tilt angle


  • This shift is proportional to the tilt angle and is a function of the tank area and tank spacing .

    重心的偏移量与 倾斜 成正比,并且是容器面积和容器之间距离的函数。

  • The tilt angle of the body and the resulting wheel-load difference must be countered by using servo motors at the front and rear axle .

    必须在前后轴使用伺服电机,以此抵消车身 斜角及由此导致的车轮负载差异。

  • Optimization of the Tilt Angle of Solar Collectors Based on Forecast of Solar Irradiation

    基于辐射预测的太阳能 平面 接收器 安装 角度优化

  • Stability Analysis and Anti-dumping and Anti-slipping Measures on Greater Tilt Angle Mining Face


  • Study of Personalized Optimum Tilt Angle of Flat Solar Receivers

    个性化的平面太阳能接收器件最优 安装 角度研究

  • The Research in Large Tilt Angle Coal Seam Mining of Its Plank Moving and Controlling ; gyroscopic bank and pitch indicator

    倾角 开采采场顶板控制的研究陀螺倾斜及俯仰指示器

  • The height data of laser measurement were also linear fitted using the least-squares method and tilt angle was obtained from the gradient of the linear fitted data .

    高度数据的激光测量装置也采用线性最小二乘法和 倾斜 角度是从梯度的线性拟合数据。

  • Using multiple-beam we need not measure the tilt angle of Moire fringe but record the position of the object when sharpness of the fringe is the best .

    该法无需测量莫尔条纹 ,而是记录条纹对比度最好时试件的位置。

  • The results show that the ground effects play a very important role in the thrust coefficient and blade lateral tilt angle .

    结果表明,在地面 出现的 飞行条件下,与无地面效应的 情形相比,旋翼拉力和侧 倾角有显著变化。

  • A method of determining the optimum tilt angle of fixed PV arrays based on CAD method is presented .

    介绍了一种计算机辅助下的选取固定式光伏阵列最佳 倾角的CAD计算方法。

  • It is widely applied to the field of construction machinery which needs to measure tilt angle and has some advantages such as convenient installation stability and reliability and so on .

    可广泛用于工程机械领域需要测量设备及其部件 倾斜 角度的场合,具备产品安装方便、性能稳定可靠等显著特点。

  • The startup performance temperature uniformity of the flat heat pipe radiator and the effects on the thermal characteristics of the heat load and tilt angle in natural convection are analyzed .

    在自然对流冷却条件 ,分析了平板热管散热器的启动特性、均温特性以及通电电流、 倾角对其传热性能的影响。

  • Methods CT scanning with tilt angle was performed in86 patients of normal sacroiliac joint .

    方法分析近两年86例患者的正常 关节CT资料。

  • In the measurements the focal lengths of positive and negative lens are determined by the tilt angle of the Moire fringe .

    在测量中,根据莫尔条纹的 斜角确定正、负透镜的焦距。

  • The clearness of the steel balls was related with the tilt angle of ruler . A great tilt angle resulted in blurring of the steel balls .

    直尺上钢珠的清晰度与直尺的 倾斜 角度有关,倾角过大即可产生模糊。

  • However for small tilt angle the laser and phase shifting measurement agree closely .

    然而,小 倾角的激光和相移测量同意密切。

  • The curves between the speed tilt angle and the error are derived by multivariable fitting .

    用多变量拟合的方法得到了速度和 倾角与误差之间的拟合曲线。

  • Tilt Angle Error Model of Inertial Navigation System

    惯性导航系统 水平 误差计算机辅助分析与建模

  • The maximum tilt angle of the image is0.002 radian ;

    实验表明,图像旋转过程中允许的最大 倾斜 角度为0.002弧度;

  • The sensor can not only measures the static tilt angle but restrains the acceleration interference in dynamical status .

    该传感器不仅能够进行静态 倾角测量,而且能够抗动态情况下加速度对摆式 倾角传感器的干扰。

  • This ( paper ) presented a parameter estimation technique of polar tilt angle and azimuthal orientation angle of BAM images according to the variations of analyzer angles .

    利用检偏角的变化,对布儒斯特显微镜(BAM)图像像素点所代表分子簇的极化 倾角和取向方位角进行了参数估计。

  • The experimental results show that the new actuator can achieve small tilt angel and the tilt angle is linear with the current of the coils .

    实验证明,该四维力矩器可实现小角度偏转,并且 倾角与线圈电流之间具有良好的线性关系。

  • Unbiased Crank and Rocker Mechanism with 90 ° Tilt Angle and Its Application

    90° 无偏置曲柄摇杆机构及其应用

  • The relations of systemic resolution to subdivision number grating period magnifying power and tilt angle are theoretically discussed and experimentally checked on the Abbe comparator .

    从理论上分析了系统分辨力与细分数、光栅周期、放大率和 倾角参数的关系,并通过实验在阿贝比长仪上进行了检验。

  • Research on optimal tilt angle of fixed PV panel

    固定式太阳能光伏板最佳 倾角设计方法研究

  • Posterior tilt angle was increscent and part epiphyseal line was narrow inside and wide outside for 7 cases .


  • The system can effectively and continuously measure the boom 's rotation angle and tilt angle and the force exerted on the supporting leg when there are certain loads on the boom .

    该系统能够有效连续地测量车辆在吊臂或支臂承载一定载荷时的臂架旋转角度和 倾斜 角度以及支腿的受力情况。

  • The measure theories and methods of tilt angle and face angle are introduced combining with the composing principle and design of the transmitter of No-dig navigating instrument .

    结合非开挖导航仪器中探头部分的整体构成原理与设计,介绍了 倾角、具面向角等关键技术参数的检测原理与方法。

  • Rill cut and fill method Application of low caving coal hydraulic support in thick coal seam with large tilt angle

    倾斜分层充填采煤法低位放顶煤液压支架在大 倾角厚煤层中的应用