threshold dosage

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈdosɪdʒ][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈdəʊsɪdʒ]


  • Results : HE extract could reduce the writhing times of the mice induce by acetic acid raise the mice threshold of pain induced by hot and electric stimulation obviously and it had dosage reliability .

    结果:淫羊藿水提取液对醋酸诱发小鼠扭体反应,热板法和电刺激法诱发的疼痛有显著的镇痛作用,且 剂量依赖性,但纳洛酮不能对抗其 镇痛作用。

  • The results indicate that the accuracy of the result was affected by different dosage . The coefficient of variation of dosage above threshold is lower than that of threshold dosage . It is better to conduct this experiment with dosage of 55mg / kg .

    结果表明,给予戊巴比妥钠的剂量对实验结果有一定的影响, 剂量对戊巴比妥钠所致小鼠睡眠时间的变异系数明显小于阈剂量,实验时宜选用阈上剂量55mg/kg作为受试剂量。

  • Effects of rIFN ( Recombinant Interferon ) and Bacterial Endotoxin on Rabbit 's Pyrogenic Threshold Dosage

    重组人干扰素和细菌内毒素对家兔致热 剂量的影响

  • Methods : The hypnotic effect of SHG with threshold dosage and subthreshold of pentobarbital sodium was applied for hypnotizing tests ;

    方法:戊巴比妥钠 剂量、阈下剂量催眠实验研究疏肝和胃颗粒的催眠作用;

  • A Hypothesis of Threshold Character and Dosage Effect for the Hereditary Manners of Male Sterile and Fertility Restoring Genes in Rice

    水稻雄性不育&恢复基因的 性状和 剂量效应假说

  • When X (γ) radiation over threshold dosage has been detected the instrument will alarm and record the state parameters including date and time happened radiation lasting time and others at the same time .

    该仪器在检测到超过 安全 剂量的X(γ)辐射时报警,同时对该事件发生的日期、时间、照射持续时间等参数进行记录。

  • So we concluded that the threshold dosage of Bis-A-TDA on the pregnant rats was less than 0.01mg / kg and it was a strong mutagenic agent .

    说明其 剂量在0.01mg/kg以下,为一强的诱变剂。

  • Results Phenolated alkaloids could markedly increase the threshold dosage of ventricular extrasystole ventricular fibrillation ( VF ) and .

    目的研究 莲子心酚性生物碱抗心律失常的药理作用。

  • Result : Experiments result says hilicidum capsule take on some function of whist it has sleep time of younger mouse in pentobarbitalum threshold dosage .

    结果:实验结果表明,豆腐果苷素胶囊具有一定的安眠作用,能延长戊巴比妥钠 剂量小鼠睡眠时间。