throughout history

[θruˈaʊt ˈhɪstəri][θru:ˈaʊt ˈhistəri]


  • Throughout history people from many different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain .

    整个 历史 进程中,来自不同国家并具有不同文化的人们曾共同生活在不列颠。

  • Throughout history black cats have been considered to be spiritual animals by many peoples .


  • Let 's look at a series of important revolutions throughout history and all over the world .

    让我们一起来一场 历史 长河中的全球革命之旅。

  • Throughout history religious minorities have been persecuted ( for their beliefs ) .

    纵观 历史,宗教 的少数派始终(因其信仰关系)受迫害。

  • Throughout history it has been a mystery why certain humans are intimately attracted to each other .

    纵观 历史,为什么某些人类之间有着亲密的吸引力,一直是一个谜。

  • Throughout history books have disseminated the ideas and discoveries of the worlds most influential thinkers .

    纵观 历史,书籍一直都发挥着为世界上最有影响力的思想家们传播伟大观点和重大发现的作用。

  • Throughout history Chinese philosophy has been molded to fit the prevailing schools of thought and circumstances in China .

    纵观 历史,中国哲学已经成型,以适应当前的学校思想和我国的情况。

  • The colorful chart depicts how differently famous creative types have lived hour by hour throughout history .

    这个彩色图表以小时为单位描述了 历史 著名的有创造力的那群人在生活上有多大的差异。

  • Judaic doctrines and traditions have emphasized the covering of hair and modest dress throughout history .

    贯穿 历史 始终,犹太教的教义和传统都强调了遮盖头发和端庄服饰的重要性。

  • Americans do pursue their selfish interests and ambitions sometimes brutally as other nations have throughout history .

    美国人确实也追求自己的私利和野心,有时手段残酷。 历史 的其它国家一样。

  • Throughout history war has devastated the world with death and destruction .


  • But I 'll never forget our great allies throughout history Britain and FRANCE .

    不过我永远也不会忘记 历史 我们伟大的 盟友们,英国和法国。

  • Throughout history diseases such as the black plague have killed millions of people .

    历史 ,像黑死病这样的疾病,造成了数以百万计的人死亡。

  • Thus throughout history a struggle which is the same in its main outlines recurs over and over again .

    这样, 历史 始终存在着一场一而再再而三发生的斗争,其大致轮廓相同。

  • Europe is a complex area with many * many conflicts throughout history .

    欧洲是一个复杂的地区,它有着许多不同的文化,但其土地面积却相对较小,并且 自古 以来 这片土地 有过无数的矛盾与冲突。

  • She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history .

    她认为 历史 长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。

  • Throughout history the afflicted have often been ostracized by their communities and families .

    整个 历史中,患者常常遭到其社区和家庭的排斥。

  • I mean there have been so many great blues musicians throughout history that have been blind .

    我的意思是, 历史 有很多伟大的蓝调音乐家已经失明。

  • Throughout history there have been many groups and cultures that have worshiped the Earth or nature .

    纵观 历史,有许多团体和文化崇拜地球或自然。

  • Throughout history human hair has been the subject of much vanity research and stereotyping .

    纵观 历史,人类的头发一直是虚荣心、科学研究和刻板印象的主题。

  • For this reason a lot of geniuses throughout history have been chronically depressed .

    由于这个理由, 贯穿 历史 的许多天才都长期抑郁。

  • Throughout history the family has been a vital unit for survival .


  • Many people throughout history have dreamed of a world without war .

    历史 有很多人梦想过没有战争的世界。

  • Throughout history mankind has always been keen on exploring and learning more about the world we live in .


  • It 's a doctrine that can be found in every religion and in most philosophical systems throughout history .

    这是一个能在任何宗教和 贯穿大多数的哲学系统 历史中找到的学说。

  • The wars of religion have plagued many cultures throughout history with deadly consequences .

    宗教战争 整个 历史 进程中曾使众多的文明蒙受了致命的破坏。