
[ˈtaɪmkənˌsumɪŋ][taɪm kən'sju:mɪŋ]


  • This allows the app to offload some of the complex and time-consuming processing to Yahoo ! s cloud .

    这允许应用程序减少了某些复杂和 耗时的Yahoo!云处理。

  • But the process is time-consuming .

    但是这个过程很 耗费 时间

  • One is the time-consuming and error-prone tasks associated with manual operation in a huge infrastructure like UCM .

    一个是在巨大的类似UCM这样的基础架构中手工操作时,产生的 耗时和容易出错的问题。

  • There is no time-consuming installation and integration work needed to activate fragment caching .

    激活片断缓存不需要进行 费时的安装和集成工作。

  • This leads to time-consuming maintenance and code modifications and not being able to accurately forecast time and costs .

    这导致维护和代码修改 工作 非常 耗时,并且无法准确预测时间和成本。

  • This can be a time-consuming operation .

    这是一个 耗时的操作。

  • However this was a highly skilled and time-consuming job done only by trained craftsmen .

    然而,这是一件对技巧要求很高、 时间的工作,只能由训练有素的工匠来完成。

  • This is a time-consuming error-prone process that is seldom reproducible .

    这是一个 耗时的又容易犯错的过程,因而这个过程几乎不可重复。

  • Automated collection also reduces the need for time-consuming and expensive manual collection analysis and management .

    自动的收集还减少了对 时间 消耗和昂贵的手工收集、分析和管理的需要。

  • Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by machines .

    有些更 时间的工作现在可以用机器做了。

  • Accelerate analysis of financial information and eliminate time-consuming batch processing .

    加快财务信息的分析和消除 耗时的批处理。

  • This might not be desirable and it makes linking multiple DLLs a time-consuming task .

    这可能并不是所需要的,并且将使得连接多个DLL变成一项 非常 耗时的任务。

  • This piece of work is rather time-consuming .

    这项工作很 费时

  • As any system administrator can tell you managing enterprise users and groups is a time-consuming process .

    任何系统管理员都会告诉您,管理企业用户和组是一个 耗时的过程。

  • Indexing a database can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive activity .

    对数据库建立索引可能是一个 耗时和资源密集型的活动。

  • Manpower to complete these tasks are to be time-consuming laborious and prone to errors and omissions .

    这些工作都以人力来完成将 费时 费力,而且容易出现错误和疏漏。

  • Negotiations would be messy and time-consuming .

    谈判既麻烦又 时间

  • Testing software can be time-consuming and expensive especially as software systems are increasing in scope and complexity .

    测试软件是 非常 耗时和昂贵的,尤其是,当软件系统不断的扩大,复杂度不断增加。

  • It was a time-consuming and fiddly job

    这项工作 耗时费事。

  • In addition training people to understand and consistently apply a classification can be time-consuming .

    此外,培训人们去理解和一致地应用一种分类是 费时的。

  • This process can be time-consuming and exhausting especially when it is applied to a complex problem .

    这个过程可能很 时间、令人疲惫,尤其是在应用到一个复杂的问题上。

  • The test teams and tools teams inevitably have costly and time-consuming disagreements over the tools .

    测试团队和工具团队不可避免地要在工具的成本和 时间 消耗上产生分歧。

  • However in a large system this would be a time-consuming error-prone job .

    但是,在一个更大的系统中,这将很 耗费 时间,并且容易导致错误。

  • Coordinating work across multiple sites and time zones is more time-consuming and costly than for a collocated project .

    跨多个地点和时区的协调工作比集中的项目更 耗费 时间和成本。

  • Unfortunately doing this manually is almost prohibitively expensive and time-consuming .

    不幸的是,手工的进行这一操作在成本上和 时间 消耗上几乎是不可行的。

  • The most time-consuming portion of this process is analyzing the assessment and response regarding potential hazards identified .

    这个过程中最 耗时的部分就是对识别的潜在的危险进行分析评估和反馈。

  • The time-consuming work and production losses usually associated with aligning are eliminated .

    通常和校准联系在一起的 耗时工作和产品损失现象可以被消除。

  • This is because the deletion of a composite application might be time-consuming .

    这是因为一个复合应用程序的删除可能是 耗时的。

  • To avoid this expensive and time-consuming process they now can use an electronic file management system .

    为避免这种昂贵 费时的过程,他们现在可以使用的电子文件管理系统。

  • Starting a new business however small is a time-consuming exercise .

    创办一家新企业,不管多小,都是件 旷日持久的事。