



  • In fashion magazines women are much thinner .

    在时尚杂志中女性要 多了。

  • Two of the lorries carrying industrial resin and paint thinner burst into flames .

    其中运载工业树脂和涂料 稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。

  • Will you keep on the course of exercises until you are thinner ?

    你要继续这项训练,直到身体 下来为止吗?

  • I 'm thinner and shorter than you .

    我比你 矮。

  • She has one slightly withered leg noticeably thinner than the other .


  • He looked thinner but not as bad as I had feared .

    他看上去 了,但比我想象中的要好。

  • Can Avoiding Fat Make You Thinner ?

    避免吸收脂肪会让你 吗?

  • It 's actually 18 % thinner and 20 % lighter than the previous iPhone .

    事实上和,上一款iPhone相比,它不仅 了18%,还轻了20%。

  • He became even thinner from overwork .

    过度紧张的工作使得他更加 消瘦了。

  • I 'm thinner than you and shorter . Yes . I 'm bigger and stronger than you .


  • It would thus make smartphones lighter thinner and especially with better reception .

    从而使智能手机更轻, ,特别是与更好的接待。

  • The higher we go above the earth the thinner the air is .

    我们离开地面越高,空气 稀薄

  • You look thinner from this angle .

    从这个角度看,你 以前 了。

  • A : In other words you become thinner .

    换句话说,你 了。

  • She is noticeably thinner after her illness .

    她生病后明显地 了。

  • She looks thinner than before .

    她看上去比过去 了。

  • Her face was full when she was younger ; now it 's much thinner .

    她年轻时脸庞丰满,现在 多了。

  • It has a distinctly globular thorax . She is noticeably thinner after her illness .

    它的胸部明显地呈球形。她生病后明显地 了。

  • After her illness Fiona had become noticeably thinner .

    病后菲奥纳明显 了。

  • It 's thinner and lighter . I can talk it everywhere .

    它是 又轻。我能到处讲它。

  • He is getting thinner every day .

    他一天天 消瘦 下去

  • The crowd seemed suddenly thinner .

    人群似乎突然 变得 稀疏了。

  • She was even thinner now more bent .

    她现在 了,背也更弯了。

  • It was very hot . I went upstairs and changed into a thinner dress .

    天气非常闷热,我上楼换一件 单薄的衣服。

  • A woman may not notice hair loss itself but may notice that her ponytail or braid is getting thinner .


  • She 's ever so much thinner but still pretty !


  • Have you got thinner since you feel ill ?

    您生病以来 了没有?

  • There she is paler and thinner than in her Kentucky home with a world of quiet sorrow lying under the shadow of her long eyelashes .

    可不就是她吗!面庞比在肯特基故乡时苍白 消瘦,无限忧郁隐藏在她眉宇之间。

  • My face got thinner and I didn 't worry about having a double chin when I smiled .

    我的脸 了,我不再担心微笑时有一个双下巴了。

  • In fact the thinner you are the prettier you are considered .

    实际上,你 ,别人会认为你越漂亮。