threshold frequency

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈfrikwənsi][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • The results show that for the case of detuning both the second threshold and the critical frequency are always increased with the increasing of the detuning parameter .

    结果表明,在失谐情形下,第二 阈值和临界自 脉冲 频率都随失谐参量的增大而增大。

  • The Dual Threshold Frequency Control of Digital Control Device

    数控装置的双 门槛 频率控制

  • An improved image enhancement algorithm by contour threshold nonlinear extrapolation in frequency space was proposed .

    对非线性外推图像增强算法进行分析,充分考虑图像 高频分量的局部特征,提出一种新的非线性滤波剪切策略包络 阈值剪切算法。

  • First the image is divided into two parts high and low frequency then we get the VQ codebook by means of comparing the threshold in high frequency and extracting representative codewords at different regions in low frequency part .

    该算法将图像分割为高频、低频两部分,在 高频 采用 阈值比较的方法,在低频段采用分块提取的方法生成VQ码书。

  • Both speech hearing threshold and high frequency hearing threshold of the noise and heat group were obviously higher than those of the group with noise exposure only and the difference was significant ( P < 0 01 ) .

    高温噪声组的语言 听阈 高频听阈比噪声组明显增高,差异均有显著性(P<001)。

  • Evaluation of Hearing Threshold of Lower Frequency in Deaf-mute Children With 40 Hz AERP and Its Influence on Sleeping

    40Hz听觉相关电位评价聋哑儿童 低频 听阈及睡眠对其影响的探讨

  • Effects of Military Noise on the Average Hearing Threshold of the Speech Frequency and High Frequency in the Elders

    军事噪声对老年人言语 频率及高频 听力的影响

  • The research results show that the threshold values of power frequency electric field power frequency magnetic field and audible noises with harmful influence on biology are higher than the relevant limited values of power transmission line ;

    研究结果表明: 工频电场、工频磁场和可听噪声对生物有确定有害影响的 阈值远高于输电线路有关量的限值;

  • Influence of masking noise on hearing threshold and frequency discrimination in guinea pigs

    掩蔽声对豚鼠 听阈 频率辨别 的影响

  • The general expression of the threshold gain and frequency in the DFB lasers was deduced by using the coupled wave function .

    利用耦合波方程,推导出分布反馈激光器自混合干涉 频率增益变化的表达式。

  • The variable relationship between the threshold of the high frequency extrapolation in the wavelet bi-linear interpolation algorithm and its correspondent peak of the signal-to-noise ratio ( PSNR ) is analyzed in detail . The wavelet bi-linear interpolation search algorithm on the PSNR maximum is proposed .

    详细分析了在小波双线性插值中 高频外推 阈值 门限与峰值信噪比的变化关系,提出了基于峰值信噪比最大的小波双线性插值搜索算法。

  • Using the adaptive threshold filtering algorithm and frequency domain LMS filtering algorithm to suppress the narrowband interference and found some disadvantage with it .

    详细研究了自适应 阀值滤波算法及 频域LMS滤波算法,对将其应用于导航接收机的干扰抑制的性能及缺陷做了详细分析。

  • The theoretical models are given on the basis of gain threshold and lasing frequency by virture of double mirror-cavity model .

    采用等效双镜腔模型,从增益 阈值和振荡 频率方面给出了理论模型。

  • Then the threshold based on Stein 's unbiased risk estimation was used to eliminate the noise in the high frequency coefficients and the double criteria and holding frequency singleness and little energy losses were used to set the threshold of the low frequency coefficients .

    对于高频系数,采用基于Stein无偏似然估计原理的自适应阈值;在干扰信号的统计特性未知的情况下,对 低频系数 阈值的选取采取保持频率单一和能量损耗小的双重标准。

  • Comparison has been done about the sample selecting of the partial duration series method and the annual maximum series method by using the statistical simulations . The effect of different threshold values on the frequency analysis results has been studied .

    本文运用统计试验方法对部分历时序列法与年最大值统计法两种不同取样方法的比较、不同 阈值频率分析结果的影响等方面进行了研究。

  • Experiments and Model Calculation of Soft Threshold for the Frequency Shifted Feedback Nd ∶ YLF Laser

    移反馈Nd∶YLF激光软 阈值实验与模拟计算

  • When the peak Stokes fluence exceed the damage threshold of frequency conversion crystals the fatal damage on the crystals are the most serious .

    TSRS效应不仅会造成泵浦光能量严重损失,使 倍频 效率大大降低,更严重的是,当TSRS产生的斯托克斯光的峰值能量密度大于 频率转换晶体的破坏 阈值时,将会造成 频率转换晶体永久性破坏。

  • So for example we were talking about a threshold frequency as in a minimum frequency of light that you need in order to eject an electron from a metal surface .

    举个例子来说,我们谈论的 临界 频率是,光从金属表面逐出一个电子,所需的最小频率。

  • In addition speech hearing threshold and high frequency hearing threshold increased with the length of exposure to both heat and noise environment ( P < 0.01 ) .

    语频 听阈 高频听阈随高温噪声暴露时间的延长而增高(P<0.01)。

  • Electrons are ejected from the object only when the frequency of the radiation is greater than a certain minimum value called the threshold frequency .

    仅当辐射频率大于某一最小值即 极限 频率时,物体才会发射出电子。

  • Bone conduction threshold shift at speech frequency was associated with the ages .

    骨导 听力 损失程度随着患者年龄的增加而逐渐加重。

  • The de-noising process of the method was ( described ) . The effects of the size of correlation region the hard and soft threshold the frequency and S / N of original signal were discussed .

    系统的描述了该方法的滤噪过程,讨论了相关运算区域大小、软硬 阈值 、信号的 频率、信噪比对滤噪结果的影响。

  • The results show that if audition threshold curve corresponding frequency dot is above 15 ~ 20dB the infrasound affects many humans ' physiology functions .

    结果表明,在次声 听阈曲线上各对应 频率点为15~20dB以上时,次声对人体的多项生理指标产生了影响。

  • The green light with a power of 11.3 mW and an efficiency of 2.3 % was obtained . Laser threshold for self frequency doubling operation is measured to be 1 mW .

    获得113mW的 倍频绿光输出,光光转换效率为23%,自倍频腔 阈值为1mW。

  • Mixed coding method of remote sensing image based on wavelet package decomposing is that threshold of low frequency and high frequency coefficients decomposed by wavelet package is classified into important and unimportant coefficients .

    基于小波包分解的遥感图像混合编码方法,首先将小波包分解后的 低频和高频小波系数 化为重要系数和非重要系数。

  • Frequency domain filter algorithms include Threshold filter algorithm and Frequency block least mean square algorithm .

    频域滤波算法有 阈值滤波算法, 频域块处理LMS滤波算法。

  • Results : 96 % ( in 225 ears ) were cured by stimulation . Audiometric tests showed that the air conduction threshold in speech frequency was increased 10 ~ 15dB from base . There was no one decreased .

    结果:结果:刺激法修补,225例耳中96%愈合,纯音听力测试,显示语音 频率气导 ,在原来的基础上提高10~15db,无一例听力下降者。

  • The article introduces a kind of dual threshold frequency control circuit for digital control device .

    文章介绍了一种数控装置的双 门槛 频率控制电路。

  • Segmentation of Ultrasonic Image Using Getting Optimal Threshold by Frequency field Analysis

    频域分析最佳 阈值的方法进行超声医学图像分割