theater television

[ˈθiətɚ ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən][ˈθiətə ˈteliˌviʒən]

[电] 剧场电视

  • The belligerent occupant may establish censorship of the press radio theater motion pictures and television of correspondence and of all other means of communication .

    交战国占领者得审查新闻、播、 、影,和 电视,以及信件、其他一切通讯模式。

  • In Western culture we read from left to right and we watch theater and television that way too .

    西方文化中,人们的阅读方式是从左到右, 看戏和看 电视也是这样。

  • Theater film and television production and other industries the two pillars of multiple interactions complement each other the mountain has become a complete media industry chain .

    剧场 演出影视制作两大支柱及其他产业多元互动、相互补充,本山传媒已形成一条完整的产业链。

  • The origin of stage arts theater after various periods of change and improvement its creative approach in the television colorful and some vertical inheritance some horizontal draw freehand decorative realistic distinctive .

    舞台美术起源 戏剧,经过各个时期的变化与改进,在 电视领域它的创作手法丰富多彩,有的纵向继承,有的横向借鉴,写意性、装饰性、写实性等各具特色。

  • More and more makers of films television shows and even video games are enlisting the help of scientists to bring more dazzle - and accuracy - to theater television and computer screens across the planet .

    越来越多的电影、电视节目甚至电子游戏等制作者纷纷向科学家求助,为 影院电视以及电脑屏幕带来更多精准、耀眼的视觉享受。

  • The term originated in the theater and moved to movies and scripted television and then reality television .

    这个说法初现于 剧院 表演,后来适用范围扩展到电影、 电视 以及真人秀 电视节目。

  • To hold the attention of children as young as two years old there is the Disney Magic Theater which combines functions of a computer television and chalkboard and is the main teaching tool .

    为吸引小孩子(最小的只有两岁)的注意力,学校还设立了集电脑、 电视和黑板功能于一体的迪士尼魔幻 剧场(MagicTheater),它还是主要的教学工具。

  • In modern time the prose in broad sense includes all narrating 、 discussing and lyric style except poetry 、 novel 、 theater 、 movie and television literature .

    在现代,广义的散文包括除去诗歌、小说、 戏剧影视文学之外的一切记叙性、议论性、抒情性的文体,这样,就有了叙事散文和议论散文和抒情散文的分类。

  • The music in the film art of thinking with the theater thinking literature thinking thinking of painting the same proposition of the film and television art world .

    影视艺术中的音乐思维同 戏剧思维、文学思维、绘画思维一样是 影视艺术世界的命题。

  • The town also has a Cultural Center station the film team Central Hospital as well as open-air theater television and cultural facilities such as poor turntable .

    镇内还设有文化中心站、电影队、中心医院以及露天 剧场电视差转台等文化设施。

  • I love going to the theater and seeing the previews for coming movies . Remote controls which have caused an acceleration in the pace of films and television commercials .

    我很喜欢到 电影院看未上映电影的预告。还有可使影片和 电视广告快速播放的遥控器。

  • STEVEN : Are you more interested in theater or in television ?

    史蒂文:你是对 戏剧还是对 电视 更感兴趣?