therapeutic reaction

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk riˈækʃən][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk riˈækʃən]

[医] 治疗反应

  • Methods w_912 Analyze the statistics of the amount of Clozapine in serum titered by ways of RP-HPLC and also the data of dosage therapeutic efficacy and the adverse reaction .

    方法采用高效液相反相色谱法进行氯氮平血药浓度监测,并对患者的服药剂量、血药浓度、 临床 疗效及不良 反应进行统计分析。

  • Furthermore the therapeutic mechanisms and adverse reaction of TW were elaborated and how to arrange properly the TCM herbal drugs used in combination was analyzed .

    并阐述了雷公藤 治疗 疾病的作用机理,不良 反应原因,以及如何选用中药配伍减毒增效作用给予分析。

  • Early Therapeutic Reaction to Clozapine Predicting Future Curative Effect

    氯氮平的早期 治疗 反应预测未来疗效

  • Conclusions : Using azithromycin in children 's mycoplasma pneumonia can get better therapeutic effect and shorter period of treatment with less adverse reaction .

    结论:阿奇霉素治疗小儿支原体肺炎效果显著, 疗程短,不良 反应少,值得临床推广。

  • The emergence of AEDs with the dosage the therapeutic efficacy adverse drug reaction and their interrelation were recorded . Results : There were 192 cases ( 84.2 % ) within the valid range of AEDs concentration . 183 ( 80.3 % ) cases were controlled effectively .

    结果:228例中192例(84.2%)在有效血药浓度范围内,癫痫发作控制有效183例( 80.3%),发生不良 反应55例(24.1%)。

  • Observation of therapeutic effect and toxic reaction of CFC regimen chrono-chemotherapy in treatment of oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma

    口腔颌面部鳞癌CFC方案时辰化疗近期 疗效及毒副 作用观察

  • Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect and adverse reaction of pamidronate ( Bonin ) Combined with chemotherapy in patients of bone metastases of advanced lung cancer .

    目的观察帕米磷酸二钠(博宁)联合化疗对肺癌骨转移的 疗效及不良 反应

  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic effects and toxicity reaction of Ifosfamide ( IFO ) combined with Cisplatin ( DDP ) or Etoposide ( VP-16 ) for the treatment of advanced lung cancer .

    目的:观察异环磷酰胺(IFO)联合顺铂(DDP)或足叶乙甙(VP16)治疗晚期肺癌的 近期 疗效和毒性 反应

  • Objective Probe into the radio frequency and melt ( radiofrequency ablation RFA ) Treat the preliminary therapeutic effect of liver malignant tumour security of the bad reaction and RFA .

    目的探讨射频消融(radiofrequencyablationRFA)治疗肝脏恶性肿瘤的可行性和安全性及初步 治疗效果、不良 反应

  • In therapeutic courses adverse reaction was not been found .

    4 临床试验过程中,未发现明显毒副 作用和不良 反应

  • Compare therapeutic effect clinical symptom improving effective power and adverse reaction between prior-treatment to post-treatment .

    比较两组治疗后 疗效、临床症状改善和不良 反应

  • Conclusion Bioresonance desensitization is a good therapeutic approach to allergic diseases without any adverse reaction .

    结论生物共振脱敏治疗无任何不良 反应,是一种比较理想的过敏性疾病的 治疗方法。

  • Therapeutic Effect of Pantoprazole Combined With Tropisetron on Prevention of Adverse Drug Reaction Caused by Chemotherapy

    泮托拉唑联合托烷司琼预防化疗不良 反应 疗效

  • The observation of membranous milkvetch root therapeutic effect on guinea pig with type ⅰ hypersensitivity early-phase reaction and late-phase reaction by TEM

    电镜观察黄芪对豚鼠I型超敏反应早期 反应和晚期反应的 治疗作用

  • Aim To discuss the therapeutic effects of methylprednisolone on postoperative traumatic reaction of anterior decompressive operation of cervical spondylotic myelopathy .

    目的探讨不同剂量甲泼尼龙 治疗脊髓型颈椎病前路减压术后创伤 反应的应用价值。

  • The Study of Discrepancies about Pathology and Glucocorticoid Therapeutic Reaction in ALI Models Induced by Infection A cold predisposes a person to pneumonia .

    肺内外感染致急性肺损伤病理改变与激素 干预 效果差异的研究感冒易使患者感染肺炎。

  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of nebulization of Tanreqing injection on radioactive reaction of oropharynx mucosa .

    目的:观察痰热清雾化吸入防治放射性口咽黏膜 反应 疗效

  • Conclusion The therapeutic effects of risperidone and perphenazine are equal but the reaction of extrapyramidal system in group of risperidone is less and better compliance which can be used widely clinically .

    结论利培酮与奋乃静治疗精神分裂症 疗效相当,但利培酮锥体外系 反应较少,患者服药依从性好,值得临床广泛应用。

  • The specific application of therapeutic Canberra centralizer in combination with surgery chemotherapy and increase the prevention and control of adverse reaction chemotherapy curative effect improve survival period and radiation therapy treatment combined with premalignant lesion treatment middle-late tumor .

    扶正培本治则具体应用在与手术相结合、防治化疗毒副 反应并增加化疗疗效,提高生存期、与放射治疗相结合、治疗癌前病变治疗中晚期肿瘤等。

  • A study on therapeutic efficacy and adverse drug reaction of zuclopenthixol acetate in the treatment of acute psychotic episode

    氯噻吨乙酸酯治疗急性精神病发作的 疗效及不良 反应

  • Methods 28 patients with aggressive NHL who were 6078 years old were treated with 4-6 cycles of improved CHOP its therapeutic effect and adverse reaction were observed .

    方法选择 60~78岁侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,应用改良CHOP方案治疗4~6个周期,观察其 疗效

  • The therapeutic effect of modified minor radix bupleuri decoction in preventing and treating digestive reaction caused by DDP

    加味小柴胡汤防治顺铂所致消化道 反应 疗效观察

  • In order to strengthen therapeutic effect and reduce adverse reaction of this drug blood concentration monitoring and individualize therapy should be performed .

    加强血 浓度监测,及个体化给药,可减少不良 反应

  • Methods A total of 33 patients with advanced primary liver carcinoma was treated with FUdR ? compound Dan Shen root and para sophorcarpidine drug and the therapeutic effects survival duration and toxic reaction were observed .

    方法应用FUdR、复方丹参联合苦参碱类药物治疗原发性肝癌患者33例,观察 疗效与生存期及毒性 反应

  • This paper reported the underlying pathological changes of Paget 's disease and the results of treatment in 9 cases with EHDP and calcitonin in regard to the dosage therapeutic effect and side reaction .

    本文介绍畸形性骨炎的基本病变,总结了9例患者EHDP和CT 治疗的剂量、效果和副 作用

  • Results Ten days after the operation the number of distal nerve fibers was significantly smaller in the control group than in the therapeutic group ( P < 0.01 ); the reaction to planta stimulation appeared earlier and the leg action recovered faster in the therapeutic group .

    结果术后10d,对照组术侧远端神经纤维数量比 治疗组明显减少(P<0.01),治疗组术侧 足底刺激出现早,肢体活动恢复快。

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine on radiotherapy induced mucosal reaction in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer .

    目的:探讨益气养阴活血中药防治放射性黏膜 反应 临床 疗效

  • Purpose : To study the therapeutic effect and toxic reaction of salvage chemotherapy with topotecan and cisplatin in patients with advanced recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer .

    目的:研究拓扑替康(topotecan)与顺铂联合化疗治疗晚期复发性上皮性卵巢癌的 疗效和毒性 反应