thin membrane

[θɪn ˈmɛmˌbren][θin ˈmemˌbreɪn]

[计] 薄膜

  • It appears as a white thin translucent membrane with a character similar to rice paper .

    它是一 具有与宣纸相似特性的白色半透明 薄膜

  • The membrane edibility for packing taking the natural edibility material as raw material such as polysaccharide protein and so on then increase plasticizer and crosslinking agent forms the thin membrane through the different intermolecular interaction .

    可食性包装膜是以天然可食性物质(如多糖、蛋白质等)为原料,添加增塑剂、交联剂质,通过不同分子间的相互作用而形成的 薄膜

  • Kinetics study of TiO_2 thin membrane prepared by liquid deposition production

    液相沉积法制备TiO2 薄膜的动力学研究

  • River bottoms are low land because the crust is weak at those points sinking and thus as a thin membrane is more prone to vibrate than a thick crust .

    由于地壳在这些点很脆弱,下沉,河底较低,而 薄薄 薄膜比厚重的岩层更容易振动。

  • The Supramolecular Self - assemble of Polymer on Ultra - thin Membrane and Interface

    高分子在 超薄 及界面上的超分子自组织

  • In 12 cases of non-NS with hematuria diffuse thin basement membrane ( DTBM ) was observed in 4 cases .

    12例伴血尿的非NS中4例肾小球基底 弥漫性变 (DTBM)。

  • Experimental study on live bacteria counting culture method using thin membrane filtration back-injection incubator


  • Expressions of type ⅳ collagen α chains in basement membranes of thin basement membrane nephritis

    基底 肾病患者基底膜Ⅳ型胶原α链的表达

  • After implanting into dog dorsal muscle for 15 months a thin fibrous membrane that wrapped HA / TCP implant was still observed obviously .

    HA/TCP多孔陶瓷植入狗背部肌内15月后,植入体为一 的纤维结缔组织 包裹。

  • Thin membrane nephropathy : 27 cases

    基底 肾病27例研究

  • Ultrastructural observation and analysis of thin basement membrane nephropathy

    基底 肾病超微结构观察与分析

  • A thin membrane of translucent gelatin used over stage lights for color effects .

    为了色彩效果,用半透明的凝胶蒙在舞台的灯上面而 形成的一种 薄膜

  • The contraption held small plates of cattle blood and other substance that were covered by a thin membrane to mimic skin .

    这种精密的装置里放了几小盘牛血和其他物质,上面盖有模仿皮肤的 薄膜

  • A microbial sensor consisting of thin membrane which was prepared by using Bacillus cereus cells ( isolated from active sludge ) immobilized in synthetic polymers and oxygen electrode combined with the sensor were used for the estimation of BOD .

    本研究将从淀粉厂活性污泥中分离筛选出的一种性能优良的腊状芽孢杆菌(Bacilluscereus)用高分子等材料包埋制成 薄膜,与氧电极组合成BOD传感器。

  • Nano - particle membrane is divided into thick membrane and thin membrane .

    纳米粒子膜分为厚膜与 薄膜

  • An elasto plastic stress analysis for the thin membrane of vacuum chamber

    真空室 薄膜 结构弹塑性应力分析

  • Linkage analysis of three families with autosomal dominant thin basement membrane nephropathy

    常染色体显性的 基底 肾病的基因连锁分析

  • The capacitance breaking model stable time of the oil-water thin liquid membrane built by vacuum residue fractions from Daqing ( DQ ) and Iranian ( IL ) crude oils were studied by bi-layer lipid membrane ( BLM ) method .

    采用双分子类脂膜实验装置研究了大庆减压渣油与伊朗轻质减压渣油馏分的油-水 液膜的 电容(膜厚度)、排液-破裂方式、膜稳定时间(膜寿命)。

  • In the medicine tablet or the capsule surface the macromolecular material for pharmaceutical coating can form very thin elastic membrane which could be dissolved under a certain pH value time or position in person body .

    高分子包衣材料可以在药物片剂或胶囊表面形成坚韧的 极薄的弹性 ,在口服一定时间或作用于一定部位时,尤其是在一定pH值下崩解,具有控释作用、保护作用。

  • Each human being is composed of a series of images folded into infinite layers and contained within a thin membrane .

    每个人都是由一系列戏剧般的形象组成,这些形象层层叠加,直至无穷,最终包裹在无限小的 薄膜当中。

  • The wall was assumed to be an incompressible super-elastic thin membrane with penetrability for inside fluid .

    该模型中假设细胞内物质为不可压缩液体,细胞壁为不可压缩超弹性 薄膜

  • Research on Specific Heat of Silicon Nitride Thin Membrane

    Si3N4微尺度 薄膜比热特性测量研究

  • The skin consists of two layers separated By a thin memBrane .

    皮肤是由两层组成,中间隔着一片 薄膜

  • Starch adsorption or starch adsorption combining with thin membrane filtration are used to eliminate the action of bacteria inhibition of drugs containing iodine and the results are satisfied .

    本文采用淀粉吸附或淀粉吸附与 薄膜过滤相结合的方法排除其抑菌作用,收到了较好的效果。

  • The tympanic membrane is a thin epithelial membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear .

    鼓膜是一 上皮。 薄膜,它将外耳与中耳分开。

  • The tomatillo is covered with a thin membrane or calyx that is a brownish orange color with purple veins .

    树蕃茄或花苞是用一个 稀薄 被盖,那是一种褐色橙色颜色与紫色静脉。

  • The fabrication of PDMS electrophoresis microchip based on MEMS technology is reported . The microchip is composed of glass substrate with integrated electrodes a PDMS thin membrane and PDMS wafer with microchannel network .

    介绍了一种基于MEMS技术的PDMS电泳微芯片,该芯片主要由三部分组成:集成了高压电极的玻璃基底、PDMS 薄膜以及刻有微流路的PDMS板。

  • The key technology for CO_2 recovery & membrane reactor in the future coal gasification power plants has been presented and through electroless plating a thin composite membrane with stable structure being obtained .

    介绍未来煤气化电站中CO2回收的关键技术&膜分离反应器,并通过无电镀法制得 且结构稳定的复合

  • Effect of doping la ~ ( 3 + ) and substrates type on the photocatalytic activity of nanometer tio_2 thin membrane

    La~(3+)掺杂及载体类型对纳米TiO2 薄膜光催化活性的影响

  • The results showed that minimal change glomerulopathy thin basement membrane nephropathy Alport 's syndrome and early stage of membranous nephropathy could be given the definite diagnosis by electron microscopic observation in the case of renal biopsies from children .

    结果表明:在小儿肾活检病例中,通过电镜检查可对微小病变性肾小球病、 基底 肾病、Alport综合征、早期膜性肾病等做出明确诊断;