

adj.悸动的跳动的抽动的<医> 搏动的

v.抽痛( throb的现在分词 )(心脏、脉搏等)跳动

  • Edmond felt that the moment had arrived summoned up all his courage held his breath and would have been happy if at the same time he could have repressed the throbbing of his veins .

    爱德蒙知道关键的时刻到了,他鼓起全部的勇气,屏住呼吸,他真希望能同时屏住 脉搏 急促 跳动

  • I have a throbbing pain .


  • Nobler thoughts and nobler longings were throbbing through my brain .

    更高尚的思想和渴望在头脑中 冲荡

  • My father took me down into the engine room and the throbbing machines enthralled me for hours .

    爸爸领我下了机仓, 机器来回颤个不停,我看得出了神,一呆就是几个小时。

  • A throbbing or pulsation as of the heart . He jumped with a splash into the fiver .

    心脏跳动,心脏 跳动动,如心脏他扑通一声跳入河中。

  • He had walked several kilometres over pavements and his varicose ulcer was throbbing .

    他在人行道上走了好几公里,静脉曲张的地方 开始 刺痒

  • I have a tooth with throbbing pain .

    我有一颗牙齿 痛。

  • Machinery slackened ; throbbing feebly like a fainting pulse ; stopped .

    机器慢下来了; 震动 象微弱的脉搏那样无力;最后停止了。

  • A pulse started throbbing in my right temple .

    我的右 太阳穴开始

  • Migraine headaches are described as an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head .

    偏头痛被描述为在头的一个区域强烈搏动或 搏动性疼痛。

  • He in whose chant all your singing is but a soundless throbbing .

    他是一位歌者,你们的歌唱在他不过是无声的 颤抖

  • Her head was hammering and throbbing and the bright sunlight stabbed into her eyes .

    她的脑袋还在轰响和 震颤,而耀眼的阳光又刺痛了她的眼睛。

  • Her heart was throbbing after the race .

    赛跑之后,她的心在剧烈 跳动

  • But the little warmth that he gave me has been keeping my heart throbbing with gratitude .

    但是他给我的那一点点温暖至今还使我的心 颤动

  • Doctor I have a headache and my temples are throbbing . The African sun beat relentlessly down on his aching head .

    医生,我的头很痛, 太阳穴 卜地 。非洲的太阳无情地照射在他那发痛的头上。

  • The place was loud fast and throbbing with life some of it on the seamy side .

    这儿喧闹、快 节奏充满了生命的 悸动,但也有一些阴暗面。

  • I feel a pulsating ( throbbing ) pain at my temple .

    我的 太阳穴好像在 激烈 震动 一样 痛。

  • Febrile illnesses arterial hypertension and migraine usually cause throbbing pain that can occur in any part of the head .

    发热性疾病、动脉性高血压以及偏头痛通常引起 搏动性头痛,可出现在头部任何部位。

  • Thought Scarlett and her throbbing head felt as if it would crack with this added strain .

    思嘉心想,她 本来 震颤的头在这新的 刺激下觉得就要爆裂了。

  • All this seems like a distant dream fading and coming back throbbing one moment meaningless the next .

    这一切就像一个遥远的梦,褪去了又回来,这一刻 悸动 ,下一刻 变得毫无意义。

  • It 's a throbbing pain that hurts as far as my ears and my neck .

    一阵 痛连耳朵和脖子都会痛。

  • I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger finally arriving at the stairway .

    我吸吮 剧痛的手指头在屋子里走来走去,最后到了楼梯口。

  • I became aware of a throbbing ache centered above my left ear .

    我这才注意到我的左耳 一阵 痛。

  • He felt a dull throbbing pain in his head .

    他感到脑袋 隐隐 痛。

  • Her head was throbbing and she ached all over

    她的脑袋嗡嗡 作响并且浑身疼痛。

  • Severe throbbing pain is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting .

    有时伴随恶心和呕吐的剧烈 痛。

  • I often suffer from unaccountable headaches . My head was throbbing .

    我常莫名其妙 头疼

  • My tooth has been throbbing away all day : I might have to have it out .

    我的 牙疼了一整天,我也许得把它拔掉。