theta state

[ˈθetə stet][ˈθi:tə steit]


  • The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt .

    θ 状态时发生的构思过程常常是自由释放的,而不必接受审查或心存内疚。

  • ' The music program takes all the data the house is collecting and turns it into soothing background music ' Mr. House explained adding something about brainwaves and the theta state of consciousness .

    豪斯说:这个音乐程序会接收房子收集到的所有数据,然后把它转变为舒缓的背景音乐。他另外又谈了一些有关脑电波和 潜意识 状态的内容。

  • A person who is driving on a freeway and discovers that he ( or she ) can 't recall the last five miles is often in a theta state induced by the process of free way diving .

    当在高速公路上开车的人发现不能回忆起刚刚行驶过的5里地 ,也处于 θ 状态 这是由高速公路上驾车的方式导致的。