think of for

[θɪŋk ʌv fɔr][θiŋk ɔv fɔ:]


  • Help your child to interpret what she sees-to think of explanations for the events depicted and to imagine how the show is put together .

    帮助你的孩子理解他所看到的东西。 思考那些 所描述的事件 解说,并且设想一下电视剧是怎样组合在一起的。

  • It shows that he did not think of me merely for fun .

    看来他并不是仅仅 玩弄我。

  • RHETT : Did you ever think of marrying just for fun ?

    瑞:你 想过没有, 乐趣而结婚?

  • The police or whoever would not think of looking for him here .

    无论是警方还是其他什么人都不会 想到来这里 他。

  • She could think of no defense for this last for she knew Gerald was right .

    对于这最后一点,她 不出辩护的话来了,因为她知道杰拉尔德是对的。

  • I don 't think badly of him for what he did .

    我并不 他的 所作所为而敌视他。

  • What do you think of pizza for lunch ?

    觉得午餐 披萨怎么样?

  • Do you think of the packing for fireworks ?


  • Then tell me what you can think of for each of four seasons .

    然后告诉我每一个季节你能 联想到什么。

  • Think of two rules for dividing a list of numbers into blocks .

    考虑 用于将一列数字划分成几块的两个规则。

  • Most of us think nothing of sitting in front of an office computer all day our fingers dancing across a substandard keyboard that we would never think of replacing for a better one .

    我们大多数人对于整天坐在电脑前办公已经习以为常,我们日常用的键盘很可能质量不佳,但我们却从没 想过个更好的。

  • No one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any other part of the building without difficulty .

    没有人会 想到到那个地方 你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。

  • A flat cap on time with devices the restriction we first think of for ourselves and our kids might help .

    为设备使用时间设定上限我们首先 自己和孩子 想到的限制可能会有帮助。

  • I blamed my schedule my family my circumstances and anything else I could think of for my plight .

    我抱怨我的日程表、我的家庭、我的处境和一切可能抱怨的, 认为是它们 我陷入困境。

  • Surprisingly I can 't think of anything for objects of the Account class to do in this system .

    令人惊讶的是,我 不出Account类的对象能够在此系统中做什么。

  • Can you think of something interesting for me ?

    你能 想出一些有意思的东西吗?

  • Don 't you see I love you so much that I cannot think of restraining you for a moment .

    你难道看不到,我是多么爱你,以至我不忍 你有一时一刻受到约束。

  • But the only reason I can think of for HP to start manufacturing new touchpads for sale at that price is the one suggested Tuesday by taipai-based DIGITIMES .

    对于惠普恢复生产新款TouchPad并以如此低价出售的行为,我能 认同的唯一原因是来自台北的《电子时报》(Digitimes)周二的报道。

  • Many people think of bread for example as a carbohydrate food .

    例如,很多人 认为面包是一种淀粉质食物。

  • I hope you don 't think badly of me for telling him .

    我希望您不要因为我告诉他而 我产生不好的 看法

  • ' Think of this wine for instance 'said old Sol 'which has been to the East Indies and back I 'm not able to say how often and has been once round the world .


  • People will think highly of you for your honesty and professionalism that way .

    这样一来人们就会很 欣赏你的诚实和职业作风。

  • What do you think of the improvement for the Ocean Park ?


  • Anything that provides an Iterable facility ( technically a trait in Scala but think of it for now as an interface ) can be used as the heart of the for expression .

    提供Iterable功能(从技术上说,它是Scala中的一个特征,但现在 为一个接口)的任何东西都可以用作for表达式的核心。

  • Therefore you know at Christmas time people just stuff each other 's houses with all kinds of nonsense all kinds of unnecessary toys and stuff that normally we would not even think of buying for ourselves .

    所以圣诞节的时候,人们只是用毫无意义的东西填塞彼此的房子。那些没必要的玩具和物品,通常连我们自己都不会 自己。

  • Think of this for a long time that I should record Megan 's growing steps via Diary .


  • What do you think of the chances for war in europe ?


  • Can 't you think of anything exciting for us to do ? I 've certainly had a basinful of slumping in front of television .

    难道你就不能 想出点令人兴奋的事 我们干吗?我看电视的确已经看腻了。

  • We 'll think of something for him that 'll improve his character .

    我们 他准备一件能帮助他改一改他那性格的礼物。