



  • His intrepid adversary prepared to close for the thirteenth time .

    他那勇敢的对手准备打 十三回合。

  • Mr jones : data : there will be a party on Friday July the thirteenth .

    琼斯先生:资料:七月 十三日周五有个晚会。

  • Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century it may be .


  • From China to Italy in the thirteenth century .

    从中国 到了 意大利

  • The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens was the thirteenth time that the Singapore had competed in Olympiad .

    雅典的2004年夏季奥运会是新加坡 13次参加奥运会。

  • You 're my thirteenth ride .

    你是我的 十三 搭车。

  • It 's sarah-jane 's thirteenth birthday on monday .

    星期一是莎拉-简的 十三岁生日。

  • In the thirteenth century administration was moved to london .


  • Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century .

    牛津和剑桥的历史可追溯到 十三世纪。

  • The thirteenth shubael with his sons and his brothers twelve ;


  • In the thirteenth year they rebelled .


  • The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue .

    玻璃山矗立于 十三街和第八十大道的拐角处。

  • Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday .

    祝你 十三岁生日快乐。

  • In October of this year our Party will convene its Thirteenth National Congress .

    今年十月我们党要召开 十三大

  • His birthday is March thirteenth .

    他的生日是三月 十三

  • In the second half of this year we are going to convene the Thirteenth National Congress of the Party .

    今年下半年,我们要召开党的 十三大大家看了十三大的结果就会清楚。

  • This will be one of the main topics at the Thirteenth National Party Congress to be held next October .

    这是今年十月将要召开的党的 十三大的主要 议程之一。

  • Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century

    据说, 13世纪时,马可·波罗在去爪哇岛的途中在太平洋上航行过。

  • Tom : Could you call me on the thirteenth evening ?

    汤姆:你能在 十三 晚上给我打个电话吗?

  • But we are on the thirteenth floor .

    可我们是在 十三层楼上

  • 1942-Holocaust : Future essayist Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday .

    1942年的今天,安妮·法兰克(后来的散文家)在她 十三岁生日上收到一本日记本。

  • Friday the thirteenth is believed to be an unlucky day .

    一般人相信 十三日星期五是不吉利的日子。

  • He was born on Friday the thirteenth 1917 .

    他生于1917年, 13 ,星期五。

  • When eleven of them had made their promises suddenly the thirteenth came in .

    十一个女巫献上 魔法 祝福以后,突然间第 十三女巫进来了。

  • You are going to stay for three days on the twelfth thirteenth and fourteenth correct ?

    你要住三天十二号 十三 十四号是吗?

  • On the thirteenth night if the voyage there was a convivial party below the deck .

    航行的 13天晚上,人们在甲板下面举办欢乐的舞会。

  • But you 'll have to transfer at the Thirteenth Street to bus18 .

    但你要在第 13街转乘18路车。