,优于口服琥珀抱龙胶囊。

  • Objectives : To use extracorporeal cardiac shock therapeutic apparatus carry through extracorporeal cardiac shock wave therapy ( CSWT ) for heart of acute myocardial infarction stage in pigs .

    目的:应用体外心脏 震波 治疗仪在猪急性心肌梗死期对猪心脏进行体外震波治疗。

  • Experimental Therapeutic Study for Activated Coagulation by Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

    大鼠失血性 休克继发凝血活化的实验 治疗

  • Therapeutic Mechanism and Working Principle of Extracorporeal Cardiac Shock Wave Therapy ( CSWT ) in Coronary Heart Disease

    体外心脏 震波 治疗系统治疗冠心病的机理及其主要结构和工作原理

  • Therapeutic effect of tetramethylpyrazine injection on hemorrhagic shock in rabbits

    川芎嗪注射液对家兔失血性 休克的作用

  • Objective To study the therapeutic effects of Enalapril on hemodynamic indexes in cardiac shock dogs induced by acute right ventricular myocardial infarction ( RVMI ) .

    目的观察 依那普利、单纯补液对急性右心室心肌梗死(RVMI)心源性 休克时血流动力学指标的作用。

  • Research of Therapeutic Vaccine Against Chronic Hepatitis B Based on Heat Shock Protein

    基于热 休克蛋白的慢性乙型肝炎 治疗 疫苗的研究

  • Clinical Analysis of 109 Cases of Shock Among Medical Ward Patients with Emphasis on Emergency Therapeutic Measures for Toxicopathic Septic Shock

    109例内科 休克临床分析及中毒性休克的 治疗体会

  • Therapeutic efficacy analysis of vitro shock wave therapy for subacromial bursitis

    体外 冲击波治疗肩峰下滑囊炎的 疗效分析

  • Gu-4 might be a potential therapeutic candidate for sepsis and septic shock .

    Gu-4有可能成为治疗内毒素 休克的候选药物。

  • Therapeutic effects of recombinant hemoglobin in rats with hemorrhagic shock

    重组血红蛋白对大鼠失血性 休克 治疗效果

  • Objective To study the therapeutic effect of Shenfu injection in the treatment of acute cardiogenic shock .

    目的研究参附注射液对急性心源性 休克 治疗作用。