tinea corporis



  • Preparation of a novel ketoconazole spraying membrane and its effect on eczema and tinea corporis in guinea pigs

    新型酮康唑喷膜的制备及其对湿疹和 体癣豚鼠模型的疗效

  • Result : The cure rates of tinea corporis tinea cruis and tinea versicolor with 1 % ciclopirox alamine ointment were 87.1 % 82.5 % and 85.4 % respectively ;

    结果:环吡酮胺组中 体癣、股癣及花斑癣的治愈率分别是87.1%,82.5%和85.4%;

  • Evaluation of efficacy and safety of 2 Sertaconazole nitrate cream in the treatment of tinea corporis & cruris and tinea pedis

    2%硝酸舍他康唑乳膏治疗 股癣和足癣疗效和安全性评价

  • Study on the Therapeutical Effects of Crassirhizoma 's Extracts of Different Concentrations to Tinea Corporis in Rats

    贯众不同浓度提取液对大鼠 体癣治疗作用的研究

  • The time of tinea capitis strains leading to damage the hairs was significantly shorter than that of tinea corporis strains in different age groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

    在各个年龄组中,头癣株导致毛发感染的时间明显短于 体癣株(P<0.01);

  • Preparation of Novel Ketoconazole Spraying Film and Effect on Both Eczema Model and Tinea Corporis Model

    新型酮康唑喷膜的研制及其对湿疹 体癣模型的实验研究

  • The clinical effective rate for tinea corporis & cruris at week 4 was 98.21 in the trial group and 92.73 in control group ; and 100 versus 98.18 at week 6 respectively .


  • The time leading to damage the hairs was delayed along with the ages growing both in tinea capitis strains and tinea corporis strains ( P < 0.01 ) .

    无论是头癣株还是 体癣株,感染毛发的感染时间均随着年龄的增长而延长(P<0.01)。

  • Methods All the 160 patients with superficial mycoses ( 18 with tinea manum 74 with tinea pedis 47 with tinea cruris 21 with tinea corporis ) were divided into Group A and Group B at random .

    方法将160例浅部真菌病患者(手癣18例,足癣74例,股癣47例, 体癣21例)随机分为A,B两组。

  • Conclusion The novel ketoconazole spraying film has an excellent antifungal activity on guinea pig tinea corporis models .

    结论新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠 体癣模型有良好的抗真菌活性。

  • To treat 865 patients suffered from tinea corporis tinea cruris with miconazole nitrate cream for 21 days 736 cases ( 85.1 % ) of all patients are cured 126 cases ( 14.6 % ) effective 3 cases ( 0.3 % ) of no effect .

    865例 体癣和股癣患者用硝酸咪康唑霜治疗21天,痊愈736例(85.1%),有效126例(14.6%),无效3例(0.3%),总有效率99.7%。

  • Bifonazole - Co Cream in the Treatment of Tinea Cruris and Tinea Corporis : A Randomized Double-blind Vehicle-controlled Clinical Trial

    复方联苯苄唑乳膏治疗 股癣随机双盲对照临床试验

  • Investigation on Application of Animal Test Model of Tinea Corporis Caused by Method of Puncture in Studying Antifungal Chinese Drugs

    穿刺法所致 体癣模型在抗真菌中药研究中的应用探讨

  • Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Sertaconazole Nitrate Ointment in Treating Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris

    硝酸舍他康唑软膏治疗 股癣疗效观察

  • The incidence rate of administrative staffs of companies was also high ( 39.52 % ) followed by tinea corporis ( 22.38 % ) and tinea cruris ( 20.40 % ) .

    企业行政职员 足癣患病率也较高(39.52%),其次是 体癣(22.38%)和股癣(20.40%)。

  • Treatment of tinea corporis and tinea cruris with exalamide cream & a clinical effect analysis of 30 cases

    癣净霜治疗 股癣30例临床疗效分析

  • Econazole compound cream vs miconazole cream in treating tinea corporis cruris

    复方益康唑乳膏与咪康唑乳膏治疗 股癣 疗效比较

  • Methods Butenafine hydrochloride cream was applied to the affected area once a day for 4 weeks for patients with tinea pedis and 2 weeks for patients with tinea corporis and cruris . Clinical symptoms were observed and fungal culture was done .

    方法盐酸布替萘芬乳膏擦患处,每日1次。疗程 股癣为2周,手足癣为4周,记录临床症状,并做真菌培养。

  • Conclusion This study suggest that sertaconazole 2 % cream were safe and effective in the treatment of tinea pedis and tinea corporis and cruris .

    结论2%硝酸舍他康唑霜治疗足癣和 股癣均安全有效。

  • AIM : To compare the efficacy and safety of econazole compound cream and miconazole cream in the treatment of tinea corporis cruris .

    目的:比较复方益康唑乳膏和咪康唑乳膏治疗 股癣的疗效和安全性。

  • Safety and clinical efficacy of naftifine and ketoconazole cream in treatment of tinea corporis and tinea cruris

    萘替芬酮康唑乳膏治疗 股癣的安全性和疗效

  • Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the nonhairy parts of the skin . In vitro damage to hairs by Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis


  • A Case of Adults Kerion with Tinea Corporis Caused by Trichophyton Mentagrophytes

    须癣毛癣菌致成人脓癣 体癣1例

  • The improvement of itching and total clinical score of trial group for tinea corporis & cruris were superior to control group ( P < 0.05 ) at 1 weeks ;

    试验组对体 股癣,在第1周时瘙痒症状的改善和临床的综合改善优于对照组(P<0.05);

  • Its diagnosis arid therapy should correspond With the norm of tinea corporis .

    临床 真菌学 特征 体癣 相同,其诊断和治疗应与 体癣标准一致。

  • Therapy for 865 cases of tinea corporis & tinea cruris with miconazole nitrate cream

    硝酸咪康唑霜治疗 股癣865例

  • The two creams were administered twice daily with the same dose and duration of treatment 1 week for tinea corporis / cruris and pityriasis versicolor 2 weeks for tinea manum / pedis and cutaneous candidosis .

    两种药物的用药剂量和疗程相同,外涂患处,每日2次, 股癣、花斑癣疗程1周, 手足癣和皮肤念珠菌病疗程2周。

  • The curative effect of the ketoconazole spraying membrane on eczema and tinea corporis was observed in guinea pigs and was compared with those of spraying membrane matrix desamethasone antipruritics cream and compound ketoconazole cream .

    观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠湿疹和 体癣模型的疗效,以喷膜基质作对照,并分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜的疗效相比较。