thinking process

[ˈθɪŋkɪŋ ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈθiŋkiŋ ˈprəuses]


  • How often is your thinking process sluggish or your concentration impaired ?

    3.你的 思维是否 缓慢,或者注意力不集中?

  • Any exertion on his part is still the thinking process .

    思考者的任何努力仍然是 思考 过程

  • For me I can 't work when listening to songs with lots of lyrics because the words interrupt my thinking process .

    这时你可以戴上没有放音乐的 耳机以屏蔽外界的 噪音

  • Geography stereoscopic thinking considers not only the time and space of geography but also the system of the thinking process completeness or integrity .

    地理立体思维不仅考虑地理学的时间与空间双重性,还 考虑 思维 过程中的系统性、完全性或整体性。

  • This essay by analyzing metaphors and with some examples from English and Chinese illustrates the cultural trace in the human thinking process .

    本文将选择隐喻为视角,以英语和汉语为例,说明人类 思维 过程中的文化印痕。

  • Based on the logical psychology an explanation about the thinking process of extensions of numbers systems is given .

    摘要对数系的扩充 进行了逻辑 心理学的分析。

  • The representative course of knowledge is a course in which the information state changes from self presence to self performance and an extensible thinking process of meta language .

    知识表现的过程是信息由“自在”状态进入“自为”状态的过程,也是元语言的 思维扩展 过程

  • For these particular reasons I was keen to find the right program that would meet the criteria while giving me a world class EMBA and stimulating my thinking process .

    基于这些原因,我很想要找到适合的EMBA项目-既要能达到前面提到的条件,又要能够激发我 思维的世界级 EMBA

  • So the woman being lacking of physical strength would be more concentrated on the thinking process therefore she came up with more good ideas .

    女人缺乏强健体格,就专注在 思考上,因此想出了许多好主意。

  • In this section we will provide you useful methods and exercises to help you to retrain your thinking process in English .

    本节会介绍几种有效的方法和练习方式,帮你适应用英语来 思考

  • Packaging design is a kind of creative thinking process .

    摘要包装设计是一种创造性的 思维 过程

  • It 's not you searching for problems ; it 's him searching for gaps in his thinking process .

    不是你来寻找问题,而是他来寻找自身 思考 过程中的缺漏。

  • Reading comprehension is a dynamic interactive process between text information input and existing knowledge as well as a thinking process of psychological language containing various skills .

    阅读理解是文本信息输入与大脑中固有知识之间的动态交互过程,也是一个包含多种技能的心理语言 思维 过程

  • There is a global thinking process under way and a recognition that some things have happened that should not have happened Ms Merkel said .

    现在 正在进行全球性的 思考大家认识到,有些已经发生的事情本来不该发生,默克尔说。

  • If you use questions to guide people toward the errors in their thinking process and allow them to come up with the solution themselves they 're less likely to feel threatened and more likely to follow through .

    如果你使用问题来引导人们发现他们在 思考 过程中的错误,允许他们自己想出解决办法,人们更不容易感受到威胁,且更愿意跟随你的引导。

  • With the thinking aloud approach quantitative and qualitative analysis has been made on the thinking process of six college students who speak standard Chinese while describing some pictures .

    笔者采用有声思维的实验方法,对我国六名讲普通话的大学生在一次看图说话任务中的 思维 过程,做了定量和定性分析。

  • A pair of eyes an action an exhibition an advertisement a thinking process an effort to criticize an experience of pain a quest for meaning .

    一双眼、一次行动、一次做作、一次宣传、一次 思考、一次批判、一次痛苦、一次意义。

  • Design is transforming the nature of human activities one of the basic design is a complex thinking process design process contains the chance of invention and innovation .

    设计是人类改造自然的基本的活动之一,设计是复杂的 思维 过程,设计过程蕴含着创新和发明的机会。

  • Furthermore a consciousness of question occupied a very important position in thinking process and science innovation activities .

    此外,问题意识在 思维 过程和科学创新活动中也占有非常重要的地位。

  • A moralistic training warps the thinking process .

    道德说教式的教育导致 思维 过程的扭曲。

  • You must sharpen your thinking process and learn to live in the moment or the NOW as it has been called .

    你必须提高你的 思维 过程,学习活在此时或现今所称的“当下”,以获得经验和智慧;

  • On the other hand if you take notes in the form of a learning map you will follow the natural thinking process and make leaps when your thoughts leap .

    另一方面,如果你以学习脑图的方式来记笔记,你就能跟随自然的 思考 模式并在你的思维需要跳跃时发生跳跃。

  • Representation of Design Intents in Design Thinking Process Model

    设计 思考 过程模型中设计意图的表达

  • A Study on Lean Thinking Process Flow Improvement for Radiation Department

    基于精益 思想的医院放射 检查 流程改善研究

  • That is human being who rethinks profoundly and consciously to the thinking process and also is a process in which logic embodies its value .

    这是人类对 思维 过程的自觉反思,也是逻辑体现其价值的过程。

  • Thinking process of legal terminology from relevance theory perspective

    从关联理论看法律术语翻译的 思维 过程

  • A Chinese English student must restrain from using the Chinese-English translation thinking process that he is accustomed to .

    身为一个中国的英语学习者必须学会控制已经习惯了的汉英翻译 思考 过程

  • English writing is a complex thinking process reflecting students'English comprehensive ability so that it becomes teachers'focus .

    英语写作是一个复杂的 思维 过程,是学生英语综合能力的反映。因此,写作也成为了英语教师关注的重点。

  • Innovation of teaching approach of accounting based on thinking process

    基于大学生课堂 思维 进程的会计教学方法探讨

  • AIM : To explore thinking process and approaches of standardization of national health information data elements by classifying and modeling essential health institutional information .

    目的对卫生机构基本信息数据归类并建模,以探讨国家卫生信息数据元标准化的 思路和方法。