


  • What we learn from this case is that the knowledge and intelligence a man has are limited and even his theurgy also has its shortcoming .

    这样看来人的知识、智能是有它局限性的,就是 神通也有其不足的 地方

  • Unlike those glancing description in the latter exaggerated the mysterious power and theurgy of celestial being describing many successful immortal figures .

    比起 列仙 里的粗略描写 ,《神仙 极力夸张仙人的神秘能力和 神通变化,描写了许多学仙成功的人物。

  • Common people not only contacted but also accepted mysterious and weird Taoist theurgy with Taoists and Taoist believers infiltrating through society .

    随着道士和信奉道教 大量渗透到民间,普通百姓不仅接触且逐渐接受了道教神秘而诡异的 各种 道术