to auction off...


  • A more straightforward plan would be strongly to encourage banks to auction off tranches of toxic assets without providing subsidies to the purchasers .

    一个更直接的计划是大力鼓励银行 拍卖不良资产,但不向收购方提供补贴。

  • It only took him one hour to auction off all the articles .

    他仅仅用了一个小时 这些物品 拍卖

  • He 's decided to auction off his possessions on Ebay .

    他决定在易趣上 拍卖他的财产。

  • So they agreed to auction off it 's a little bit different than a it 's a little different from an ordinary monetary policy .

    所以,他们 同意 财产 拍卖 ,这有一点儿不同于,有一点儿与,普通的货币政策不同。

  • The Internet lurches forward in spasms of business model discovery as when Google figured out how to auction off search-targeted advertising slots leaving banner advertisements behind .

    当互联网在探索商业模式的阵痛中蹒跚前行时,谷歌即已超越横幅广告模式,掌握了 如何 拍卖搜索内容定向广告块的诀窍。

  • But private equity and the growing number of banks doing business in China are all competing for the best talent leading to the phenomenon of serial traders who constantly auction themselves off to the highest bidder .

    然而在中国经营的银行越来越多,他们和私募基金一起争夺最好的人才,甚至出现了一种不断把自己 拍卖给出价最高的银行的连环 现象。

  • So Geary one of the correctional officers wanted to auction the cell off for a couple of months .

    于是,一位狱警,吉尔里就 把他们的囚室 拍卖几个月。

  • Mr Obama wants to auction off rather than give away permits to emit carbon dioxide .

    奥巴马 二氧化碳的排放许可进行 拍卖,而不是采取分发的方式。

  • And he hired us to auction it off for him .

    他雇了我们替他 拍卖

  • To pay for it Mr Obama would raise taxes on the rich and on corporations cut wasteful programmes and auction off permits to emit carbon dioxide .

    为了给这项草案筹集所需资金,奥巴马需要对富人和公司征收更多的税收,消减耗资浪费的政府预案,并 拍卖二氧化碳的排放许可证。

  • As Somali pirates become ever more audacious they are regularly portrayed in the press as vicious aggressors taking innocent people hostage only to auction them off at vast ransoms .

    随着索马里海盗越来越猖獗,媒体经常把他们描绘成 狠毒歹徒:把无辜的人抓为人质, 勒索巨额赎金后才 放人。

  • It may also allow banks to claim that assets remaining on their books after the auction should be priced at the same inflated level as the assets sold off .

    或许银行也可以 因此宣称, 拍卖后它们帐目上未售出的资产,也应以与 已售资产同样虚高的价格定价。

  • The Russian government plans to intensify its investment and development on the upstream market in 2005 particularly oil / gas development in East Siberia and to auction off 38 oil fields in the region .

    俄政府将在2005年加强对上游市场的投资开发,特别是东西伯利亚地区的油气开发,并 准备 拍卖该地区的38个油田。