the heart of a matter

[ði hɑrt ʌv e ˈmætɚ][ðə hɑ:t ɔv ə ˈmætə]


  • At the heart of it all is a dispute over whether lawyers and judges can determine whether and which companies must pay for global warming or whether this is a matter for legislators to decide .

    核心论点都在于律师和法官是否能够确定以下问题:这些公司是否必须为全球变暖买单,如果是,具体是哪些公司;或者这 是否应该由立法者来决定。

  • The specific or practical details ; the heart of a matter .

    本质精确的或实际的细节; 事物 实质

  • This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secrect of his major scientific discoveries & this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty .

    他能够本能地看透 事物 本质,他对美有超凡的感受,这便是他伟大科学发明的秘密。