


v.(使)变稀薄, (使)变稀少, (使)变细( thin的现在分词 )

  • Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair .

    埃迪四十多岁,矮矮胖胖的,头发 日渐 稀疏

  • This paper describes a novel algorithm of thinning band images for fast recognition .

    为了对带状图像进行快速的识别,提出了一种新的带状 图像 细化算法。

  • Study on flower and fruit thinning effectiveness of NAA for Chinese scholartree

    萘乙酸对国槐疏花 疏果作用研究分析

  • Her hair is thinning out .

    她的头发 了。

  • The paper mainly discusses vectorization based on thinning of line drawing .

    论文主要讨论了基于 细化的线划图的矢量化方法。

  • The crowd in Robinson 's Coffee-House was thinning but only by degrees .

    鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在 ,但也只是渐少而已。

  • The local thinning is called waisting or necking .

    这种局部 现象叫做腰缩或颈缩。

  • Study on thinning to Robinia pseudoacacia forest on the Loess plateau .

    黄土高原刺槐林间 改造研究。

  • His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth .

    他的头发 开始 脱落,皮肤也老化了。

  • In this paper one corneal contour extraction algorithm based on the fusion of the adaptive thresholding and thinning algorithm is presented .

    提出了一种基于动态域值选择和 细化算法的角膜细胞轮廓抽取算法。

  • The trees may be cut as a part of a silvicultural thinning .

    这些树木可以被砍掉作为造林 的一部分。

  • But they have not considered that some glaciers are also thinning .

    但是它们没有考虑到一些冰川也正在 减少

  • Stylist : Of course . I just have to use this pair of thinning shears see ?

    发型师:当然。我用这副 剪就搞定了,你看!

  • Abstract : A practical parallel thinning algorithm is discussed in this paper and thinning templates and conditions are analyzed .

    文摘:介绍一种实用并行 细化算法,对细化模板和细化条件作了分析。

  • It can reduce thinning rate greatly ensure precision of key dimensions reduce the mold test times and improve the efficiency .

    该工艺方案减小了零件 率,保证了零件关键尺寸的精度,减少了试模次数,提高了效率。

  • Thinning one of the breeding technologies of eucalyptus big-diameter wood and its economic effects were studied .

    本文就桉树大径材培育技术- 间伐控制对桉树林分生长和经济效益进行分析。

  • This algorithm effectively solves contradiction between space and time about thinning image and speeds thinning image .

    算法有效地解决了 大幅图像 细化 处理的时空矛盾,提高了大幅图像的 细化速度。

  • Effects of Thinning Flower and Fruit on Fruit Weight and Yield of Chinese gooseberry

    疏花 疏果对猕猴桃果实大小和产量的影响

  • He ran a hand through his thinning hair .

    他用手理了理自己 越来 的头发。

  • Fingerprint Preprocess includes Fingerprint Foreground Extraction Image Enhancement and Thinning .

    预处理部分涉及到指纹有效区域的提取、指纹图的增强和指纹 细化

  • It is generally accepted that thinning of the blood reduces the chances of thrombosis .

    一般认为, 稀释血液可降低血栓形成的可能性。

  • A new hypothesis for explaining crustal thickening and significant lithospheric thinning in the Jurassic in eastern China is proposed .

    对中国东部侏罗纪时期地壳增厚和岩石圈显著 的现象,提出一个新的形成机制假说。

  • In this paper the coherence cube technology and graph thinning technology of image processing are introduced .

    简要介绍了相干体技术和 细线 技术。

  • Kelly : Can you use the thinning shears on top too ?

    凯莉:你也可以在上面用 剪吗?

  • I think the gravy needs thinning a bit .

    我想肉卤需要稍微 稀释一下。

  • First at present there is no simple solution to allow the thinning of thick eyelid .

    第一,目前是没有非常简单的办法让厚眼睑 的。

  • Thinning and shading experiments have confirmed this .


  • The paste has the rheological characteristics of slurry such as thixotropism and shear thinning .

    膏体具有料浆的触变性和剪切 等流变特征。

  • The key techniques in this system includes wavelet analysis image thinning pixel tracing .

    其关键技术包括小波分析,图像 细化和象素跟踪。