the odd man

[ði ɑd mæn][ðə ɔd mæn]


  • At school he was always the odd man out .

    在学校里他总是与 别人 格格不入

  • The odd man udded an additional riddle to the middlevf fthe saddle .

    古怪 给这个鞍的中间添加一个另外的谜。

  • The odd man out of course is Doctoroff 56 the former deputy mayor who has been running Bloomberg LP since 2008 .

    56岁 董德融便理所当然地成为了出局之人,这位前任纽约副市长自2008年便一直掌管彭博。

  • I was always the odd man out in my class at school .

    在学校我总是 跟班上的同学合不来。

  • The old man lay tasking his rest after a life of bitter hardship the odd man out for the rest of my life .

    这位老人 含辛茹苦一辈子,现在长眠于地下了下半辈子自己是一个与 格格不入的

  • 467 . The odd man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle .

    467. 那个 怪人把一个额外的谜语添加到鞍座中间。

  • The odd man out for the rest of my life .

    下半辈子自己是一 格格不入的人。

  • A better way is to have all the people on your team work remotely some of the time so everyone gets a taste of it and no one is the ' odd man out ' who 's always calling in on the conference line at meetings .

    一个更好的办法是,让团队成员在某些时候全部远程办公,让每个人都有机会体验这种工作方式,这样就不会有人成为那个总是占据公司会议线路的 离群索居

  • One of the short lines used on maps to shade or to indicate slopes and their degree and direction . A : No. Singapore is a kind of odd man out here & as in different way is Hong Kong .

    阴影线地图上使用 一种短线,用于表示不同的明暗程度或山坡及其坡度和方向答:不会。新加坡是 特殊例子,从不同的角度看,香港也是。

  • The shape of the letters on my father 's gave me an odd idea that he was a square stout dark man with curly black hair .

    最初 的想象中也有父母亲的模样, 是根据他们的墓碑字形乱造出来的。我 父亲墓碑上 字体使我产生了一个 奇怪的想法,认为他是个方方正正。

  • Bush Hillary Clinton most admired in AmericaThey 're the odd couple again : George Bush and Hillary Clinton the most admired man and woman in America .

    今年美国最受敬佩的 男女又是 希奇的组合&布什和希拉里。

  • For some EU policymakers such behaviour comes across as obstinate slippery and not untypical of a country that has often looked the odd man out since it joined the old European Economic Community in 1981 .

    对于欧盟一些政策制定者来说,希腊上述行为显得固执己见、狡猾异常,且符合该国的一贯作风自从1981年加入欧盟前身欧洲经济共同体(eec,简称欧共体)以来,希腊常常显得 格格不入

  • We shall have to invite another girl to the party or Nigel will be the odd man out ― everybody else is coming with a partner .

    我们必须再邀请一位姑娘来参加聚会,不然 奈杰尔就成了 单个了――我们其他人都将带舞伴来。

  • What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock ?

    若是你真的把一个无辜的 送上被告席了呢?

  • That boy is always the odd man out when the children are divided into teams .

    孩子分组时,那男孩总是 单个

  • If the rest of the euro zone continues to improve in 2014 France could quickly start to look like the odd man out .

    如果欧元区其他国家的状况2014年继续改善,法国可能很快就会开始显得 格格不入