


  • The classic tigroid appearance that is the result of heterogeneous areas of myelination and dysmyelination may be seen on MRI but this finding is not exclusive to PMD .

    典型的 斑状 改变是由于正常髓鞘形成的区域和髓鞘形成不良的区域交杂在一起所致,可以在MRI上看到,但是这种改变并不是PMD独有的。

  • Nissl staining observed the development changes of the neuronal tigroid body in hippocampus .

    采用 堇染色观察 胎儿海马神经元 内尼氏体的发育变化;

  • Ischemic changes and injuries at different degree in caryon of neuron tigroid bodies and cell organs ;

    神经元细胞核、 体和细胞器 出现不同程度的损伤及缺血改变;