



  • The plasma toroid produced in a small field reversed θ - pinch has been used for heating and translation experiments . The plasma toroid was heated by axial shock and injected into the confinement region .

    使用场反向θ箍缩所产生的等离子体 ,通过线圈端部场线重连变化,使等离子体环得到轴向激波加热和 压缩。等离子体 形成区以 7 × 10~6cm/s 速度向约束区 转移

  • A Discreet Model of the Planar Double-enveloping Toroid Worm Gear

    平面二次包络 蜗轮真实齿面的离散模型

  • Fracture analysis for toroid chain used in coal mines

    煤矿井下 圆环链断裂分析

  • Hermite Interpolation Curve 's Application to a Non-axisymmetrical Sphere & cone Toroid Shell

    Hermite插值曲线在非轴对称球锥 过渡 中的应用

  • Component Organization Methodology for Reconfiguration Modelling Efficiency A Interpolating Method of Rebuilding the Surface of Planar Double-Enveloping Toroid Worm Gear

    面向重构建模效率的构件组织方法基于三角B-B曲 面片插值的平面二次包络 蜗轮齿面重构建模

  • The analytical results of the shaped expansion joint with elliptic toroid are basically coincident with experimental results .

    按椭圆 圆环膨胀节的计算结果,与 实验结果基本符合。

  • Heating and translating experiments of the field reversed plasma toroid

    场反向等离子体 加热和转移实验

  • Exercise . The motion of electron beam in toroid

    电子束在 弯曲 螺线管中的运动

  • A CNC Method on Manufacturing Planar Double-enveloping Toroid Worm Gear

    基于三轴 联动的平面二次包络 蜗轮数控加工及数控机床改造方案研究

  • It analyzed the post-processing method of planar double-enveloping toroid worm gear drive in 5-axis NC machining and gave the way to control the speed especially speedup and speed-down .

    探讨了平面二 蜗杆副在五轴联动数控加工的后置处理及速度控制的方法。

  • Design of a Toroid Magnetic Switch

    环形 磁芯磁开关设计

  • This paper also analysis the effect of the elliptic degree of toroid on the Ω - shaped bellows stresses . It provides basis for engineering design and use .

    还分析了 圆环椭圆度对波纹管应力的影响,为工程设计与应用提供了依据。

  • In order to manufacture planar double-enveloping toroid worm gear with CNC metho ds a precise digital model must be constructed .

    为了实现平面二次包络 环面蜗轮的数控加工,必须对蜗轮进行精确数字化造型。

  • Conclusion It is an effective way to cure complicated tibiofibula fracture with the toroid clamp stand which does not affect the disposal of surrounded soft tissues .

    结论 环形式外固定支架具有稳定骨折,不影响软组织的 外科处理,骨折局部血供恢复 ,相邻 关节功能恢复好,是治疗复杂胫腓骨骨折的有效方法。

  • As the weight ratio increased DNA was condensed gradually . When the ratio was close to the optimal ratio the complexes assumed a toroid-like shape . If the ratio was further enhanced the complexes appeared dispersed toroid or globules .

    随着质量比的增大,DNA逐渐被缩合,接近最佳复合比时,复合物的形态开始倾向于呈环状;再继续增大质量比,复合物呈分散的 环状或球形。

  • As a novel micro-cavity Planar Toroid Micro-cavities support batch production using MEMS fabrication technology .

    作为一种新型光学微腔,平面 环形微腔利用MEMS工艺可实现其大规模集成和批量加工。

  • It discussed the information model of planar double-enveloping toroid worm gear drive and simulated the machining using 5-axis NC machine tool .

    提出了平面二 蜗杆副的信息模型,实现了平面二包 蜗杆副的五轴联动数控加工仿真。

  • Optimal Design of Planar Double-Enveloping Toroid Worm Based on Equalizing of Grinding Remainder

    基于磨削余量均化的平面包络 环面蜗杆优化设计

  • Research on the wave Impedance and Its Matching in a TE_ ( 10 ) Rectangular waveguide with a Centred Ferrite Toroid

    中间 加载铁氧体 的TE(10)矩形波导的波阻抗和匹配研究

  • Analysis of structural parameters of ring stiffened concave cone - toroid - cylinder combined shell

    加肋凹锥- -柱结合壳结构参数分析

  • Engaging Surfaces Symmetry and Its Application in Plane - Enveloping Toroid Worms

    平面包络 环面蜗杆啮合 齿面的结构特性及其应用

  • Of or relating to or shaped like a toroid ; doughnut shaped .

    属于、关于或形状象 环形环形。

  • Effect of the Opening Size of Ω Shaped Bellows Toroid on the Stresses and Spring Rates

    Ω形波纹管 圆环开口量 对应力和刚度的影响

  • The global and local collision detection and processing in the machining planar double-enveloping toroid worm gear drive using 5-axis NC machine tool was discussed in the dissertation .

    提出了平面二 蜗杆副五轴联动数控加工中全局干涉检测和处理、局部干涉检测和处理的方法;

  • Brand New Technology for Machining Toroid Worm of Single Screw Compressor

    单螺杆压缩机 环面蜗杆副制造新技术

  • Introduction to Protection System of Normal State and Operational Experiments on Superconducting Toroid Magnet of Superconducting Tokamak HT-7 Device

    HT-7超导托卡马克装置超导 磁体失超保护系统及运行经验

  • In this paper formula of equivalent dielectric constant in the central area of a ferrite toroid is presented by use of the energy equivalence method and in coordination with special conditions of latching ferrite phase shifter .

    本文结合剩磁铁氧体移相器的特殊情况,应用能量等效法,得到铁氧体 中心区域的等效介电常数的计算式。

  • A Discreet Model of Planar Double-Enveloping Toroid Worm Gear Based on Numerical Method

    基于数值方法的平面二次包络 蜗轮理论齿面的离散建模