the devil

[ði ˈdɛvəl][ðə ˈdevl]


  • They were convinced the girls ' behaviour was due to possession by the devil .

    他们相信了这些女孩之所以有如此举动是因为 鬼魂

  • Every one for himself and the devil take the hindmost .

    人人都只考虑自己, 落后谁 倒霉

  • You 're dealing with the devil .

    你在和 魔鬼做交易。

  • Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it

    蒂姆想知道他们 究竟是怎么做到的。

  • Well talk of the devil !

    呵,说曹操, 曹操

  • We had the devil 's own job to persuade him to take part .

    我们说服他参加可 了一 周折

  • You 'll have the devil to pay if you hurt those kids .

    如果你伤了孩子们,那么你就有大 麻烦了。

  • The telescope must be bewitched by the devil .

    这台望远镜肯定被 魔鬼施了魔法。

  • how & what the devil 's this about ? exclaimed the bridegroom .

    “怎么啦&这是出了什么 事儿?”新郎大声问道。

  • He drives himself on working like the devil from seven in the morning until midnight

    他不断敦促自己,从早上7点一直 拼命工作到午夜。

  • Last year a 15-year-old girl alleged to be possessed by the devil was exorcised live on TV .

    去年,一名据称被 上身的15岁女孩的驱邪过程在电视上直播。

  • She even claimed the couple 's daughter was possessed by the devil

    她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被 魔鬼

  • You can choose the devil and his burning fires of hell .

    你可以选择 魔鬼和它那熊熊燃烧的地狱之火。

  • You made a deal with the devil .

    竟然 魔鬼作了交易。

  • It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him .

    召鬼容易 驱鬼难。

  • ' Why the devil did you do that ? '

    “你 到底为什么要那样做?”

  • I tell you he is the devil !

    我告诉你们他就是 恶魔

  • ' What the devil 's the matter ? '


  • The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose .

    为了达到目的, 魔鬼也会援引圣经。

  • To give the devil his due he is quite a conscientious worker .


  • I 'm in love with the devil .

    我在与 魔鬼 爱情。

  • The Devil tempted Adam and Eve .


  • ' Ah the devil 's taken his soul !

    啊, 魔鬼取走了他的灵魂!

  • What this country is doing in Africa is as much as holding a light to the devil .

    这个国家在非洲的行动无异于 助桀为虐

  • At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil

    牧师在大弥撒上布道 驱邪

  • Dwight what in the devil did you do to him ?

    德怀特,你 到底对他干了些什么?

  • I wonder where the devil my slippers are !

    我不知道我的拖鞋 究竟放到哪里去了。

  • He must have driven like the devil .

    他一定是把车开得 飞快

  • I asked him this cruel training of the devil .

    我问他这种残酷 魔鬼训练。

  • You 're the devil and you 're rotten to the core .

    你是个 恶魔,骨子里坏透了。