the Great Divide


  • Close to occurrences taking place that shall bring down the great divide that has led so many of your world to forget who they are .

    与即将发生的事情有多么的接近,这将击溃 巨大 分界,它已经让如此多的人忘记了自己到底是谁。

  • Even though we know that the next world lies across the great divide known as the grave we do not know how long we have to tarry there .

    即便我们知道后世处在众所周知的“ 拜勒宰合” 这个 分水岭上,我们也不知道我们得在那待多久。

  • Obligation to prove that what one says is true About the criminal burden of proof view Great Britain American and French department adopt the theory of hierarchically divide into responsibility that produce evidence and persuade responsibility .

    关于刑事证明责任观, 英美法系采取分层说 为提供证据的责任和说服责任。

  • The results indicated that the hourly cooling loads difference between zones was great which makes important to divide different zones in the VAV air - conditioning system design .

    通过模拟发现, 朝向外区间逐时负荷也有 较大差异,所以对建筑 分区考虑冷负荷, 合理设计和布置空调系统显得十分重要。

  • Love rarely crosses the great divide of social class .

    爱情很少逾越社会阶级间 巨大 鸿沟

  • During the recent history great powers aroundonce attempted to divide the buffer region & korean Peninsula time andagain .

    在近代的历史上,周边 列强曾多次试图 分割东亚的缓冲地带&韩半岛。

  • It brings to mind a headline I saw recently : Education : The Great Divide .

    这使我想起最近看到的一个新闻标题:教育: 鸿沟现在我懂了。

  • The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth .

    是时候跨越形式与真理之间的 巨大 界线了。

  • And pain is the great divide .

    所以疼痛是 区分方法。

  • Case law and written law are the two most influential sources of law nowadays and they are the great mark to divide the two kinds all along .

    判例法和制定法是当今世界上最具影响力的两种法律形式,它们一直是 英美法系和大陆法系相区 别的 主要标志。

  • Alice just crossed to the other side of the great puberty divide possesses a maturity that comes as much from abiding her angry father as it does from her natural poise .

    刚刚度过青春期的爱丽丝有 别样 成熟,这一方面源于她对她那爱发脾气的父亲的忍耐服从,另一方面,是她与生俱来的。

  • Love rarely across the great divide of social class .

    爱情很少能 跨过不同社会阶层 之间 屏障

  • The conclusion in Okinawa with the origin on difference of income per capita between developed economies and developing economies results in a great disparity of informatization level which is making up the digital divide .

    冲绳的结论, 发达经济与发展中经济人均收入差距日益扩大 根源在于信息化水平 悬殊造成的数字 鸿沟

  • The invention of the wheel was the second great divide in human history .

    轮子的发明是人类史上 转折点。

  • Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide .

    听风,来自远方的, 吹过 鸿沟的风。

  • The great divide which separates rationalism from superstition .

    理性主义与迷信相区别的 分水岭

  • I used to believe that the great divide was between the public and the private sector : between state and commercial interests .

    我曾经以为,公共部门和私营部门存在 巨大 差异:它存在于政府和商业利益之间。

  • The great flexibility of Web services allows enterprise to divide application program into separate units and make effective integration .

    同时Web服务 具有 很大的灵活性,允许企业 应用程序分成几个不同的单元,使得集成更为有效。

  • Acting and design are much more subjective and they form the great divide .

    表演和设计就主观多了,这部分是 很大的一

  • The Seven Samurai represents a great divide in his work ;

    在他的作品中,“七武士” 具有 分水岭的作用;

  • The great majority countries divide the range of jurisdiction mainly according to the amount of the disputed-object ;

    大多数国家主要是以争议标的数额为依据来 划分事物管辖的;

  • In modern knowledge-economy society although the developments of information communication technologies ( icts ) make the great progress ICTs also occurrence of digital divide .

    在当代知识经济社会中,资讯科技的 快速发展 带来进步,也形成数位 落差的问题。