

[计] 薄膜

  • This paper provides a thin-film resistor loaded microstrip ring resonator for the sub-structure of equalizer .

    文章提出了一种 薄膜电阻加载的微带环形谐振器均衡器子结构。

  • This module of distributed parameters used in the lower microwave band is skillfully combined with an ultra-fine thin-film technology .

    本文介绍一种将微波低频段分布参数电路与超微细 薄膜工艺结合的 微型化、低噪声、高 选择性 放大模组。

  • Thin-film thickness is one of the most important parameters for holographic plate .

    全息 干板 的厚度是全息干板的重要参数之一。

  • Spectrum Signal of Random Noise Processing in the Thin-film Wideband Monitoring System


  • Study of Organic Thin-film Field Effect Transistors and High Power Remote Junction Lasers

    有机 薄膜场效应晶体管和高功率远结激光器的研究

  • Design Synthesis of Indolo 3 2-b w_2117 Carbazole Derivatives and Performance of Thin-film Field-effect Transistors

    吲哚3,2-b w_2129咔唑衍生物的设计、合成和 薄膜场效应管性能的研究

  • And efficiencies of up to14.7 % were achieved on large-area low-quality substrates showing the potential of thin-film epitaxial solar cells for industrial manufacturing .

    而在大面积低质量衬底上实现效率高达14.7%。这一成果表明了 薄膜外延太阳能电池工业化生产的潜力。

  • Raised density levels by developing and utilizing innovative thin-film processing techniques .

    因为这种创新的 薄膜技术,提高了喷嘴的密度。

  • In order to improve the energy efficiency and image contrast of liquid crystal display ( LCD ) projector a wide-angle and broadband optical thin-film polarizing beam splitter ( PBS ) was designed .

    为提高液晶投影机的光能利用率和图像对比度,设计了一种宽角度宽波长的光学 薄膜偏振分束器(PBS)。

  • Active-matrix displays sometimes are called TFT displays named after the thin-film transistor ( TFT ) technology they use .

    有源显示器有时称为TFT显示,是依据其所采用的 薄片晶体管(TFT)技术而命名的。

  • A silicon integrated thin-film microelectrode device was developed by using silicon micromachining techniques .

    提出用发展中的硅微机械加工技术设计制作硅一体化 薄膜微电极器件。

  • COF is a high performance multichip packaging technology in which dies are encased in a molded plastic substrate and interconnects are made via a thin-film structure formed over the components .

    COF是一种高性能、多芯片封装工艺技术,在此封装中把芯片包入模塑塑料基板中,通过在元器件上形成的 薄膜结构构成互连。

  • Optical fiber carries excitation light produced by the blue LED to the thin-film coating at the probe tip .

    光纤把LED产生的励磁光传输给探测器尖端的 薄膜涂层。

  • More than 90 per cent of solar panels being produced today use large amounts of silicon leading to the development of thin-film solar cells where a layer of silicon thinner than a human hair is deposited on to glass plastic or metal .

    当今生产的90%以上的太阳能电池板,都使用了大量的硅,这导致了对 薄膜太阳能电池的开发。这种电池的玻璃、塑料或金属基层上硅薄膜的厚度,要比一根头发还薄。

  • A high-resolution and high-precision instrument dyamic capacitance measuring instrument of thin-film thick-ness is introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍一种高精度高分辨率的仪器-电容式动态 薄膜测厚仪。

  • Products include microwave attenuation film microwave power divider thin-film substrates precise resistor network ( Chip ) .

    微波衰减片、微波功分器、 薄膜基板、精密电阻网络(芯片式)。

  • All of the thin-film technologies also offer the potential for ubiquity .

    所有的 薄膜技术也提供了潜在的普及。

  • A low dielectric material acrylate resin has been investigated as a passivation dielectric layer for thin-film transistor ( TFT ) arrays in this paper .

    将具有低介电常数的丙烯酸酯树脂作为 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器的钝化层整合到阵列基板中。

  • Another common type of resistor is the thin-film resistor .

    另一种常见电阻是 薄膜电阻。

  • When oxygen in the gas or liquid sample diffuses into the thin-film coating it quenches the fluorescence .

    当气态或液态中的氧分散进入 薄膜涂层时,就淬灭了荧光。

  • Modeling and Performance Analysis on Multilayer Amorphous Inorganic Solid Electrolyte for Thin-film Li-ion Battery


  • Surface potential based drain current model for organic thin-film transistor ( OTFT ) is presented considering the exponential distribution within the bandgap .

    对有机 薄膜晶体管(OTFT),考虑到带隙中存在指数分布的陷阱态密度,提出了基于表面势的电流解析模型。

  • The invention discloses a sputtering depositing separation cavity type deposition device for a vacuum thin-film and a working method for the same .

    本发明公开了一种溅射、沉积分离腔式真空 薄膜沉积装置及其工作方法。

  • By loading a thin-film resistor in the spiral resonator an adjustable quality factor of the resonator is achieved .

    通过在螺旋形谐振器中 引入电阻加载,使得该电路能够进行品质因数调节。

  • The common process flow and parameters and the selection of the key equipment of thin-film evaporator were introduced .

    介绍了目前浓缩 磷脂 加工常用的工艺流程、操作参数及关键设备 薄膜蒸发器的选型依据。

  • Thin-film evaporator is used to concentrate liquid titanium in production of sulfate titanium dioxide in general .

    在硫酸法钛白粉的生产过程中,一般采用 薄膜蒸发器进行稀钛液的浓缩。

  • New manufacturing processes and production machinery for silicon and thin-film technology were showcased on the65 sqm exhibition area .

    硅和 薄膜技术设备上新的制造工艺和生产设备展台展览面积达65000平方米。

  • The application of thin-film sputtering technology in downhole TOR & WOB measurement

    溅射 薄膜技术在井下扭矩/钻压测量中的应用