think on

[θɪŋk ɑn][θiŋk ɔn]


  • Because Mercury will be touring your partnership sector you may start to think back on an earlier relationship and perhaps consider having a reconciliation or reunion .

    因为水星掌管你与人合作的区域,你可能会 考虑重新接受或是与之前的一段关系的重修旧好。

  • Read free e-books think on how to improve on that topic .

    免费阅读电子书籍, 如何改进这一话题。

  • Employers are looking for individuals who know how to think on their feet can adapt quickly and can communicate effectively .

    雇主正在寻找那些知道如何替他们 思考、迅速适应能力强并能有效沟通的人。

  • But she is very young ; she has never been taught to think on serious subjects ; and for the last half year nay for a twelvemonth she has been given up to nothing but amusement and vanity .

    她很年轻,又从来没有人教她应该怎样去 考虑这些重大的问题;半年以来不,整整一年以来她只知道开心作乐,爱好虚荣。

  • Parents and children think differently on this question .

    家长和孩子 这个问题的 看法不同。

  • And I think on my previous albums and my previous tours I 've really liked to operate in the element of fantasy and I think that this tour will incorporate a little more reality into the visuals which is nice .

    我过去的专辑和表演中,我更喜欢奇幻的风格,这次我们会加入现实的成分,我 认为这很好。

  • When you think back on it do you think that it was the right thing to do ?

    现在 回想起来,你觉得当时那样做对吗?

  • Engineers are assigned to its Formula One racing division to encourage them to think on their feet .

    工程师们被分配在一级方程式赛车部门,以鼓励他们快速做出 决定

  • Step 1 : Think on Paper ( 30 Minutes ) I have a white board in my office where I do all of my thinking .

    第一步: 纸上 思考(约30分钟)在我的办公室里,有一个用来思考所有问题的白板。

  • They come in believing textbooks are authoritative but eventually they figure out that textbooks and professors don 't know everything and then they start to think on their own .

    进校时,学生们对课本上的一字一句毫不怀疑,渐渐地,他们发现课本和教授并不是无所不知的,于是他们开始独立 思考

  • In the future we think emphasis on capital goods and other types of trading activity will open new opportunities to continue the growth of our relationship .

    我们 认为今后 重点做好资本货物及其他形式的贸易,将为我们未来关系的继续发展带来新的机会。

  • Think on all their arguments and prepare your counter-arguments .


  • With practice you 'll be able to better answer questions and think critically on the spot .

    通过不断的面试练习,你能更好地回答问题, 临场发挥也会更好。

  • The smaller the company the more important it is that employees think on their feet adapt quickly to shifting priorities and do whatever it takes regardless of role or position to get things done .

    公司越是小,就越是需要员工迅速反应并适应灵活地调整 事情的轻重急缓。需要什么就做什么,不要顾虑自己的角色、职位,一心做好工作。

  • Now I think back on those days with more pity than shame .

    现在我 想起那些日子则是怜悯多过自责了。

  • A leader is able to think on his feet gather all available information decipher the facts and use some good common sense to come up with a workable solution .

    领导者能够快速地 思维,能够收集所有可以获得的信息,分辨出事实,并且运用一些常识拿出一个行得通的解决方法。

  • So rather than panic and fold up your tents learn to think on your feet and deal with whatever resistance comes at you .

    所以相比较恐惧得收起你的帐篷,不如驻足 思考那位女士是不是拒绝了你。

  • When I think back on what happened to us I see that it 's not just that they ' moved the Cheese ' but that the ' Cheese ' has a life of its own and eventually runs out .

    当我回过头去 发生的事情时,我发现,奶酪不仅仅会被移走。奶酪也有自己的生命,终究有被吃完的一天。

  • Always wait for at least a fortnight before making an investment and think on whether you really need it or not .

    在做一项投资前等待两周, 考虑一下你是否确实需要它。

  • The only way to do that is to involve users in the architecture process by asking them to think on a scalable level too .

    完成此任务的唯一方法是在体系结构流程中包括用户,让他们也 思考可伸缩的级别。

  • Get candidates to think on their feet and show a side not seen in a formal interview .

    促使参赛者 随机应变,展示出常规面试时无法见到的一面。

  • Ryder is one of several companies that have started to test candidates for their ability to think on their feet posing difficult questions and situations during the interview process .

    包括 瑞德在内的很多公司已经开始通过面试过程中颇具挑战性的问题或场景设置,来检验候选人 是否具有快速反应的能力。

  • His appointment was announced six months after the Asia Society formally launched the institute which it has described as a new kind of think tank on the rise of Asia .

    他的任命是在亚洲协会正式成立该机构六个月后宣布的。亚洲协会称其为旨在 关注亚洲崛起的新型 智库

  • If you love someone you will do everything for her ; you will think on her side .

    如果你爱一个人,你会为她做任何事;你会站 她的角度 问题。

  • Candidates applying before the July 14 deadline have the choice of submitting a SlideShare presentation ( think PowerPoint on steroids with a social media component ) in place of two admissions essays .

    申请人可以选择在截止日期(7月14日)之前提交一个幻灯片陈述资料( 一个包含社交媒体内容,犹如打了类固醇的PPT文档是什么样子),以代替两篇申请入学论文。

  • To Think on Human Resources Managing of the Medium and Small-Sized Enterprises in Storming of Financial Market

    金融风暴下中小企业人力资源管理的 思考

  • Evans and many immigrant activists think questions on the current test about famous sports personalities and explorers are irrelevant .

    埃文斯和很多移民权益活动人士 认为,目前入籍考试中有关知名体育界人士和探险者的那些问题无关紧要,没有意义。

  • I think on Monday there were a lot of positive individual performances .
