to back of...


  • She hurried to the kitchen in back of the store .

    赶紧商店 后面的厨房。

  • I put what happened during that game to the back of my mind

    我把比赛期间发生的事情抛诸 脑后

  • I was so badly behaved I was convinced she would be glad to see the back of me .

    我的表现如此差劲,相信她会很 高兴看到我 离开

  • The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month .

    贪污犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被 责令每月 退还部分赃款。

  • After setting the external port configuration type exit twice to back out of the configuration mode of the command line .

    在设置外部端口配置之后,输入exit两次, 退出命令行的配置模式。

  • To the left is a second sensor attached to the back of a solar cell with duct tape .

    左侧是用布基胶带连接 太阳能单元 背后的第二个传感器。

  • It is always futile to try to hold back the progress of history .


  • Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure .

    任何 使历史 倒退 企图都是注定要失败的。

  • We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine .

    我们可以运送物资,努力解决 饥荒中最关键的问题。

  • One way to boost our income is to take back many of the chores we outsourced to others .

    增加收入的一个方法就是 重新捡起我们“外包”给别人的杂事。

  • She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and removing her gloves knelt down washed his little feet and dried them with the towel .

    女士带着小家伙走 商店 后面,拿下手套,蹲下来给他洗脚,然后用毛巾擦干。

  • If you want to back out of your driveway you have to put the car into reverse and press the accelerator .

    如果您 从车道上 倒车出来,则必须挂入倒档,然后踩油门。

  • In the meantime his generals will want to claw back some of their old influence .

    与此同时,他的将军们还 东山再起

  • First card borrowers are starting to pay back less of their outstanding balances each month .

    首先,信用卡借款者每月实际 偿还的金额不断减少。

  • The tree is so big you 'll have to chop back some of the branches .

    这棵树太大了,你 砍掉一些枝条。

  • The Government will have to work hard to win back the confidence of the people

    政府必须勤奋工作 重新赢得人民的信任。

  • Park your car at the service station just around the block from there and walk to the back entrance of the house and then you can talk to Magpie about all this .

    把车停在加油站那儿,只要从那儿绕过那条街走 房子的 后门进去,你就可以跟喜鹊谈所有这一切了。

  • With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room .

    这个乡下女孩羞得下巴抵到了胸前,两眼盯着地面,不情愿地跟着玛格丽特 来到那间昏暗的办公室 后排

  • The straight white part in her ebony hair seemed to divide the back of her head in half .

    她乌黑的头发中有条笔直的白色分缝,仿佛将她的 后脑勺一分为二。

  • By late afternoon Indian commandos had freed another six hostages who were escorted to the back of the Taj into a waiting ambulance .

    到傍晚时分,印度特种部队又解救了6名人质,并把他们护送 泰姬酒店 后面的一辆救护车上。

  • I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place

    我在桌子中间穿行, 来到 后面的角落里。

  • Attach your temperature sensor to the back of a solar cell .

    请将温度传感器放 太阳能单元的 背后

  • The champagne bottle has been pushed to the back of the refrigerator .

    我们已经把 用来庆祝的香槟酒放 冰箱。

  • The laboratory has been advised to hold back any announcement of its findings .

    实验室已得到通知 不要宣布发现的成果。

  • Anyone can make a mistake and a backup gives you the ability to back out of all changes .

    任何人都会出现失误,备份使您能 所有的更改进行 回滚

  • Does it make sense for China to turn back the hands of time ?

    让时间 倒流,这 中国有意义么?

  • Alice dashed to the back of the shack to stashthe bag .

    爱丽斯 跑到小木屋 后面把包藏起来。

  • She raised her hands to the back of her neck
