

vt.& vi.重击,捶击步履沉重地走(心脏等)扑扑地跳砰地撞到


  • The dog let his head thump on the floor again .

    那只狗又用头 地板。

  • I 'll thump you on the nose !

    我要 打断你的鼻梁!

  • Don 't say it serves me right or I 'll thump you .

    别说我 活该不然 你尝尝我的 拳头

  • Pony carried the wheat in the water thump thump crossing the river to the mill .

    小马背着麦子 水,“ 扑通扑通” 过了河,到磨房去了。

  • But then there came a thump on the path right in front of her .

    不料就在她面前的小路 上传的一

  • He heard the thump of a man 's head against the floor .

    他听见有个人的脑袋 的一 撞在了地板上。

  • The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head .

    低音电吉他开始 砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。

  • He picked up his heavy horse and put it down with a thump .

    他拾起他的重骑兵, 重重 放下了它。

  • I heard you thumping on the door .

    我听见你 咚咚 门。

  • My heart was thumping wildly but I didn 't let my face show any emotion .

    我的心在 不已,但是我仍 面不改色

  • She thumped her hand on the witness box

    抬手 重重 在证人席上。

  • The thump of his feet on the pavement caught his mother 's attention .

    他的 脚步 引起了妈妈的注意。

  • We heard a thump as he fell .

    我们听见他 的一 倒了下去。

  • He brought his hand down on the table with a thump .

    的一 把手按在桌子上。

  • Waiters went scurrying down the aisles thumping down tureens of soup .

    服务员们匆匆忙忙穿过走道,把一盆 盆汤重重地放在桌上。

  • The plank fell on the ground with a thump .

    的一 ,木板倒下来了。

  • The thief hit him a thump on the head .

    贼在他的头 重击 一下

  • You 'll have to thump on the door or he 'll never hear you in the back room .

    你是 用力 捶门,不然他在后面房间里怎么也听不见。

  • He was not however and quickly fell back down with a thump and went to sleep .

    但是它没有惊讶,而是很快又 重重 往后倒了下去,睡着了。

  • Into the office my heart thump thump manner Zhitiao .

    进了办公室,我的心“ 扑通扑通”地直跳。

  • He gave the table a thump which shook the cups .

    了一下桌子,杯子 震得 起来

  • I heard a noise come from your apartment last night . a loud thump .

    昨晚我听见你们房间传来的声响。很响的 重击

  • He leaped on to the platform with a thump .

    他腾地一 到台

  • She dashed out through the door her stockinged feet thumping softly as she ran up the stairs

    她穿着袜子冲出房门,跑着上楼梯 发出轻柔的 咚咚

  • His heart began to thump wildly .

    他的心开始 怦怦

  • The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump .

    水泥袋砰的一 声落在地上。

  • He thumped my shoulder affectionately nearly knocking me over

    他亲热地 一下我的肩膀,差点把我打倒。

  • He sat down with a thump .

    的一 坐了下来。

  • Where 's that thumping noise coming from ?

    那个 咚咚的响声是从哪里传来的?