the four corners


  • I mean we all know that our voice can be delivered to the four corners of the globe over telephone lines .

    我的意思是,大家都知道,我们的声音可以 角落的电话线路。

  • Just above the platform at either of the four corners is an exquisite female bust .

    就在平台上, 角落 每个 角都有一个精致的妇女半身像。

  • Even the four corners and edges of the natural materials have justifiable life and philosophical existence .

    即使自然材料 和边缘也是有它自己的生命理由和存在逻辑。

  • The department store at the four corners is the largest one in the city .


  • Then draw more objects over the four corners using the same Drop Shadow effect .

    然后吸引更多的物体超过 角落使用相同的下拉阴影效果。

  • Let us ask earth for Marias or angels to anchor in the four corners of one 's home .

    让我们请地球玛丽天使们来锚定你居所的 角落

  • Some of the ruins in the Four Corners area are from the earliest people who lived there .

    一些 四面的遗址是属于最早居住在那里的人们的。

  • In each of the four corners of the garden there is a pavilion symbolizing the four seasons .

    在御花园内的每一 十字路口都有一个亭子,象征着四季。

  • People came from the four corners f the would to see this spectacle .

    人们从 四处 赶来看这一奇观。

  • That specifies the four corners of a cell .


  • They work while we sleep unloading planes and lorries feeding packages and letters into huge sorting machines and reloading them for rapid delivery to the four corners of the earth .

    他们在我们睡觉的时候工作,从飞机和卡车上卸下信件和包裹,用庞大的分类机处理好,再重新装载完毕以便快速运输到地球 角落

  • The speakers may be put in the four corners of the school hall .

    扬声器可以放在学校礼堂 角落

  • A bed with posts at the four corners that can be used to support a canopy or curtains .

    可以撑遮棚或帘子 柱子的床。

  • The four corners of the crossroad are respectively provided with four right-turn lanes .

    交叉口 位置上分别设置四个右转弯车道;

  • And so now I have hydrogens at the four corners of a tetrahedron .

    放在碳正四面体, 上。

  • The lattice jib consisted of five sections and each section was connected together by four retaining pins at the four corners .

    该猪笼吊臂由五个部分组成,各部分由四颗连接钉在 角落连结一起。

  • After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree .

    此后我看见四位天使站在地 ,执掌地上四方的风,叫风不吹在地上,海上,和树上。

  • They cast bronze rings to hold the poles for the four corners of the bronze grating .

    为铜网 环子,作为穿杠的用处。

  • Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear .

    你要在所披 外衣上 做繸子。

  • They 've combed the four corners of the world for the best accessories

    为了找到最好的配件,他们寻遍了 每个 地方

  • We will hunt them down even to the four corners of the earth and will bring them to trial .

    哪怕 追到 天涯海角,也要把他们归案法办。

  • The under cover should rest on the four corners of the machine table groove .

    把底槽支到机台沟 上。

  • Use the four corners of the net to align it parallel to the plane you like to correct .

    使用网 来与你想纠正的面平行对齐。

  • Leveling jacks located at the four corners of the main frame are controlled from the operator 's cab .

    位于主机架 调平千斤顶是从操作室控制的。

  • ( Parsons School of Design in New York ) a sturdy rectangular table with block legs at the four corners .

    (纽约帕森斯设计学校中)一种 有木腿的坚固的直角桌子。

  • A double-sided rubber block is arranged on each of the four corners of the single tablecloth .

    单张桌布 上设有双面胶块。

  • Young people came from the four corners of the nation .

    全国 各地的年轻人都来到这里。