think of as

[θɪŋk ʌv æz][θiŋk ɔv æz]


  • In OO systems though even objects that you think of as passive have responsibilities and operations defined on them .

    而在OO系统里,即使被 认为 被动的对象也有定义于其上的职责和操作。

  • A super cluster is a hierarchical cluster that you can think of as a generalization of the classic WebSphere Application Server cluster .

    超级集群就是指一种具有层次结构的集群,您可以将其 看作是典型WebSphereApplicationServer集群的一般化。

  • Another thing I admire about Knuth and most of the other people I think of as masters is his ability to cut through complexity and present his ideas clearly and concisely .

    我还很敬佩Knuth的另一点以及其他我 认为 大师的人们具有克服复杂并清晰且简洁地表达自己想法的能力。

  • When you have a program linked dynamically against the C library most of the things you think of as system calls are really function calls into wrappers in the C library .

    当有一个动态链接到C库的程序时,您 认为 “系统调用”的大部分东西实际上是调用C库中的包装器的函数。

  • Even all of the usual Java development tools that most people think of as being integral to Eclipse are actually just plug-ins .

    甚至集成到Eclipse中的所有常用的Java工具实际上 只是插件。

  • Instead of trying to instruct students in theory and broad surveys of various techniques I teach them what I think of as software development the applied side of software engineering .

    我并不是试图教导学生们理论和笼统的介绍各种各样的技术,而是告诉他们我所 理解的软件开发,即软件工程应用的一面。

  • The parameter for each operation that the wizard creates is actually a business graph ( hence the BG suffix ) which you can think of as an enhanced business object .

    向导为每个操作创建的参数实际上是一个业务图形(因此后缀为BG),您可以 增强的业务对象。

  • But by keeping as hands-off as possible in terms of production YouTube has a distinct advantage over most firms that we think of as media companies such as movie studios or production houses : its marginal costs are nearly zero .

    不过,由于其尽可能不干涉视频制作,相比电影工作室和制作公司等绝大多数我们所 公认的“媒体公司”,YouTube有着明显优势&其边际成本几乎为零。

  • What we think of as cancer is not really one disease but a large number of related diseases .

    我们 平时的癌症,其实并不是一种疾病,而是多种相关的疾病。

  • Only 3 per cent of businesses would be affected and many of these are corporate law firms financial partnerships and the like – not what most people think of as small businesses .

    这是在转移视线。仅有3%的企业将会受到影响,且许多都是公司律师事务所、金融合伙企业等等,而不是多数人 眼中的小企业。

  • As mobile devices continue to more closely resemble what we think of as PCs the distinction will continue to blur .

    随着移动设备越来越向PC 靠拢,两者的界限将不断模糊。

  • Well that is used to describe the excitement of seeing what Chinese fans like to think of as the love between the two characters .

    至于 基情?好吧,这个词儿是用来形容中国粉丝脑补这两个主角之间的爱意 的激动 心情

  • A major version which you can think of as a published file is visible to anyone with permission to read the file .

    具有文件读取权限的任何人都可以看到主要版本(可以将其 想像 已发布的文件)。

  • It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money .

    政府要是 私有化 当作省钱之道就不明智了。

  • I am fascinated by it because what we often think of as creativity does not really convey its essence .

    我对他很着迷,因为我们 创新的 理解实际上并没有道出它的本质。

  • The brains we might think of as conscious and those we think of as unconscious reacted to the stimulus in distinct ways .

    结果显示,在我们通常 认定 有意识或无意识的大脑中,这些刺激引起的反应方式截然不同。

  • The point is I 'm out of the house out of the office out of earshot of anyone in mind to give me a shout and outside the confines of what I think of as my life .

    但问题是,我走出了家门,离开了办公室,到了任何人想喊我都听不到的地方,到了我所 认为的生活范围以外的地方。

  • For some there may be a realization that you exist outside of the body and self that you think of as you and that you will continue to be no matter what roles you shed or even when you shed your physical body .

    对一些人来讲,或许存在某种意识,就是你存在于肉体和自身之外,你 认为的自己,不论你自己角色如何转换,甚至你卸下肉体的躯壳,你终将继续是你。

  • Before my graduation form Columbia the family met with severe financial reverses and I felt it my duty to leave college and take a job . Thus was I launched upon a business career - which I always think of as the wasted years .

    没等我从哥伦比亚大学毕业,家里的经济情况就变得很糟,我感到自己有责任退学找工作,这才投身商界&我始终 认为那段经商岁月 虚掷光阴。

  • Sort by color size shape favorite least favorite etc. Think of as many ways to sort as possible .

    按颜色,大小,形状,爱好,最不喜欢的等等来分类。 可能的 更多的方法来分类。

  • Now the Lady responds to what we can think of as his aristocratic debauchery with an economic theory of her own and we haven 't looked at that yet .

    这位女士以我们可以 想到的方式做出回应, 由于对她提出的图利的理论和他本身的贵族气息的放荡,这一点我们还没有读到。

  • So what we think of as fate is just two neurosis knowing they 're a perfect match .

    因此,所谓命运,就只不过是两个疯子 认为他们自己是天造一对、地设一双。

  • And even in the non-profit world a world we sometimes think of as being led by more women women at the top : 20 percent .

    即使在非营利行业,我们有时 认为这一行业会有更多女性领导者,但女性领导人只占20%。

  • I like to think of myself as a free spirit

    我愿意 自己 看成是个无拘无束的人。

  • I 'd like to hear from you Edge readers about the people you 'd choose for a list of masters and the software you think of as masterpieces & and why .

    我希望能收到RationalEdge读者的来信,希望 能列出选择的大师和软件杰作&以及选择的原因。

  • This is the stage for a service available for use and what we typically think of as a service .

    这是服务可供使用的阶段,我们通常所 谈说的服务实际 处于此阶段的服务。

  • Much of what we think of as Amsterdam is the product of the Golden Age of Dutch classicism the17 th century .

    我们能 想到 关于阿姆斯特丹的不外乎就是:这城市是17世纪荷兰古典主义的鼎盛时期的产物。

  • Information stored in a table is structured into column families which you can think of as categories .

    存储在表中的信息的结构为列族(columnfamily),您可以 这种结构 类别。