

  • If god could save me from second and third-degree burns and a broken arm he must have something special planned .

    如果上帝能够在二 烧伤和胳膊骨折的情况下将我救活,我 相信他一定有特殊的计划。

  • Objective To study the expression characteristics of cytokeratin 19 ( CK19 ) in different live tissues from victims with third-degree burns to explore the possible mechanisms of tissue reparation and regeneration in orthophoria .

    目的通过对 烧伤创面原位再生修复过程中不同活组织角蛋白19(K19)表达特征的研究,探索 烧伤创面原位再生修复的可能机制。

  • Expression of Cytokeratin 19 in Different Live Tissues From Victims With Third-degree Burns in Repair Process

    角蛋白19在 烧伤创面修复过程中的表达及意义

  • In addition the prevalence and heritability of these diseases in first - second - and third-degree relatives of the proband gradually reduce .

    另外, 种疾病患者的一、二、 亲属的患病率和遗传度 亲属关系越远而逐渐降低。

  • Heather had suffered a fractured skull a broken right shoulder and fractured right arm as well as third-degree burns to her face arms and legs .

    希瑟颅骨破裂,右肩骨折,右臂折断以及脸、臂和腿部 烧伤

  • Regressive analysis is also separately made on the total third-degree burn and the relationship between the burn index number and the probability of death .

    本文分别对烧伤总面积、 烧伤面积及烧伤指数与死亡概率的关系,进行了回归分析。

  • Groups are one way to contact second - and third-degree LinkedIn members directly .

    加入 行业组织是在LinkedIn直接接触到第二和 联系人的一个方式。

  • Results : In treatment of moderate-severe chronic cancer-related pain the remission rate of pain above third-degree of transdermal fentanyl group and sustained release morphine group is 82.35 % and 78.79 % respectively . There was no significant difference between the two groups .

    结果:芬太尼透皮贴剂的 3 以上疼痛缓解率为82.35%,硫酸吗啡控释片为78.79%,两组间无显著性差异。

  • Observation on effect of norepinephrine salt water gastric lavage for newborns with amniotic fluid third-degree meconium pollution

    羊水 污染新生儿应用去甲肾上腺素盐水洗胃效果观察

  • Observation of the Curative Effects of No. 1 Burn Ointment of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Small Third-degree Burn

    中药烧伤膏I号 联合 治疗小 面积 烧伤的疗效观察

  • This paper research third-degree price discrimination in terms of manufacturer angle and consumer separately and have drawn some valuable conclusions .

    本文 是分别从厂商角度和消费者角度对 价格歧视进行 一定 深度的研究,得出了一些有价值的结论。

  • Effects of Different Kinds of Skin Grafts on Biological Activities of Local Cytokines in Third-degree Burned Rats

    不同植皮手术对 烫伤大鼠局部细胞因子活性的影响

  • This paper analyzes the welfare implication of the third-degree price discrimination by considering linear demand curves in all markets .

    本文对线性需求市场下 价格歧视对总福利的影响效应进行了研究。

  • A new operative method to repair the third-degree old laceration of perineum

    一种新的手术方法治疗陈旧性会阴 度裂伤

  • A third-degree burns over 30 % total body surface area rat model was used and pulmonary capillary permeability lung water content pulmonary histology and p38 MAPK activity were measured at 24 hours postburn .

    采用大鼠30%总体表面积 烧伤动物模型,观察烧伤24h后肺血管通透性、肺脏含水量、肺脏病理和肺脏p38活性等指标的改变。

  • By analyzing belief cumulative distribution first-degree belief dominance principle is explained and verified whereafter second-degree and third-degree belief dominance principle as well as almost belief dominance principle are also established guided by stochastic dominance theory .

    基于信任累积分布的分析,解释和验证了一阶信任优势准则,在随机优势理论的指导下建立了二阶、 信任优势及近似信任优势准则。

  • Objective To investigate the enzymatic debridement effect of bromelain ointment on guinea pigs with third-degree burns .

    目的观察菠萝蛋白酶软膏用于豚鼠 实验性 烧伤的酶溶痂作用。

  • The third-degree burn is usually dry and dead white or charred in appearance .


  • Anal incontinence among women with one versus two complete third-degree perineal lacerations

    发生1次和发生2次完全性会阴 裂伤的妇女出现肛门失禁的比较

  • He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body .

    他身上 烧伤的面积达98%。

  • At the same times in the research of discrimination pricing decision we studies the two-degree and third-degree pricing discrimination decision of monopolist under common uncertain demand and two-phase pricing model .

    本文同时还对一般不确定条件下对厂商常采用二度价格歧视以及两阶段定价模型基础上对 价格歧视作了进一步的研究,针对对 度价格歧视给出了应用实例。

  • And he got third-degree burns on his arms ?

    手臂上有 3 烧伤这部分呢?

  • The fourth section discussed the results of this project and in current the problems in evaluation of the construction of key medical centres or institutes . In addition explicit standards were set for the third-degree index components .

    第四部分对本课题第四 军医 大学 硕士 学位 论文的研究结果及当前军队 医院重点医学专科中心(研究所)建设评估中的有关问题进行了探讨。

  • Anatomic Study of the Tensor Fascia Lata Myocutaneous Flap in Repairing Upper Limbs with Third-degree Burn

    阔筋膜张肌瓣修复上肢 深度 烧伤的解剖研究

  • Third-degree connections require more than one introduction and can be difficult to reach as you may not have a mutual acquaintance .

    关系是需要超过一个人 引荐的人, 你们之间可能难以建立联系,因为你们可能没有共同认识的人。

  • Sunburn never causes a third-degree burn or scarring .

    晒斑不会导致 烧伤或结疤。